6 - Insane

671 19 42

Paintbrush stared at the sobbing body underneath them, they couldn't control themself. They got angry again. They stared at their hands, bloodied.

"no..nono i didn't mean to im sorry.." They repeated, holding their head. They traced the cracks on their face as they could feel themself being pulled away by a nurse. Screaming filled their head. They began to come back to their senses, they could feel tears flow down their face, were they going to get hurt again?

They felt the nurse stop dragging them, "Hey, Paintbrush, are you okay?" The nurse asked. "I... I don't know.. I didn't mean it I swear.. I don't want to hurt them.." They cried out. The nurse came back to them with a damp cloth, "Let me see your hands." She said, holding out one of her hands. They carefully placed their hand in hers and let her clean it off.

"I know you can't control it, so don't freak out. But we're going to have to move you to a different room again." She told them, taking their other hand and cleaning that one aswell. "I'm sorry.. It just happens! They.. It tells me to do things I don't want to do." Paintbrush muttered. "That's why we're moving you to another room. You won't be able to hurt anyone there." She said, putting the towel away. Paintbrush stared at their hands, then moved them to their face to trace the cracks on it. "Leave them alone. They won't heal if you keep touching them." The nurse scolded, grabbing bandages and placing them on their face and body. "Sorry." They said quietly, holding their elbows.

"Come on, I'll take you to your new room." The nurse said. Paintbrush nodded and followed her out of the room.

They could feel everyone's eyes on them as they followed the nurse. It terrified them. They knew what they did wrong, why did everyone stare?

"We're here." Said the nurse, Paintbrush looked up into the room, "Its.. Empty." Paintbrush said. "Exactly." The nurse said, "You'll be staying by yourself, that way you can't hurt anyone." She added. Paintbrush nodded quietly, then went into the room. The door slammed shut as they flinched, "Wait— nononONNO DONT LEAVE ME IN HERE PLEASE—" They screamed, the turned around and banged on the door, they began to cry, hiccups escaping them. "pleasepleaseplease..." They cried, falling to their knees. The banging turned into silent knocking. "let me out..." They cried. They placed their forehead on the door, their chest shakily rising and falling. "I'm sorry..." They choked out, scooting away from the door and leaning against the wall.



this one is shorter, but i did enjoy writing this

i hope you like it 🤞🤞

no more dates because im just gonna start posting these whenever

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