Chapter 17: Its Settled

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You were sitting on the couch, Remus sitting next to you with his arm around you, James and Sirius sitting on the floor in front of you and Peter on a chair across the room. You were all laughing at something James had said.  Plates of eaten cookies and empty pints of ice cream littered the floor along with bottles of soda. You were finally smiling and laughing, it took hours to get your mind off of what Severus did today.

“Thank you guys for doing this. It means a lot. I shouldn’t  be this upset, we weren’t even together anymore. We were on a break, I thought we were going to get back together, or maybe I thought we both kind of silently decided we’d wait for each other but I guess he thought differently.” You told the boys. “I don’t understand how you’re so okay with this. You’ve been obsessed with Lily for years.” You said looking at James. 

“I know apparently we were both fooled.” James answered calmly. 

“It’s all just so strange. It seemed to come out of nowhere.” You sighed. “Oh well, time to move on I guess. I am kind of mad that I didn't get to go to Hogsmead for the first time today.” 

“It’s only Saturday, we can all go tomorrow.” Sirius suggested. 

“Yeah I need to go to HoneyDukes. I’m running low on chocolate.” Remus added which made you chuckle. 

“What would you do without your chocolate?” You teased. 

“Oh, I’d go through the worst withdrawal and would most likely become a full fledged werewolf before the full moon set in the sky.” He chuckled, making the rest of you laugh. 

“I’d love to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow.” You told them.

A few more minutes passed and the conversation shifted to something else. James and Sirius were fooling around and you were all laughing at them. You and Remus sat there throwing popcorn at them out of the bowl that sat on both of your laps. You took a piece and instead of throwing it at James and Sirius you threw it at Remus. 

“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He laughed, throwing a handful at you. You gasped and took the entire bowl and dumped it over his head. He grabbed your sides and started tickling you. Between you laughing and thrashing in his arms and James and Sirius wrestling on the floor no one heard the common room door open. The sound of a throat being cleared caught all your attention as you looked to see the 4 people standing in the doorway. Severus for some reason looked genuinely hurt and for a moment you couldn’t figure out why until you saw the position you and Remus were in. He was basically laying over you and you were both panting from the laughing you were doing. But why did you care if he was hurt? He hurt you. 

“What are you all doing here? This is not your common room.” James snarled, getting to his feet along with Sirius who noticed Severus’ eyes on you the whole time.

“Don’t look at her. You have no business looking at her, you have no business being here after what you did.” Sirius yelled at Severus.

“He hasn’t done anything and you know it. This was all your doing.” Lucius spat at the trio.

“What are you all doing here?” You asked, getting off the couch and walking towards the group, making sure not to make eye contact with Severus. 

“Y/N, I did not kiss Lily, not willingly you have to believe me. I would never do that to you. I told you that you were the one I wanted, that I would never give up on you and that was true.” Severus pleaded for you to believe him. 

“Severus, I saw you. I watched you, it didn’t look like she was forcing you. You kissed her and you know what I have no right to be mad at you. We are not together, we were on a break and I guess I thought that we were still exclusive to one another but I was wrong. We aren’t together, you have every right to be with Lily if that’s what you want but don’t you dare lie to me. I stood by you, I fought for you, I defended you so if you don’t wanna be with me fine but don’t lie. I deserve more than that.” 

PROHIBITED! (Young Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now