21 - Day 1

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A month passed, it was a quick month. OJ, Lightbulb, Fan, Test Tube, and occasionally Balloon, would come every single day. Until they didn't. Paintbrush sat at the door, eagerly waiting for the door to swing open and for them to get tackled down by Lightbulb. But it never came. They sat in silence for what felt like hours. They hated it.

Sy walked into the room, "Alright Paintbrush, time for your— Oh jeez.. I forgot to tell you. I'm so sorry.. You wont be able to see them for a week." Sy said, Paintbrush stared at them. "Thats.. That's not fair! I don't want to be alone!" Paintbrush cried. "You won't be alone! You'll just.. You won't be able to see them. I'll be with you the whole time though!" Sy said. "Promise..?" Paintbrush asked.

"Promise." Sy smiled.


Paintbrush and Sy walked down the hallways, heading to Paintbrush's new shared room. They hated this, they didn't want to be in a room full of people they didn't know. If this was going to be anything like the cafeteria, the would love to stay in the mental hospital by themself for as long as they could.

"We're here! You'll be meeting around 3 new people, 4 if you count the nurse. Just letting you know, the other nurses aren't as nice as I am. They'll... Hurt you. Try not to get on their bad side." Sy warned, then opened the door and stepped inside. It was a bigger room than Paintbrush's old one. "Ah. There you are. Took you long enough." A hardcover composition notebook scoffed. "Hm. You must be Paintbrush. I'm going to be helping you, along with Sy. My name is Journal. Come on in." Journal said. Paintbrush gulped and shakily walked in, holding their stomach. Sy glared at Journal and followed Paintbrush.

Paintbrush sat down in a corner by themself, they hated this already. It wasn't that many people, but it was enough to freak them out. Sy gave them their paper, "I'll be right back. I need to have a talk with Journal." Sy said with a smile, but it was easy to tell she disliked the other nurse. Paintbrush nodded and took the papers, starting to draw. Sy left and headed to Journal.

As Paintbrush began to draw, one of the objects came up to them. "Hey there! My name is Cake Pop! Don't mind our nurse, shes a little.. Mean sometimes. The other two in here are Lampshade, I just call them Lamp, and Ice Cream! You can call him Icey, its easier to remember. Plus, it just sounds like his initials!" The object said. Paintbrush just stared at her, they hated this. "You're too loud." they mumbled, bringing their knees to their chest. "Don't think like that! Come on! The other's are waiting for us, we're talking about why we're here!" Cake Pop said, carefully nudging Paintbrush to stand up and pushing them over to Lampshade and Ice Cream.

"Welcome back C.Pop!" Lampshade waved carefully with their legs. "Heyoo! I brought the newcomer with me! Their name is... Uh... I never actually caught it, whats your name?" Cake Pop asked. "...Paintbrush...." Paintbrush answered, they rubbed their elbow farefully. "Alright Painty—" Paintbrush grabbed Cake Pop's stick. "Dont. Call me that." They told her, staring daggers into her eyes. Cake Pop gulped and nodded, Paintbrush dropped her and carefully sat down, holding their stomach and tracing their cracks.

"Well, hmmm... Who wants to tell their story first?" Cake Pop asked. "I'll go first!" Lampshade said. "My friends were worried about me, they decided that because of my mental health issues I should come here. I.. Also may or may not have tried to.. You know.. Commit? Its all in the past now though! I'm getting better!" Lampshade said with a smile. Cake Pop nodded, "Thats kinda similar to me. I tried that too, but it actually worked. Only for a moment though. I also see things that aren't truly there when I'm alone. I haven't seen them in a while though." Cake Pop said. "Thats because Icey follows you around all day!" Lampshade laughed. "Speaking of.. Icey, do you know why your here?" Lampshade asked. He shook his head carefully, "Just.. Fire..." He muttered, his voice shaking in fear. "Hm.. Well, you are kinda flammable. So I understand that. What about you, Paintbrush?" Cake Pop asked.

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