29 - Lovesick

578 21 86

A week had passed, Paintbrush was settling in a lot better than anyone had thought they would, but they stayed away from anyone that they harmed.  They didn't want to hurt anyone again.

Paper had spent a lot of time with OJ lately, he liked helping OJ! And also OJ wanted to make sure that Paper wouldn't get hurt again.

But Paper WAS hurt, or he thought so. For a while, he had this burning pain in his chest whenever he was around OJ, it became more manageable, but it never disappeared. It clinged onto the back of his mind, he wanted to be close to OJ, he wanted to be the one thing that OJ thought about on the daily.

His heart ached, he wanted to be held by OJ. He hated admiting it, it felt selfish, but he wanted to be more than 'just friends' with OJ.

Paper daydreamed about the type of feelings he would experience if him and OJ got closer, but he knew it would never happen. OJ probably wasnt—

"Paper! Are you listening?" OJ asked, waving his hand in front of Paper to wake him up. "Ah—! I'm sorry! I spaced out again!" Paper quickly apologized, his face clearly glowing a bright red. OJ sighed, "Maybe you need some rest. You've been spacing out a lot lately." OJ said, "No—No need! I'm perfectly fine OJ!" Paper said, shaking his hands somewhat.

"Your face is red too.. Jeez, did you catch a cold or something..?" OJ asked, "I— I erm... Well—" "No need to explain, come on, you need to get to bed, you'll feel a lot better afterwards!" OJ said, taking Paper's hand and bringing him to his room. Paper felt butterflies fly around in his stomach, causing a nervous smile to form on his face as it heated up even more, he felt like if his face burned even brighter he would burst into flames.

Paper never wanted to let go of OJ's hand, but he soon had to. "Alright Paper, you get some rest, I'll come back up here in an hour to check on you." OJ said, guiding Paper to his bed and carefully letting go of it.

Paper sat down on the bed, "I'm sure I'm fine OJ! You don't have to worry!" Paper said, "I do have to worry! If there is any chance that you are sick while you're working, you won't get better at all." OJ told him, Paper sighed softly, then nodded, scooting back on his bed. "I'll see you in an hour." OJ said, then he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Paper quickly fell onto the pillows, placing a single hand on his chest and the other to feel his face.

His heart was racing, his face was burning, he felt nauseous, but in a good way. He loved it, he loved how OJ made him feel. OJ was so sweet, he was an amazing friend, but maybe OJ was right.

Maybe Paper was just sick and needed rest.

Paper closed his eyes, steadying his breathing, and letting himself fall into a slow, calming sleep.


Paper woke up a few hours later, he felt really well rested. He sat up and stretched, completely forgetting about his feelings for just a moment.

A few minutes later, OJ walked into the room. "Ah! Hey Paper!" OJ waved. Paper waved back slightly, "Are you feeling any better?" OJ asked, walking next to Paper's bed and sitting on it next to him.

"I am.. I think." Paper mumbled, he felt his face, it was a little warm, but not as warm. OJ hummed, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get a thermometer." OJ said, standing up and beginning to leave. Paper wanted him to stay, opening his mouth to tell him how he felt, but immediately shut it after OJ left. He quietly groaned to himself, he didn't know how to express his feelings to OJ, but it would have to happen someday.


OJ left the room, quickly smacking his face a couple of times to keep himself calm. He didn't understand it at all, Paper was his best friend! He couldn't LIKE him, could he?

||OLD|| R E V I V A L (a Finger Paintings Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now