3 - Sewing lessons

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"Do you think OJ knows where the bodies are? It would be a lot of help." Fan said, following the instructions on the papers. "Well.. Yeah, he put them somewhere nobody except for me, Suitcase, him, and probably Paper know about." Balloon admitted. "Really?! Can you take me to them?!" Fan asked quickly, putting down his work. Balloon jumped in surprise, "You.. Want to see it?" Balloon gulped. "It will only take a moment! I'll be quick! I just... Need to see what I'm working with... And her. I need to see her." Fan said, his voice cracking slightly. Balloon let out a small sigh, then nodded. Fan's eyes lit up with joy as he threw himself onto Balloon, "Thank you thank you thank you!" he repeated. Balloon was stunned for a moment before he hugged Fan back.


The ride up the elevator was silent, impatient tapping of the foot could be heard from Fan as he waited for the elevator to come to a stop. "I can't come with you into the room, dead bodies make me a little... Uneasy.." Balloon said. "That's fine, you've helped me enough, I just need to return the favor." Fan said, letting out a small sigh. Balloon smiled sadly.

The elevator dinged, making Fan perk his head up as the elevator door opened. He hastily stepped out of the elevator, glancing at Balloon, who was trying his best not to panic. "Which room is it?" Fan asked. "Uhm.. I think its the one at the very end of the corridor." Balloon said carefully. Fan nodded and began his search, Balloon followed after a few minutes.

The smell of rotting bodies filled the air as they got closer, Fan stopped outside of the door as the stench became as strong as it could be. "I'm going to stay— Stay out here.. I can't handle these.." Balloon said, pausing inbetween words as to not gag. "Alright, I'll make this quick." Fan said, taking a deep breath and opened the door.

He could feel his heart begin to crack as he saw them. Every single one of them, laid neatly across the ground.

Trophy, stained with his coffee, and missing his left arm.

Knife, missing all of his limbs. Paintbrush was disgusting for this.

Test Tube. "I'm sorry." Fan muttered to himself.

The Cherries, laid gently next to eachother, no longer connected.

And Lightbulb. Shattered in the head, and passed with a smile.

He felt terrible, he couldn't save any of them.

He looked around the room, and there it was. In the corner, was all the evidence. Knife's limbs, bloodied paintings, and bloodied knives.

He had an idea, it wasn't an easy idea, but it was an idea.

He picked up the limbs and placed them near Knife, he would come back later. He then left the room, "I'm back. We can leave now." Fan smiled, placing a hand on Balloon's shoulder. Balloon flinched, bur nodded and headed back to the elevator with Fan following close behind.


Fan waited for nighttime to come, he said a farewell to his friend as he went back to his room. Then he closed the door and waited.

He scrolled through his phone, he never finished his 'break' from his blog. If his followers didn't know any better, it would he safe to assume he had died. Fan took a deep breath to himself. "Just a few more minutes." he said, getting up and opening the door to the lab. Then opened the door to the room and left, heading upstairs and back to the bodies.


Fan opened the door to the bodies. He stared at Test Tube's body, it was lifeless. She wasn't even glowing anymore.

Tears stung his eyes but he quickly wiped them, he needed to test out what he was working on before he tried to bring back her. If it messed up on the first try, it wouldn't bring her back.

He collected Knife and his sparated limbs, then headed back to Test Tube's room.


"Its gotta be around here somewhERE—" Fan yelped out of fear as he almost fell onto his work, he quickly caught himself, taking a deep breath, then continued his search. Knife's body was neatly laid on the counter, his limbs where they should be, but not attatched.

Fan found what he was looking for, a needle and thread. He was never good with sewing, but it was his time to learn.

He took the needle, and put the thread inside of it, carefully guiding its way into the corpse. He started with the legs, if anything went wrong the usage of legs wouldn't be too important, right?

He steadily got better with his thread-work, and finished sewing the limbs to the body, tying the thread together and cutting it off. "Done." he muttered, rubbing his eyes. He stared at his hands, they were bloodied from the body, and from how many times he had accidentally stabbed himself with a needle.

Fan sat down and laid his head on a table. "A little.... Nap wont hurt..." he mumbled to himself inbetween yawns, then slowly fell asleep.


Balloon sat up from his bed, stretching and letting out a soft yawn. "Mmm..." he muttered. He got up and rubbed his eyes, then checked the time.

It was around 7 am, Fan wasn't normally up at this time, but a lot of other people were. Balloon left his room and headed to the livingroom to see who was up.

Only 6 people who were gone, but the hotel felt less lively without them.

Trophy fought with everyone, which brought the loudness to the hotel.

Knife played games with Pickle, which resulted in screaming matches over a level.

Test Tube, Lightbulb, and Paintbrush were always together talking, they always had conversations on the couch.

And The Cherries kept YinYang in line.

Without those 6 the hotel just felt...


Balloon shook away the negativity, everything would go back to normal soon enough. Hopefully.

Balloon headed to the kitchen, Paper, OJ, and Soap were there, talking about what they should make. "Good morning Balloon!" OJ greeted. Balloon waved slightly, "Good morning." he smiled.

Maybe today would be a good day after all.


A few more hours passed, and Fan still hadn't come out to the livingroom. Was he okay? Balloon got up and decided to check on him, something bad could have happened.

He headed to Test Tube's room, and knocked on the door. "Fan? Are you in there...?" Balloon asked carefully. No response. He frowned slightly, then opened the door, looking around. Nobody was in there.

The only thing in the room was the open door to the lab, wasn't that something that was supposed to be closed? He shook it off and headed down to him, immediately having to look away from the counter as there was a corpse on it.

Soft snoring could be heard from a table. Balloon peeked up to look, "Oh.. Hes asleep." He mumbled. Balloon headed upstairs to grab a blanket, then went back to Fan and covered him in it.

"Sleep well." Balloon whispered, with everything that had happened recently, he deserved rest.



this chapter was written on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022

i love balloon hes so <333333

balloon and fan >>>>> your favorite duo/j

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