24 - Day 4

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Hi! Just a warning, this chapter is, really bad. Like really really bad.

It contains attempted suicide, so if you are not comfortable with that please immediately stop reading and skip to the next chapter.

thank you :)


"Journal!! Wake up! We're gonna be late!" Sy yelled, banging on Journal's office, "I am awake! Give me a minute, I lost my glasses!" Journal yelled out. "oh jesus christ HURRY UP!" Sy said, then left to the patients room. They were all most likely already awake, so they needed to be there for the patients.

They opened the door and let out a small sigh, "Sorry I'm late you four! How are you all— Is something wrong..?" Sy asked, stepping inside and closing the door. "There... Was a slight issue that caused a fire. And Icey hasn't calmed down since last night." Lampshade said. They didn't say who caused it, but Sy immediately knew that Paintbrush must have gotten angry again. "Oh jeez... I see what happened. Alright, you three go back to what you were doing. I'll see what caused it." Sy told them, then walked over to Paintbrush and sat next to them.

"Are you alright?" Sy asked, keeping their voice low and soft. Paintbrush shook their head,tears threatened their eyes as they traced their scars. The scars had healed somewhat, but something told Paintbrush that they wouldn't heal all the way, and that their vision would never recover. "I.. I know you can't control your flames, but maybe I could help you control your anger?" Sy offered. Paintbrush nodded slightly, wiping their eyes so they didn't cry. Sy gently placed a hand on Paintbrush's back to comfort them. "You can let it out now. I know you don't mean to hurt people. It's gonna be alright." Sy told them, their voice almost a whisper. Paintbrush shook, letting tears fall from their eyes. They didn't mean to scare Ice Cream, they didn't mean to scare anyone.
They just wanted to go home.


Ice Cream had finally calmed down after a few hours, immediately passing out after all his panicked crying. Journal was watching the patients while Sy went out to do something.

"Do you think they could kill us..?" Cake Pop asked Lampshade, glancing over at Paintbrush in a pointing manner. "No. They can't. It would be impossible for them to kill us with the nurse's always watching." Lampshade said. "Okay.. But what about when we're sleeping?!" She asked, Lampshade put a foot on her mouth, "You're gonna give us away!" They whisper-yelled. She smiled, "Sorry!" She apologized quietly. Lampshade sighed. "We've only got 3 days with them. We should try to make the most out of it. And.. We should try to apologize. I don't think they can control their fire hair thingy." They told Cake Pop. She nodded, "Alright, lets do that then!" She said, standing up. "Wh— Now?!" "What better time to do things than the moment you think of them?" She grinned, pushing Lampshade up to a standing position. "Come on Lampy! Lets go!" She skipped off. Lampshade groaned then quickly followed her. This wouldn't take them too long.


Fan stared at the cupboards above him, looking at the contents inside.

Headache pills.

Pain pills.


He knew it was wrong to think about things like this, especially with how much of his work had failed. He tried, so desperately hard to save everyone. That he forgot about himself. He forgot that he needed to save time for himself, and that the hotel's well-being didn't just depend on him. It depended on everyone else aswell. Everyone else needed to try to keep themself stable. But none of them did. Fan was the one who kept everyone stable. He hated it. He hated everything.

He knew that life wouldn't fix itself if he tried, he knew that nothing would be the same if he just took the poison from the shelf and drank all of it at once.

He knew that if he dropped dead on the floor right now, the hotel would fall apart.

So he didn't. The thought itched the back of his mind, pulling him back to that same cupboard, calling out to him. Every single second that passed caused him to long for the sweet release of death. But he couldn't do that. He couldn't bare to watch as the people he cared about and the people who cared about him cried over his death.

Test Tube, she would never get over it, she would want to bring him back but be to terrified by it. Just like how he was terrified.

OJ, he was like a father to Fan, of course he would be heartbroken to see the person he saw as a son stripped away from him in just a split second.

Paper, they never talked much, but they had a close relationship, they were like family.

Lightbulb, she would be heartbroken aswell. She was brought back from the dead by someone who would inevitably die themself one day.

And.. Paintbrush. Paintbrush had 3 more days before they came back. They wouldn't know anything about his death until they came home. And they would feel as if it was their fault, and they were the one who murdered Fan.

Once more, Fan was brought back to that dreaded cupboard, it called his name, begging for him to come closer and take the contents from the inside. It begged for him to take the poison and use it on himself.

It begged for him to end it all, right where he was. Standing right there in his partner's lab.

Fan shook, tears threatened to spill from his eyes. He carefully opened the cupboard, and took the poison out, staring at the label.

It would kill him if he drank the whole bottle. He would immediately drop to the ground, unresponsive. Would the syrum he drank save him? Most likely not. Poison was strong. Especially a whole bottle of it. He twisted the cap off, it was easier than he had expected. It looked like it was already used.

Memories came flooding back, the screaming and crying of Paintbrush, who had just taken the life of a poor, unsuspecting soul. This was the murder weapon that killed Knife.

The thoughts grew louder as the bottle inched closer and closer to his mouth. Itching for him to get the sweet taste of poison.

But instead of drinking it, he dropped it. Someone came into the room.

"Fan, I'm back from the.... Fan.." Test Tube muttered, staring at her partner, there was poison at his feet, spilling onto the marble floor. Her heart sank. He stared at her, fear filling his eyes.

"No... You weren't gonna.. Tell me this is a joke Fan. Please.. I need to.." Test Tube slightly held her stomach, Fan couldn't take it anymore, he fell to his knees and broke out into sobs. Test Tube covered her mouth as she carefully walked to her lover, who was on the floor in a puddle of poison. If she had walked in a second later, he would be on the floor, next to an empty poison bottle.

"Fan.. Please... Why would you...?" She didn't finish her sentence, tears stung at her eyes, holding her partner's hands. "I'm sorry.. I couldn't take this anymore.." He sobbed out. Test Tube pulled him into a hug, she was terrified. Fan was seconds away from suicide.

"I'm....I'm s-so sorry.." He choked out, leaning into the hug and tightly hugging her. Test Tube couldn't respond, she hated that Fan would even think about something like this. But she understood. She understood how hard it was for him, bringing people back from the dead only to find out something went wrong. It pained her. Because she knew that if he hadn't brought her back at all, his fate would have been much worse.




you fuckers have had too much fluff im tired of it/lh /j

so take this angst for the road!

cry about it.

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