27 - Day 7

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Lightbulb woke up extra early, as soon as she felt her body start to wake up she sat up and checked the time, immediately frowning afterwards.

5 am. It was way to early. She was super excited, but she didn't want to be up THIS early.

She got up from her bed and headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottled water and drank around half of it before sitting down on the couch and turning the tv on. It wasn't too loud, definitely not loud enough for her to wake anyone up, but it was loud enough for her to hear.

She decided to watch the past seasons of Inanimate Insanity, just to relive the experiences. She missed her old team, she missed when she was younger.

She finished the first season in just over 2 hours, it was around 7am now. People started to fill the livingroom, and that included OJ.

"OJJJJ.... When are we leaving?!!" Lightbulb complained. "Calm down Lightbulb, they wont be ready for us until 12. We can start leaving at 11:45." OJ said, he was busy cooking alongside Paper. "I wanna go see Painty!" Lightbulb whined. "Lightbulb you're acting like a child. We can go in a few hours. You'll be fine." OJ told her. She whined a little longer, than reluctantly left him alone.

"They're all like children! All little children and I have to take care of them because if I don't this hotel will burst into flames." OJ said, not taking his eyes off the food. Paper laughed a bit at his frustration. "You're super good at taking care of everyone though, I think that dad thing everyone keeps talking about really is affecting you." Paper said, slightly covering his mouth. "Well then, if its a dad they want, its a dad they're going to get." OJ stated, finishing up with the breakfast.

"I don't think you'd want everyone in the hotel calling you 'dad'. Aren't some of them older than you?" Paper asked, helping him set out plates. OJ hummed for a moment, thinking, "I don't think so. I think I'm older than everyone in here." OJ shrugged. He then called everyone down for breakfast, he expected that not all of them would come, but most of them.

Paper smiled to himself, he admired OJ. Not just for being hardworking, but for being able to actually take care of everyone's needs without wanting to shatter. Thats something Paper could never do, he tried to run the complaint desk one time, but he failed miserably.

"Oh, hey, Paper I've got something to ask you." OJ said. "Huh?! Oh! Right, w-what is it OJ?" Paper asked, snapping back into reality. "Do you wanna come with me and Lightbulb to get Paintbrush? I know they kinda.. Hurt you, but I think I'd be nice to get out of the hotel for a bit." OJ offered.

Paper felt his face heat up a small bit as he smiled, then nodded, "Sounds like fun, sure! I'll come with you two." He said. OJ smiled, "Cool! Now to just endure Lightbulb's complaining until we leave." OJ muttered, making himself a cup of coffee and heading to the livingroom.


Paintbrush quickly woke up, Sy and Journal were already in the room, so it was definitely later than they normally woke up. They quickly got up and shuffled over to Sy. "Oh! Good morning Paintbrush! You're just in time, its around 11am, so you'll be leaving here soon." Sy said. Paintbrush looked around the room, it felt.. Empty.

Lampshade was already gone, meaning that Paintbrush just had to keep themself calm for another hour, they'll go home soon.

"You'll.. You'll come with me, right Sy?" Paintbrush asked carefully. Sy frowned slightly, their eyes lowering to the ground. "I'm sorry Paintbrush, the only thing I can do before you leave is take you to OJ." Sy told them. Paintbrush frowned, then nodded. "I'll visit you though! I'll make sure to come see you whenever I can." They told Paintbrush, which caused a small smile to creep up on their face. "Alright!" They said happily, they just needed to stay happy in order to not sabotage their chances of going home.

They took a deep breath in, heading back to their area.

"Today's the day, Paintbrush. You're finally going home."


11:45 hit, Lightbulb hopped up from her seat and ran to OJ, "OJ! IT'S TIME!" She exclaimed, hopping up and down. OJ jumped from the sudden screaming, quickly holding his head. "Alright, alright. Let me go get Paper and then we can leave. You're sitting in the back this time." OJ told her, then walked off.

Lightbulb didn't care about her seating position, infact, she was glad that she was sitting in the back. That would give her more talking time with Paintbrush.

She quickly headed out the door and waited outside of the car for OJ and Paper. It took them a couple of minutes, but they finally came outside. "Took you two long enough! Hurry up!" She said, opening the car door and stepping inside, buckling herself in and bouncing her legs up and down.

Paper and OJ followed soon after, OJ had left Soap in charge, since he trusted her the most. Well, the most after Paper, of course.

OJ started the car and then began the ride to the mental hospital. This wouldn't take too long.


Sy walked back into the small group's room, "Paintbrush? It's your turn now." Sy said. Paintbrush felt a large smile grow on their face, they collected their things, waving goodbye to their friends, and then followed Sy.

Then it all came flooding back. All of the staring, all of the whispers. They had felt amazing when they were in the room with the other three, but now? They hated the hallways. They could feel everyone's eyes on them.

Paintbrush let out a small whimper of fear, Sy glanced at them and offered a hand, which Paintbrush gladly took, the hallway felt long, longer than they remembered. But soon enough, they were in the main lobby.

They scanned the room, trying to look for a familiar face, and there he was. OJ was sitting down, waiting for Paintbrush. Sy gently tugged on their arm, "You ready to go home?" They asked, their voice cracking slightly. Paintbrush nodded quickly, they wanted to get out as soon as possible, without any worry. Sy smiled lightly, though it was clearly a sad smile. Sy was happy for Paintbrush to have gotten better, but xey were sad about having their favorite patient leave within the blink of an eye.

They brought Paintbrush over to where OJ was seated, "I believe this is yours?" Sy asked in a joking manner. "Paintbrush! Its good to see you again." OJ smiled, sitting up from the chair he was seated in. "Is.. Is Lightbulb here..?" Paintbrush asked quietly. "Not in here, but she's in the car. Thank you so much for taking care of Paintbrush, Sy. If you ever need anything, you can call me and I'll try to help out in any way possible." OJ said. Sy smiled, "Thank you OJ, now you two best be heading off soon. I don't think you two need to see me cry." They laughed. Paintbrush quickly turned to Sy and hugged them, they didn't want to leave so soon, but they also did. They would miss Sy a lot. "Thank you so much." Paintbrush whispered, their voice quivering. Sy hugged back, biting xeir lip to keep themself from sobbing.

A few moments passed, and Paintbrush had to go. They waved goodbye to Sy, and left the mental hospital behind for good.



aww fluff <333

i can't ruin it anymore because the story is coming to a close

just a few more chapters and i go on vacation 🤞🤞

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