9 - Announcement

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Fan had decided to leave Knife alone, it was really late at night at the time, so there wasn't any point in trying. He needed to announce everything to everyone before he tried to do anything either way.

Fan laid on Test Tube's bed in silence, checking the time every now and then.

5 A.M.







6 A.M.







7 A.M.







Everyone was awake by now. He decided that now would be a good time to start discussing things with OJ. He got up from the bed and grabbed his phone, then left the room to find OJ.

Fan looked around the hotel, it was around the starting time for breakfast, so the kitchen was Fan's first choice. "Oh! You're up early Fan. Good morning! Breakfast isn't fully done yet but your free to have whatever is already ready." OJ said, carefully cracking eggs into a pan. "No thanks, do you have a moment? It can wait for whenever your done here but its a little important." Fan said. OJ nodded, "Yeah! I'll be done in a moment!" He said, scrambling the eggs and placing them into a large plate, perfect for serving. "Okay!" Fan smiled. "You should eat something, I don't think you've had anything for a while." OJ said, putting the used pans into the sink and running the water to let it sit. "I'll be fine, I'm not too hungry." Fan said, followed by his stomach grumbling. OJ laughed quietly, "I'll fix you a plate." OJ said.


"You wanna tell them now?!" OJ asked. "Mhm. Its going to get out sooner or later, so it would be better if it was sooner. And I may or may not have already told someone.." Fan muttered. "Oh Jeez.. Alright, we can tell them. When do you wanna do it?" OJ asked Fan, standing up from his seat. "Now. It has to happen now." Fan stated. OJ paused, then nodded slightly. "I'll go get everyone. You can tell Knife and Pickle what's going on." OJ told him. Fan nodded, then got up and headed to Pickle's room.


Knife carefully yawned himself awake, unsure of where he was in his sleepy haze. He slowly looked around, then realized. He was righy next to Pickle.

His face heated up, but he didn't move an inch. He stayed where he was, not wanting to wake the other object.

His attempt at keeping Pickle asleep, however, completely failed, when Fan came into the room.

Knife quickly shut his eyes, just to listen.

"Jeez.. You couldn't have been more quiet?" Pickle asked with a small laugh. "Sorry about that, but I've got something to tell you both, is Knife awake yet?" Fan asked. "I don't think so, let him rest. He's probably still really tired." Pickle said. Fan nodded, "Alright, could you tell him everything when he wakes up?" He asked. "Yeah, what do you need?"

Fan began to explain the announcement that would happen in a few minutes. Pickle nodded every now and then, making sure to remember all of it. Fan left after explaining, and Pickle didn't lay back down. Instead, he gently shook Knife awake. Knife groaned quietly, he didn't want to get up just yet. "Knife, Fan just gave us some news, we don't have to hide you anymore!" Pickle said with a smile.

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