26 - Day 6

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Paintbrush woke up from their rest, looking around. They were the first one awake. There was only one day left, they just had to get through it without hurting anyone, and then they could go home.

"I'll be back soon." They whispered to themself.

Paintbrush carefully got up and started to pace around the room, they didn't know what to do for the time being. They could try to sleep for the whole day, they could draw and not talk to anyone just to pass the time, the options were unlimited.

They stared at the door, remembering their first time in a quiet room. They hated it. It hurt them, they were terrified.

They traced their scars to help themself calm down. They slightly pushed on the scars, listening to the cracking sound as the cracks reopened. Paintbrush whinced at the pain, holding their face as blood slowly trickled down it.

"Ah.. Fuck..." They mumbled, they wiped the dripping blood off their face before it could hit the floor.

A small groan was heard as someone woke up, Paintbrush quickly tried to get their face to stop bleeding.

"Oh! Paintbrush, you're already awake!" Cake Pop said. "Yeah.." They mumbled, not looking at her. "Are you alright?" She asked, tilting her head. "I'm.. I'm fine." They said quietly, quickly moving to their corner as to not let Cake Pop see their face.

"You're being weird. Are you nervous for tomorrow? We're all going home tomorrow!" Cake Pop said happily. "I'm a little nervous, yeah.. I'm not sure how everyone there will take it. I hurt people. I hurt Lightbulb." They whispered, burying their face into their knees.

Cake Pop frowned slightly, she could hear the hurt in Paintbrush's voice. She carefully walked over to them and sat down next to them. "You didn't mean it, did you?" Cake Pop asked. Paintbrush slightly looked up, "What do you mean..?" they asked. "You didn't mean to hurt this Lightbulb person, right? If you did, you wouldn't be so sad about it." Cake Pop said. Paintbrush paused, then nodded. "I felt terrible when it happened. And I felt even worse when she died a few months later." Paintbrush whispered. "I felt so terrible. I tried to kill people over it. That's what brought me here and got YinYang out. I know they couldn't have gone to jail, everyone thinks it, but if I'm here, then they probably went here before I was caught." Paintbrush admitted.

"But then you realized your wrongdoings, meaning you can change. It's possible, I would know." Cake Pop muttered.

Paintbrush smiled to themself, "Thank you. I needed that." They said, holding their knees close together.

"No problems PB."


Knife covered his face with a pillow, trying to suffocate himself. "You aren't going to be able to hide up here forever, you know. They come back tomorrow." Pickle told Knife. "I know! I know. I just.." Knife paused, removing the pillow and staring at the ceiling above him. "I'm just.. Scared. I guess." He muttered. "They won't do anything to you. From the things I hear Lightbulb say about them, they sound like they've really changed." Pickle said, he was playing a game on his phone. "Yeah. But it could all be an act! You already saw how they acted when we all found out Trophy was dead, they weren't suspected one bit." Knife stated, throwing the palms of his hands onto his face. "I don't know how they did it! But they did! And they got away with 3 other murders after that too!" Knife said. He sat up and repositioned himself so that he was sitting next to Pickle.

"You'll have to talk to them someday. I don't trust them that much either, but Lightbulb is trustworthy, so if she says that Paintbrush is safe, then I believe her." Pickle shrugged. Knife groaned, "Fine. But if they try anything I'll make sure they won't live to see another day." Knife said. Pickle laughed, "Mhm. Yeah, alright." He said, gently wrapping an arm around Knife's shoulder and continuing his game. Knife watched in silence, he wouldn't be able to fight his fears any longer, but he could try to make them better.


Lightbulb stared intensly at the livingroom door, OJ creeped up behind her to see what she was doing. "Uh.. Lightbulb? You do know that Paintbrush isn't coming back until tomorrow. Right?" He asked. "Mhm." She nodded. OJ paused. "So... You don't have to watch the door the whole day again." He said. "Yeah." She said, not moving an inch. "Lightbulb, hey, Lightbulb, are you even listening?" OJ asked, waving a hand infront of her face. She blinked back into reality, "Oh! Hi OJ!" She waved. He facepalmed, letting out a small groan. "Something the matter?" She asked. "You've been sitting there ever since you woke up, Paintbrush isn't coming back until tomorrow so you don't have to do that." OJ told her. "I know.. But what if they come back early?! I've gotta be prepared!" She said. OJ sighed. "Here, I'll tell you what. When I go to pick them up, you can come with me. Got it?" He asked. Lightbulb's eyes lit up with joy, "Really?!" She exclaimed. OJ nodded, and Lightbulb quickly hopped up. "Okay! Thank you OJ!" She said, running off to her room. OJ smiled to himself, soon enough, Paintbrush would be home. He didn't hate Paintbrush, he definitely was scared of them and what they were capable of, but he didn't hate them. They had clearly changed. OJ headed to Paintbrush's new room to clean up a little in there, it was already decently clean, but a little more cleaning never hurt anyone, right?

It felt right to him, he made sure that everything was set. There was an easily accessible bathroom, and art utensils. The art room had been closed down, he wouldn't let anyone in there at all, not even Soap, who he knew wanted to clean it oh so desperately. But he couldn't let her do it, he couldn't let anyone do it. That room held bad memories, and he would be the one to clean it on his own.



oj lore?!??!?!/j

i love oj hes so sweet <3333

anyways this is the last day of paintbrush's mental hospital stay!

maybe ;)

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