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"Test Tube hurry up! Me and Fan are already ready!" Lightbulb yelled, banging on Test Tube's door. "Be patient! I'm almost done!" Test Tube yelled. Shuffling could be heard from inside. "Hurry up or I'm telling OJ to leave you!" Lightbulb said. Fan was playing on his phone, he couldn't hear anything but he could still enjoy most videos on YouTube, they had closed captions!

Test Tube finally came out of her room, "There you are! Come on lets go!" Lightbulb said, she tapped Fan on the shoulder and told him that it was time to go. He nodded and got up, following them outside. OJ was already in the car.

"Jeez. Took you three long enough." OJ said. Lightbulb smiled, "I call shotgun!" She yelled, quickly hopping into the passenger seat. Test Tube rolled her eyes and opened the door for Fan. He stepped inside the car and carefully buckled himself in. Test Tube followed him and closed the door. Fan didn't want to go, the last time he saw Paintbrush wasn't good. He almost killed them!

The car started and they were on their way to the mental hospital. Fan was shaking the whole way, he was terrified. Test Tube held his hand on the way there, she knew that Fan was scared, she wasn't sure why, since she wasn't there at the time. But she knew that he was worried.

The car stopped after a while, "We're here!" OJ announced. Lightbulb quickly hopped out of the car, Fan, Test Tube, and OJ all following close after. Test Tube and Lightbulb were eager to see Paintbrush again, both for different reasons. Lightbulb wanted to see her friend again, chat, and just get into all sorts of trouble like they used to. Test Tube wanted to wack Paintbrush on the back of the head and tell them to never do what they did ever again.

Fan and OJ were both somewhat wary about this, both of them had someone they loved hurt by Paintbrush.

OJ stepped inside first, looking around to see where he was supposed to go. A lady at the front waved at him and gestured for their group to come to her, and so they did.

"Hello! My name is Sandy, how can I help you today?" She asked. "We're here to visit someone, their name is Paintbrush." OJ said. "Ah, yes, they're here. Please wait right over there, and I'll call down their nurse." Sandy said. OJ nodded, "Thank you!" He said, then headed to a sitting area and sat down. Test Tube and Lightbulb chatted about what they were going to do, and Fan sat in silence.

He hadn't told anyone that his hearing had gotten better, the explosion didn't destroy it completely. It was just... Distant. Everyone felt like they were whispering, even though he knew they were talking normally. But he could understand them better.

They waited for a few minutes, then OJ could see the familiar face of Sy heading down towards them. "Hey guys! I'll take you down to Paintbrush's room now. They're waiting for you." Sy smiled, everyone stood up, then followed Sy down to Paintbrush's room. Lightbulb was practically running, she was super excited. Sy opened the door to Paintbrush's room and Lightbulb sped inside.

"PAINTY!!" She yelled, quickly jumping onto her friend. Paintbrush yelped in suprise, then fell to the floor, tightly hugging their friend. OJ stood off to the side, and so did Fan. Test Tube had sat down next to Lightbulb and Paintbrush. You could easily hear Paintbrush's apologies, they hated what they had done.

"You aren't gonna go talk to them?" OJ asked Fan. Fan glanced at OJ then shook his head. "They.. They hurt her, how could she stand to be anywhere near them..?" Fan asked, quietly holding his arms. OJ put a hand on Fan's shoulder, "It's alright. They hurt someone I loved too, but they're okay now. It's going to he okay. We can't forget, but we can try to forgive." OJ said with a smile. Fan smiled back and nodded, then paused. "Wait.. They hurt someone you loved? But the only people... PAPER?—" Fan asked, OJ quickly covered his mouth, "THATS ENOUGH OF YOU!" He laughed. Paintbrush looked over in their direction, and paused slightly, tracing their scars.

Fan paused, and OJ gestured him forward. "They wont bite. From what I've heard, they've gotten a lot better." OJ said. "I can't.. I threatened them.. I told them that if they ever came back I would kill them." Fan said, he was shaking. OJ paused, "Alright. I won't force you. But they'll come back to the hotel one day, you can't avoid them forever." OJ said, gently patting Fan's back. "You really are just like a dad." Fan laughed. "That's not a bad thing. Atleast I'm a good one." He shrugged. Fan smiled.



Paintbrush and Lightbulb were drawing and talking to eachother, happily kicking their feet like children. Test Tube had moved over to Fan, and OJ was busy chatting with Sy.

"So your hearing has started to come back?" Test Tube asked. Fan nodded, "Somewhat. It feels like... I'm underwater...?" Fan said, shrugging slightly. "Hm.. This could be a good thing. If you're getting your hearing back, then it might return permanently!" Test Tube said happily. Fan smiled, he was happy to have her back, and to be able to somewhat hear her again.

"Hey you two lovebirds! Come hang out with me and Painty!" Lightbulb said, without waiting for a response, she pulled them both up and dragged them to where Paintbrush was. Fan tried to pull away, he was terrified. But so was Paintbrush. As soon as Lightbulb stopped dragging them, Fan fell to the floor. "Whoops! Sorry Paper!" Lightbulb laughed. "Its fine.. And my name isn't Paper!" Fan said, standing up. Paintbrush stood, carefully keeping their distance. "Paintbrush..?" Fan asked. Paintbrush glanced in his direction.

"I'm sorry."

Paintbrush stood in place, then smiled. "It's alright, I understand that you don't like me." They said. "Nono, its not that. I'm sorry about everything I said to you! I was.. Angry. You hurt Test Tube, and you hurt me. But I'm glad you're getting better." He smiled lightly. Paintbrush felt tears sting their eyes, Fan carefully walked up to Paintbrush and hugged them, they returned the hug.

Lightbulb grinned, it worked!

They began to chat, just like old times. All 4 of them together in a square, just chatting, and not having a care in the world.



i love them

sobs agressivly

||OLD|| R E V I V A L (a Finger Paintings Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now