23 - Day 3

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OJ impatiently tapped his foot on the ground as he waited for Fan, "Where is he?? He said he'd be here an hour ago!" He complained. "Calm down OJ, you know how busy Fan has been lately. Maybe we could go look for—" "OJ!" Fan cried, quickly running into OJ's arms like a small child. "Fan! There you are! What ha—" "It's the Cherries! I tried to bring them back but one of them won't come back and I can't tell Yinyang because if I do tell them they'll get mad and I don't want them to get mad at me!" Fan cried, he was trembling. OJ glanced over at Paper, it was all unexpected. What was he supposed to do?

"Fan you've gotta slow down, what happened?" Paper asked, carefully rubbing his back. "The right Cherry. He won't move." Fan said, he was trying so hard not to burst out into tears. His voice quivered. He knew he did something wrong. "I stayed with them all night! I wanted to bring him back but he wouldn't move." Fan cried, holding his stomach. He couldn't hold it back anymore, he cried. He wouldn't stop crying at all.

All Paper and OJ could do was try to comfort him.


"Do you think this is normal for them?" Cake Pop asked, standing next to Paintbrush's passed out body. "I don't think it's normal for anybody." Lampshade said. Ice Cream had kept a distance from the limp body, "Well atleast they aren't dead! Probably." Cake Pop said, then she kicked Paintbrush in the side, earning a yelp and Paintbrush quickly sitting up.

"What the fuck was that for?!" They asked. "Hey! You aren't dead!" Lampshade said. "Dead??? Of course I'm not dead! I was sleeping!" Paintbrush said. "Sleeping? More like you passed out on the spot and fell the the floor." Cake Pop muttered with a small laugh. "Whatever, don't kick me." Paintbrush muttered, getting up and heading to their corner to continue their rest.

"Dang. Wanna go play cards?" Cake Pop asked. "Sure! Let's go get Icey." Lampshade said, they both ran off to get Ice Cream.


The door opened as Sy and Journal walked inside. "Good morning you four! I hope you had a nice rest and...." Sy paused, then counted to themself. "Where... Where is Paintbrush?" Sy asked, a hint of panic showing up in their voice. "They aren't in their corner?" Lampshade asked, looking over to where Paintbrush used to be. Cake Pop had covered her mouth as to not laugh. There was clearly something planned.

Sy held their head, "nononononono You guys this isn't funny! Where is Paintbrush?!" Sy yelled. Suddenly, a pair of hand grabbed Sy. "Boo!" Paintbrush yelled, earning a loud scream from Sy. "Oh— Jesus christ.. Don't do that!" Sy said, holding their head. Paintbrush laughed, "Sorry Sy." They smiled. Sy took a deep breath, "It's alright." They said quietly. Cake Pop couldn't handle herself, she immediately burst out into a laughing fit. It was hilarious to her.

"Alright, Sy is going to watch you three while I go get your breakfast." Journal said. "Wait what? I thought you said I was gonna do it!" Sy said. Journal hummed with a fake smile. "I did say that. But I lied. I'll be back." Journal said, then left. Sy frowned and closed the door behind Journal.

Ice Cream, Cake Pop, and Lampshade were all talking to eachother in a circle.

Paintbrush stayed with Sy, they felt more comfortable around their nurse than they did with the other patients. They liked the other patients, but they couldn't stay around them for too long without getting annoyed.

They hoped that this didn't mean trouble in the near future.


"Paintbrush...! Paaaaintbrush!" A voice called, Paintbrush groaned, holding their arms closer to them. "PAINTBRUSH!" The voice yelled. Paintbrush jolted awake, breathing heavily. "Stop, DOING THAT!" They screamed, the room lit up with a large fire forming, but only for a moment. It dissapeared after only a second. The other patients stared at them in shock, fear, a lot of emotions were put through the room.

Mutters of fear came from Ice Cream's corner, he was terrified. The fire flashed through his memory, he held his head and cried, small sobs filled the air. The small sound of pitter pattering filled the air as someone ran to Ice Cream.

The room was dark. But Paintbrush knew they fucked up. "Your.. Your hair.." Cake Pop whispered. "It was on fire? I know." Paintbrush muttered, pushing themself against the wall to keep themself away from the others. "All because I was angry! Go on, get away from me. I know you want to." They said quietly, holding their knees to their chest.

The slow patter of someone walking away filled their mind. They hated it. The quiet sobs soon turned into loud ones, Ice Cream was terrified.

It was only a small flash, not harmful at all. But it was terrifying. Nobody wanted it to happen ever again, they were all cautious. If it ever happened again..

That could mean danger for them all.




probably !

anyways i love talking about my characters to my friends and they just send me this stuff its so funny

i love it

(this totally isnt me trying to get you guys to talk to me what psssh naaah why would i do that Little Maxie#8288 )

anyways enjoy the new chapter i love them <333

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