8 - Emotions

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"Paintbrush? I'm back!" Said a sweet voice, entering the room. Paintbrush looked up from their corner with a sad smile, it was Sy, "Did they listen?" They asked. If you listened closely, their throat was sore. It pained them from crying so long. "They did! But it took a bit of convincing." Sy told them, beginning to take off their small prison. "Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." Paintbrush told them. Sy smiled lightly, and completely removed the straitjacket. Paintbrush felt relief as they stretched their arms, and then hurried to take off the bandages. The cracks helped them. It wasn't exactly a good form of comfort, but it helped. "Did you have to do anything to get this off of me?" Paintbrush asked, tracing their open cracks. "A little bit. They told me to monitor you, take care of you. Basically keep you from hurting anyone else anymore, but I know you can do this. They all see the worst in you, but you've gone through things. Anyone would have bad reactions to their trauma." Sy explained. Paintbrush took a deep breath and began to mess with their hair. "You can't trust your beliefs. I've KILLED people just because I wanted to paint. People are dead because of me." Paintbrush told them. Sy stared in disbelief, then sighed. "If you really think you can't change, then you're wrong. Everyone changes." They told Paintbrush, then looked at the time. "Oh! Jeez! I'll be right back I have to go get your food." Sy said, quickly getting up and running out of the room. Paintbrush sat by themself in a corner. Someone trusted them, it wasnt supposed to happen. Paintbrush couldn't let themself get close to Sy. They're just a patient, and Sy is just a nurse.

Paintbrush doesn't want to hurt them. But its going to happen. They know it will.


Fan woke up, breathing heavily. He shot up from the desk he was laying on and grabbed his head and stomach. "I'm alive.." He muttered. "It didn't kill me. I.." He grinned to himself. Something was off, but atleast he wasn't dead. He got up, grabbed his glasses, and then headed up to Test Tube's room, he really needed to stop falling asleep in the lab. It wasn't good for him.

Fan grabbed his phone from the bedside table and checked the time, it was around 5:30. Trophy and Cheesy would be up around this time, Cheesy would tell jokes, and Trophy would hide the fact he enjoyed them. Fan was close to the kitchen and a selectively light sleeper, be only wished he was able to chose what he woke up to. If he could, everything he just mentioned would still be happening. And he would wake up to it, and he would listen. He missed it.

Fan felt his breath shake as he shook away the memories. He needed to check on Knife either way. Knife's legs weren't going to fix themself.

He headed out of his room, quickly covering his mouth when he heard a thump coming from the kitchen. Fan turned around to see Cheesy. "Fan? What are you doing up?" He asked. "Uh... I... Erm... Okay, look, I don't have an excuse and you all are going to find out in the morning either way so I'll just come out and say it." Fan started. "Is this a love confession?" Cheesy laughed quietly. "Wh—What?! No! I'm already dating someone! Its.. Something else.. I may or may not have brought someone back from the dead." He said, fixing his glasses.

Cheesy's mouth curved into a sad smile, his eyes filling with hope. "You.. Who did you bring back?!" He asked quickly. "Knife. I can bring back everyone else but there has been some... Complications." Fan muttered. "So you can bring Trophy back?!" Cheesy asked. "I can, but I've got to—" "Please! Bring him back!" Cheesy begged, clasping his hands together. Fan looked at him, studying his emotions. "I will. Not right now, but soon. I'll bring him back for you." Fan said. Happy tears stung Cheesy's eyes, "Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome."


Knife stared at the ceiling, he couldn't sleep. He carefully closed his eyes and listened to Pickle's breathing. It comforted him, he didn't know why, but it did. There was a soft knock at the door, who could be up at this time? Knife decided to ignore it, hopefully they would come back in the morning. If it was Fan, he could wait. Knife wanted to stay where he was.

The room went silent for a few minutes, Knife sighed to himself and scooted closer to his friend. He couldn't tell if he was asleep or not, but it felt nice to be back. Pickle quickly reacted to Knife's movement, wrapping his arms around him. Knife could feel his heart flutter in excitement, he smiled quietly and carefully embraced him. It made him happy.

His breathing slowed, as he relaxed. The last time he was in someone's arms, he died. But this time, he was safe. He wouldn't be hurt anymore.



this one is shorter than usual, but its my favorite, i love this chapter sm

i will definitely have knickle in this story nobody can stop me i love them too much <333333

anyways paintbrush is making a comeback 🤜🤜

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