17 - The Brightest Bulb in the Shed

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Fan carefully woke up, he still couldn't hear anything but he didn't care anymore. He couldn't let it delay his work. He got up and stumbled before regaining his balance and heading down to Test Tube's lab. He needed to work on the syrum.

He grabbed the ingredients and began to put them together, remaking the syrum. He needed to revive Lightbulb.

He finished making it after a few minutes, then put some of it into a syringe, then headed to the elevator.

Test Tube saw Fan heading to the elevator. "Fan? Fan what are you doing?!" She yelled, chasing after him and grabbing his shoulder. He was freezing. Fan turned around to look at her, his eyes stared into space. Test Tube stared at the syrum in his hands, "No— Fan you can't be up right now." She said to him. "I need to do this." Fan said quietly, then pulled away and entered the elevator, it closed immediately behind him. Test Tube quickly banged on the elevator door, but it didn't work. Fan had his mind set on it.

"Test Tube? Whats going o—" "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN SORRY OJ!" Test Tube yelled, then quickly began to run up the stairs to the top floor.


"Oh jeez... My head is all.. Ow." Lightbulb groaned, holding her head. "Lightbulb!" Fan smiled, her eyes had opened, so he knew she was alive. "Hey Fan! How ya doin'?" She asked, flicking finger-guns at him. He didn't respond. "Fan? Yoohoo~?" She tilted her head. "I can't understand you.. Sorry Lightbulb." He said. "Hmm.. Did you lose your hearing? Oh wait—" She paused, then began to sign something. 'How are you doing?' She signed. His eyes lit up in joy. She remembered.

"I'm doing good!" he said, happily wrapping his arms around her in joy. She smiled to herself, hugging him back.

The door slammed open, "Fan!" Test Tube yelled. Lightbulb looked up and waved. "You... You're alive.." She muttered, looking Lightbulb up and down. "Fan brought me back, I think he needed me. We did learn ASL together." She shrugged. "He.. Of course! I forgot all about that." Test Tube hit her forhead with the palm of her hand and dragged it down.

Fan pulled away from the hug and turned around, "Oh! Hi Test Tube!" He smiled. Test Tube slightly smiled and waved. Lightbulb winced a small bit and grabbed her head, "Jeez.. I've got a splitting headache." She muttered. "That's because some of your head is missing." Test Tube said. "Haha! You're so funny Testy." Lightbulb laughed.

Test Tube's expression didn't change. "Oh.. Omgah.. You're serious?!" She asked, grabbing her head. "Yeah... You were playing volleyball with.. Paintbrush. And then you..." Test Tube paused. "Oh jeez... Paintbrush! Where is Paintbrush? I bet they're super worried." Lightbulb said, standing up and helping Fan up.

"They.. They were the murderer. They killed me too. Your death was an accident though, their reaction to it was... It was terrible." Test Tube muttered. Lightbulb held her stomach, she felt sick. Fan placed a hand on her shoulder, he could read the room. He knew it was about Paintbrush. "They... They wouldn't do that. Nononono..." Lightbulb cried. Her eyes watered and she shook as she tried not to cry. "Lightbulb it's alright! I.. OJ invited over the nurse taking care of them a few days ago, I can see if he can do it again!" Test Tube offered. Lightbulb rubbed her eyes, "Really?! I'll get to see Painty again soon then!" Lightbulb cheered. Test Tube sighed, then nodded. As long as Lightbulb was happy for now, she didn't have to say anything.


Lightbulb and Fan sat quietly on the couch, talking to eachother through sign language. It was the happiest Fan had been since he lost his hearing, he was definitely happy, but with someone to easily talk to, it made him happier.

Knife and Pickle sat near them, trying to beat eachother in another videogame. Their yelling didn't really bother the people next to them.

OJ came into the livingroom to scold Knife and Pickle for being so loud. "Jeez.. You two need to start quieting down." OJ said, placing a hand on his head. "Hi OJ!" Lightbulb waved. "Hi Lightbulb." OJ waved back. It took him a second to actually realize what happened. "Wait a second... Lightbulb?!" He yelped.

Knife let out a small laugh at OJ, it was funny to see him shocked. "Jesus. When did you come back? Are you alright??" OJ asked. "I'm fine OJ! Better than ever really, say, when do you think Paintbrush will come back?" Lightbulb asked. "Hopefully never." Knife scoffed. "Be nice." Pickle whispered.

"Well... They should be back sometime this month or next month, depending on how they do. Thats what Their nurse told me." OJ told her. Lightbulb frowned. "Thats what Test Tube said." She mumbled. She was participating in two conversations at once, a silent one, and the one with OJ. "Speaking of the nurse, can I meet them?! I wanna know how Paintbrush is doing!" Lightbulb smiled.

OJ sighed. "I'll set up a meeting." He mumbled, then left to set up a meeting with Sy.

Lightbulb smiled to herself and continued her conversation with Fan. It was exciting to finally be back. And it was even better to be able to see her friend again someday soon.


"So if you were an animal, what animal would you—" Sy paused as their phone rang. "Oh— I'm sorry Paintbrush, I'll be right back I just need to take this call." They said. Paintbrush nodded and began to draw. Sy had brought them coloring utensils earlier, which made them super happy.

Sy got up and headed outside of Paintbrush's room, then answered the phone.

"Hello?" Xey asked. "Sy! Its OJ, erm, you know how when you came her Test Tube said Lightbulb wasn't here?" OJ asked. "Yeah, I remember that." They nodded. "Well. She's back now. And she wanted to meet you, mainly because you're Paintbrush's nurse." he mumbled that last part. Sy smiled to themself, "Yeah. I can come to the hotel whenever Paintbrush goes to sleep. It might take a few hours, its only 2 after all." They shrugged. "Alright! Thank you Sy! I'll see you soon." Then OJ hung up. Sy put away their phone and went back inside the room.



lightbulb's back!

anyways now fan has someone to talk to, yaaaay !

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