13 - I can't hear.

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Fan's ears rang, his eyes had closed shut, he wouldn't open them. He couldn't hear a thing, only the terrible ringing of his ears. Tears fell from his eyes as he sobbed and shaked.

"Fan?! Fan can you hear me?! Hey! Open your eyes!" Test Tube said, waving her hand infront of Fan. She grabbed his shoulders and he screamed, his eyes shooting open. "Test Tube!" He cried. "Fan are you okay?!" She asked, holding his shoulder in one hand and his face in the other. Fan's eyes were filled with fear, he could see her, but he couldn't hear anything. He knew she was speaking, but he couldn't make out anything.

"Fan, please, answer me!" Test Tube begged, carefully shaking him. "Test Tube what are you saying?? I can't.. I can't hear you.." He cried, tears fell from his eyes in giant crowds. "You can't... Nononono FUCK." She yelled, she took his hand and quickly dragged him upstairs, not caring about anything in the lab.

"Agh I knew I shouldn't have.." She took a deep breath and gestured for Fan to sit on the bed. He nodded and sat down, quietly sniffling and rubbing his eyes. She dug around her room to find a piece of paper and a pencil. She then quickly wrote down some words, 'I'll be right back, you'll be okay.'

She raised the paper infront of him and waited for a response, he nodded shakily. "Get Balloon." He whispered. She paused, then nodded, and left to find Balloon and OJ. Fan grabbed his head. "I want to hear... Please.." He muttered to himself.


Test Tube slammed open Balloon's door, causing him to wake up with a yelp and fall to the floor. "Balloon! Fan needs you!" Test Tube cried. "Test Tube?! You're alive?!" Balloon freaked out. "Thats not the point! I need to get OJ, you need to go to Fan. He needs you." Test Tube said. Balloon paused, then nodded, getting up and following Test Tube out of the room.

They separated, Test Tube headed to OJ's room, and Balloon headed to her room.

Test Tube opened the door to OJ's room, OJ was peacefully asleep. "OJ!" She yelled. He jolted awake, "Oh! He brought you back already? Thats nice, welcome back to the—" "No time for that, come on! Fan needs us." She said, then ran back to her room. OJ got up and followed her.


"Fan!" Balloon cried, he ran into the room and quickly hugged Fan, "Are you okay?" He asked. Fan was unresponsive. "You.. Can you hear me?" he asked slowly, letting Fan have time to read his lips.

Fan shook his head, "I can't hear anything." He said shakily. "Its.. Its going to be okay." Balloon told him, he held Fan's hand as he waited for Test Tube and OJ.

Test Tube quickly pushed open the door, "He's in here." She told OJ. "Jesus— Fan what happened?!" OJ asked, heading to Fan, "Are you okay?" He asked. "He can't hear you. He accidentally mixed two chemicals and it exploded in his face. Its a miracle that hes still alive." Test Tube mumbled.

"How long will he be like this? It can't stay forever! Can it?" OJ asked. "Thats.. Not something I'm sure of." Test Tube mumbled. Balloon had to take a few deep breaths before trying to contribute to the coversation. Fan couldn't hear anything, and they were speaking too fast for him to try and read the conversation.

Fan rubbed his forehead, he felt sick to his stomach. He wasn't sure what it was, the syrum, the explosions aftereffect, anything could have caused his sickness. "Fan? Are you alright?" Test Tube asked carefully, moving to him. She moved his hand from his forehead and replaced it with her own, "Ah.. He's got a fever. Aftereffects of the explosion most likely. He'll be fine but he needs rest." She said to herself. Fan stared at her mouth, trying to make out what she was saying. All he could get was 'explosion' and 'rest'. What was she trying to say?

"Balloon, can you watch him? He seems to trust you a lot and I need to talk with OJ about this." Test Tube said. Balloon nodded, "I'll make sure he's alright!" Balloon said. Test Tube sighed, "Thank you." Then she grabbed OJ harshly by the arm and left.

Balloon sat down infront of Fan, and Fan stared directly at him. "Test Tube said you should rest, it should help you feel better." Balloon said slowly, letting Fan understand him. Fan nodded and took a deep breath, he would be okay.


Test Tube dragged OJ into the livingroom, gripping her fingers into his skin. "owowowowOW— Test Tube that hurts!" OJ winced, pulling back his arm. "Sorry." She said, shakily letting go. Small sniffles and sobs came from her, "Are you alright?" He asked. She shook her head, "I can't... He can't hear.. And its my fault.." She sobbed, wiping her eyes. She tried to keep herself calm, but she couldn't. "Test Tube its not your fault, I'm sure it was just an accident. Hes alive! Which is why everything will be okay." OJ said, trying to comfort her.

"OJ thats the problem. He's ALIVE. After an explosion like that he should be dead. No object would be able to survive an exposion of that size and distance. And now hes sick, which doesn't even make sense! If hes alive and didn't die then he shouldn't have gotten sick after that!" She rambled. OJ paused, "Maybe its a miracle, but hes alive. If he wasn't alive right now I don't know what I... What you would do." He corrected himself. Test Tube hiccuped, she could have lost Fan. But she didn't know what was happening. "Its like he's.. Unkillable.." She muttered. "Like I said, its a miracle hes alive, and a good miracle. We're all glad hes—" "No, OJ you don't understand. If you were there, it would have shattered you. I.. I think the syrum saved him." She muttered.

"The same syrum that brought you back to life?" OJ asked. Test Tube nodded. "I think it kept me alive too. We're both made out of glass, and if you would shatter to that explosion, so would I. But I didn't." she said.

"Maybe you're looking too deep into this?" OJ suggested. She paused. "Maybe.." she said. "You should go rest with Fan, it should help you clear your mind." OJ said. "I'm not going to sleep. I can't." She muttered. "Ah— Right. Well, just, try to relax. Get your mind off of it. Alright?" OJ asked. Test Tube nodded, "Thanks." She smiled. "No problem." He said.



wowie look at that an entire chapter that stays on one topic

this will never happen again.

i accidentally published this w/out a name so

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