Chapter 3: 20 Questions

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Severus had quickly left the room, disappearing from sight the moment your feet hit the hallway. You looked left and right but he managed to just evaporate it seemed. Well he knew the way around the school a lot better than you did so it would make a lot of sense that he would know faster routes or even secret passages. After all, your brother and his friends did.  

You skipped going to dinner all together that night. You were too tired to sit there and pretend to eat so you decided to wander around a little more before you went to meet Snape. 

You started to see everyone leave the great hall as you sat by the tree waiting for Severus. You didn’t realize how pretty the castle was at night. All the windows lit up, the hallways aglow. There hadn’t been anyone walking out of the great hall for a couple minutes now. You were worried maybe Severus blew you off.  

“I see you’re here early.”  You heard a deep voice from behind you.  “Didn’t you go eat?” He noticed how thin you were, he himself has had many instances where he didn’t eat. Whether he just didn’t want to or he was busy studying and forgot. He knew what being starved looked like.  

“I wasn’t hungry.”  You lied. He raised his eyebrow and you knew that he knew you were lying. You just weren’t sure how he knew. “Anyway let’s start working on this assignment before my brother starts to worry.”  

“Ah yes. Potter.”  He sneered. 

“You know he’s still my brother right?”

“Yes, and you realize that doesn’t mean I have to like him or you?”  He was so confusing. First he was neutral, almost sweet then it was just like he shut everything off and started being a dick.  

“You don’t have to be so rude to me, you know. I haven’t done anything to you, just because you and my brother don’t get along doesn’t mean you need to take it out on me.”  You huffed.  He looked at you for a moment as if he was trying to see through you. As if he was debating something.

“You’re right. But if I find out you're in on any of his pranks or if you start messing with me.” 

“Severus I won't, I promise. I have no ill will towards you. I’m your partner and maybe after we find out more about each other we can be friends. My brother may have told me to stay away from you but I don’t care. You seem nice and even though you’ve been a little rude, you haven’t hurt me in any way.” You clarified, wanting to get your intentions with him out in the open.

“Why are you so determined to get to know me?”  He finally sat beside you under the tree.

“The short honest answer. My brother told me to stay away from you, he said you were trouble and I don’t believe him. I want to get to know you for myself… People care complex, I refuse to believe that people fall into only one of two categories. Good or bad, there’s a little of each in all of us. Sometimes it just takes the right person to show us how good we can be.”  

“And what, you think you’re my person? The person to show me that there’s some good in me? That I can be more than just some evil slytherin. You’re as conceited as your brother.”  He scoffed.

“I think you just need someone who believes in you more than you believe in yourself.”  You both stared at each other a little longer than you should have.  “Let’s get started on these questions.” 

“Alright first one. What is your partner's favorite thing about potions?”  He read the question aloud.  “Well?”  

“Hm, I like being able to take simple ingredients and make something out of them.”  You told him and he wrote it down.  “What about you?”

PROHIBITED! (Young Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now