1 - Farewell old 'Friend'

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Paintbrush gripped their knife tightly, dragging it across the wall whilst humming a small tune to themself. The scraping of the knife against the wall made it difficult for them to think. All they needed to do was get the little detective. Thats all they needed. Then they could go back with their plan. They began to pass by their room, when they stopped. A door opened, and Fan came out, "Oh, hey Paintbr..." Fan paused, staring at them. Something was wrong, and he knew it. "Hello Fan..." They whispered, bringing their knife closer to them. Fan felt a shiver run down his spine, he backed up closer to the door, holding his phone tightly. "There isn't any point in hiding it. I'll just kill you afterwards." Paintbrush started. "I'm the murderer." They smiled. Fan felt his heart drop to his stomach. "No.. That.. That can't be right. You.. You were hurt, why would you-" "I set them up. I faked it all, and all it took was a little sob story, and a knife. How easy." They said, holding the knife close to them. Fan could feel his breathing quicken, he felt a sudden urge to run. And so he did.

Paintbrush murdered Trophy.

Paintbrush murdered Knife

Paintbrush murdered The Cherries...

and... Test Tube...

Fan's pace slowed, all he could feel, was anger. The same anger he should have used a long time ago. The same anger, that he could have stopped the murders with. Tears welled up in his eyes as he went to the livingroom. It was in a state of panic at this point, Balloon was trying his best to calm everyone down.

Fan headed to Balloon's side. "Fan! You're okay! Thank the stars, YinYang wasn't the murderer-" "I know. I was right a long time ago. I should have killed them when I had the chance." Fan muttered. "No, you shouldn't have, that would've made you as bad as them. I just need to keep everyone calm until the cops get here, Salt called them a few minutes ago, they should be here soon." Balloon told him. Fan nodded slightly. "I'll go get a weapon just incase. I ran into the murderer before I got here and.. They aren't okay." He said, then quickly headed to a storage room. There was a large amount of things that could be used in self defense, but he grabbed a bat. It was less lethal than the others.

He quickly headed back, then looked around. Sighing in relief. Paintbrush hadn't gotten to them yet.

A few minutes passed, and the room fell silent. The bone-chilling sound of something scraping against the wall was heard. It grew louder and louder, growing closer and closer every single step. Fan gripped the bat he held tightly, readying himself if he ever needed to swing. He glanced at Balloon, somewhat telling him to get everyone out of this room immediately. Balloon's face shifted into worry, but he quickly and quietly guided everyone out of the livingroom and into hiding. A few more minutes passed, and the sound stopped. Fan paused, trying to listen more. "Ah.. There you are..." Paintbrush sang. They entered the room and flipped their knife with a smile. "Stay right where you are Paintbrush. I won't let you hurt another person." Fan told them. Paintbrush let out a small chuckle, which soon turned into a loud laugh. "You really think, that YOU, can stop me? Come on Fan. You know better than that. You're made out of paper!" Paintbrush said, taking a step forward. "STAY BACK." Fan screamed, adjusting his grip on the bat. The taller object broke into a laughing fit. "You think 'Stay back!' will stop me? I've killed 4 people. From Trophy, to your stupid little girlfriend. Nothing, will stop me now. I will make every single one of you face the pain I feel. None of you will-" They were cut off by Fan smashing the bat into their face. "She isnt stupid! She was amazing! She was better than you!" He yelled, repeatedly smashing the bat into Paintbrush, not giving them a chance to breath.

Fan shakily dropped the bat and stepped back from Paintbrush. They were a bloody mess, but still alive. Tears fell from his eyes, were they going to die? He didn't want them to die. "Paintbrush..?" He asked shakily. Their chest slowly rose and fell. He carefully got closer to them, trying to see if they were okay. Suddenly, Paintbrush's breathing quickened, as they grabbed their knife and stabbed Fan in the leg, earning a scream of pain from him in return. He scurried away from them, backing into a wall and gripping his leg. He could faintly hear sirens approaching. "Game over, Fan. Go join your Test Tube in the afterlife. I'm sure she would love to see you." Paintbrush smiled, grabbing the bat from the floor and raising it above them. "No.." Fan gulped, ripping the knife from his leg. "Its game over for you." He muttered. The sirens had stopped getting closer, they were as close as they could be. The police rushed inside, and quickly pinned Paintbrush down, earning loud screams off resistance from them. Fan sighed to himself, relaxing onto the wall. He stared at his leg and winced in pain.

"Sir? Sir are you okay?!" An officer asked, "My leg isn't, but I am. I'll be okay." Fan told the officer.

Paintbrush's screaming had stopped, they were silent. Small sobs came from them as they realized what they had done. They had stopped trying to resist, they knew that they couldn't change the future. Fan carefully got up and walked to them. "You're an awful person. If you ever come back to hurt us again, I will kill you with my own two hands." He whispered to them. They gritted their teeth, tears slowly falling from their eyes as they stared at the ground. Fan scoffed and slowly walked off.

"Fan! Oh my god- Your leg!" Balloon panicked, "I'll be fine. I just need to.. Get it patched up." Fan told him. Balloon nodded shakily, "Here, I'll take you to the Infirmary!" Balloon said, helping Fan steady himself and guiding him to the Infirmary.



new story! yay! anyways this wont be posted until tuesday, so, yeah. ignore this i lied its just gonna come out whenever

ill also start putting dates on these! basically stating when they were written n stuff. theyll stop after chapter 5 or smth idek

this chapter was written on Thursday, March 31st, 2022.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i sure as hell did 😇😇

anyways look at the art i did for this chapter

anyways look at the art i did for this chapter

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the first one doesnt have the write subtitles but wjayever it doesnt matter

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the first one doesnt have the write subtitles but wjayever it doesnt matter

the other images are for later ignore them/j

i dont care if you ignore them or not just know they are a little spoilery for what i have in store

this stuff is also all in my art book

ill be posting art in there

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