5 - Reunion

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Balloon wandered around the hotel, trying to find OJ. He always felt uneasy when he was walking around by himself. Paintbrush was gone, but he could swear that he always saw them somewhere. He could hear whispers, giggles, songs. All of the things he used to hear from Paintbrush. It was like a nightmare that happened during the day.

Balloon wasn't paying attention, and he accidentally bumped into someone. "Ah— I'm sorry!" Balloon said. "Watch where you're going!" The other object scoffed, then walked off. Balloon looked to see who it was, then frowned. It was Nickel. He was never nice to Balloon. There was a reason for it, of course, but Balloon had changed. He just needed him and some others to recognize that.

Balloon got up and continued his walk, he decided to check OJ's room first, then his office, and then Paper's room. OJ had been with Paper for some time after what happened. Paper was better now, but still a little unstable. If you looked close enough on his chest, you could see a rip mark on it. It wasn't exactly clear on how a sheet of paper could heal itself, but nothing in hotel OJ was clear anymore. There were always unanswered questions. Where the hell did MePhone come from? Where did he go? Would he come back?

Balloon hadn't noticed, but he made it to OJ's office. He was originally going to go to his room, but the office was much closer than he expected.

He carefully opened the door and peeked inside. "OJ? Are you in here?" He asked. "Yeah! I'm in here! What do you need?" OJ asked. "Uhm.. Whenever you're done do you think you could follow me? I have something really important to show you." Balloon said. "Yeah, I'll be right there!" OJ said, there was a thump, followed by OJ yelling swears. Balloon couldn't help but laugh.


"So we just have to wait here for OJ and Balloon?" Knife asked, leaning on his chair's armrest. "Yeah, pretty much." Fan shrugged, checking his phone for notifications.

"Okay OJ, once I open this door, you cannot scream. Alright?" Balloon asked. "No promises, lets see whats inside." OJ said. Balloon opened the door and OJ's eyes widened.



"Is this a fucking joke."

OJ stared at Knife, who was dead just a day ago, and was now sitting in a wheelchair. "It's not, hes really alive." Balloon said. "It really worked!!" OJ exclaimed, "Fan I don't know how you did it but this could help the entire hotel!" OJ said, holding his head. "Can I see Pickle now?" Knife asked. Fan looked to OJ for an answer. "Just.. Be careful. Don't let anyone else see Knife until I announce his return." OJ told Fan. Fan nodded and grabbed the handles, "Thanks OJ!" Fan said, then left, pushing Knife with him. Balloon thanked OJ and then followed them.

"How did he even revive him? And how did he get Knife into the hotel without people seeing him??" OJ asked himself, then shook it off. He would figure it out later.


Pickle laid in his bed, he was trying to take another nap. It didn't benefit him, but naps always felt nice.

He was just about to fall asleep when he heard a knock at the door. He groaned and sat up, "Come in.." He muttered sleepily. The door opened and Fan stepped inside by himself, "Hi Pickle!" He waved carefully. "Do you need something?" He asked. "Well... Not really? But I do have something you might want." Fan said. Pickle tilted his head slightly in confusion, then Fan made a gesture to someone outside of the room. "Guess who's back!" Fan smiled, moving out of the way.

"Pickle!" Knife smiled. Pickle could feel his heart stop and tears sting his eyes. This couldn't have been real, could it? Pickle slowly got up, "This is... Real?" He asked quietly. "It's real! You can trust me." Fan said.

Pickle walked up to Knife and shakily placed a hand on his cheek, "You're... Alive..." Pickle laughed, tears fell down his face as he quickly pulled Knife into a hug, sobs and hiccups escaping him. Knife smiled and hugged him back, "I'm alright." He whispered to Pickle.

Fan smiled to himself, he made someone happy. He knew that everytime he brought someone back, this would be the aftermath, happiness, tears, reunion.

Oh how he wished that was him.

Fan could feel the tears run down his face, but he quickly rubbed then away to make sure nobody saw. Balloon placed a hand on Fan's shoulder with a sad smile, he knew how much it hurt him. Fan took a deep breath, then fixed his glasses. "Pickle I have a few things to let you in on before I let Knife stay, Knife's legs no longer work, I'll have to figure something out about it but as of now they are not functional. Nobody else in the hotel except for Me, Balloon, you, or OJ know that Knife is alive. I'll tell everyone else soon, but for now Knife cannot be seen." Fan explained.

"So.. I can't see him for a while.?" Pickle asked. "Well.. There might be a way he could stay with you. It might just be... Difficult." Fan mumbled. Pickle's eyes lit up with happiness as he let go of Knife carefully. "I'll do anything, I don't want to lose him again." Pickle said quietly. Knife held his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I'll make sure you don't lose Knife ever again. He'll be safe with me."


"I'm going to get out of here. I can't stay here." Paintbrush told themself, they rocked back and forth in a corner, not interacting with the other patients. Anytime a nurse or another patient came close they immediately snapped at them.

They screamed, cried, they wouldn't let anyone touch them.

They needed to keep away from everyone until they four get out, they needed to make sure that they got better, but nobody could help them.

They needed to save themself.



this chapter was written on Monday, April 4th, 2022

knickle <3333

its like 2 am LMAO

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