18 - Lasagna

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Sy carefully shuffled their way out of the sleeping Paintbrush's grasp. Paintbrush had lately started to fall asleep easier when holding something or being held my someone. But atleast they slept. Sy stood up, carefully making sure that Paintbrush wasn't uncomfortable, and then grabbed Xeir things and left to their car.

The hotel was somewhat close, which was good, because it gave Sy more time to chat.

It didn't take long to get to the hotel, Sy got out of the car and rang the doorbell, it was easy. Seconds later the door opened, but instead of OJ opening it, it was someone else. "Hello!! You must be Sy! I'm Lightbulb!" Lightbulb greeted, taking Sy's hand and quickly shaking it. Sy nodded and laughed quietly, "It's very nice to meet you. I've heard very good things about you from Paintbrush." Sy said.

"Come in! Don't mind Knife and Pickle, they're always like this." Lightbulb said, letting go of Sy's hand and gesturing xem inside. "Thank you, is.. OJ here? He was the one who called me-" "He's cooking! I can take you to him! But I've got a few questions about Painty before I do." Lightbulb said, her smile fading. Sy gulped a small bit, then nodded. "I'll answer anything you hAVE-" Sy couldn't finish their question as they were dragged away to Lightbulb's room.

Lightbulb's grip on Sy's hand kept growing, it started to hurt. Sy winced before they were stopped.

"Why did you do it?" Lightbulb whispered. "What do you me-" "Why did you take Painty away from me?!" She yelled. Angry tears fell from her eyes as she stared daggers into Sy's eyes. Sy could feel their heart sink. "Bring them back." Lightbulb sobbed. "I'm... I'm sorry Lightbulb. I can't, not yet." Sy said quietly. They knew that it hurt Lightbulb, but xey couldn't do it. They couldn't bring back Paintbrush just yet. "Then when? When can you bring them back?! I don't wanna wait a month!" Lightbulb cried. "I miss them.." She added, holding her stomach. Sy gently placed a hand on Lightbulb's shoulder, "I'll try to bring them back soon." They told her. Lightbulb nodded, wiping her eyes and putting on a smile. "Thank you." She said quietly. "Your welcome." They nodded.


"Ah! Welcome back to the hotel Sy! Glad to have you back!" OJ said, he was standing by the oven, looking into the window every now and again. "Hello OJ!" Sy smiled. "So... Why did you call me here?" They asked carefully. "Well. Lightbulb and Test Tube both wanted to talk to you, I don't know where Test Tube is though.." OJ mumbled. "Ooh! I know! Testy's probably in her lab thingy." Lightbulb said, raising her arm like a little schoolgirl. OJ nodded, "Do you think you could go get her for me?" he asked her. Lightbulb nodded and skipped out of the hotel, heading to the Dr. Fizz vending machine outside.

"Did.. That Dr. Fizz machine just-" "Suck her up? Yeah. Thats normal around here." OJ said, preparing a few plates for the people in the hotel. "Are you hungry? I can get you a plate! I'm making Lasagna." OJ said with a smile. "Oh- Nono its fine, I really shouldn't." Sy laughed. "Nonsense. I'll get you a plate." OJ said, he wasn't backing down. Sy smiled lightly and thanked OJ, then went to sit down on the couch.

They sat farther away from Knife and Pickle, just to not interfere with their gameplay. They were both yelling at eachother over who was gonna win. "Come on Knife! Go easy on me!" Pickle yelled, "No way! Just because I love you doesn't mean I'll go easy on you!" Knife grinned, then made a victory noise as he won the game. Sy smiled to themself, xey could tell they were getting along, it was easy to notice. Knife noticed Sy, "Hey! You're the person OJ invited over, right? I'm Knife, thats Pickle. Its nice to meet you." Knife waved. Pickle waved slightly aswell. Sy waved back, "I'm Sy. Or, as some of you know me as, Paintbrush's nurse." Sy said. They expected a bad reaction, everyone in this hotel knew a.. Different side of Paintbrush. One Sy had never seen in their life.

"Ah. Well, I'm one of their victims. Can't use my legs anymore because of them." Knife scoffed. "Oh.. I'm, really sorry about that." Sy said sadly. They clutched their stomach, Paintbrush did that? They shook their head. Paintbrush was changing. What they did shouldn't define them anymore. They're better now. They're a lot better now.

Suddenly, smoke filled the air. "SORRY!" OJ yelled through his coughs. He quickly ran to a window and opened it to air the smoke out. Sy covered their mouth as they got up to help out. "What happened?!" They asked. "Overcooked the Lasagna-" OJ said, pulling it out and putting it somewhere that wouldn't burn. "I'm so sorry about that Sy-" OJ was cut off by Sy bursting out into laughter. They held their stomach and head, it was hilarious. "What's so funny?" OJ asked. "Everything! It was all so.. Unexpected!" They said through xeir laughter. OJ couldn't help but let out a bit of laughter aswell.

Things were nice. Everything seemed happier.


"So.. You're telling me that Paintbrush talks to you every single day, and hasn't said a thing about who they hurt??" Test Tube asked. Sy nodded. "It's a touchy subject with them, I can't force them to tell me, so I had no idea about who they hurt! All I knew up until now was that they hurt around 4 people." Sy said sadly. Test Tube hummed to herself. "Well. Luckily for you, by the time Paintbrush comes back, hopefully, everyone will be back." She stated, standing up. "Is.. Is that all you needed?" Sy asked carefully. "Oh! One more thing, Lightbulb didn't want to ask this herself, so I'll ask it for you. She wanted to know if we can visit Paintbrush." She asked. "Oh. Hm.. That's, actually a good question. I'm not so sure myself. I could ask my boss about it and then get back to you!" Sy offered. "Thats good enough for me, thank you for your time." Test Tube said. Sy nodded. "I'll.. Be leaving now, Paintbrush should be waking up soon." They said, getting up and grabbing their bags. "It was nice having you." Test Tube said. "Oh! You're leaving so soon? Well, I'll see you next time Sy!" OJ waved, he was cleaning up all of the leftovers. Sy waved, then left.

They had a few questions for Paintbrush afterall.



oh shit things are getting intense

anyways that lasagna post was actually about this chapter dont let oj make it ever you all will probably die

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