11 - A Soft Glow

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Fan sat silently by himself. He had enough syrum to bring one more person back, then he would have to make more. He would've had enough to bring back two more people, but he drank some of it like an idiot. He hadn't experienced any side effects other than dizziness, and some stumbling. Other than that, he felt perfectly fine. He would have to do some checkups on Knife and Trophy soon. Definitely Knife first. Knife had been avoiding him or using excuses to get away from Fan. Was Knife scared? All Fan needed to do was see how Knife was doing. If Knife was sick in any way it could cause bad damage to both him and Pickle, which wouldn't be good. Fan didn't know how to treat sicknesses.

He stared at the syrum infront of him, "Maybe I could bring her..." He paused, then shook his head. He needed to prove himself.

It wasn't even for himself anymore, he was scared. Scared of what Test Tube would think. She could be mad, happy, even scared. He wanted her back, but he was terrified to see her reaction. He was terrified of her being mad at him for not bringing her back sooner.

Tears stung his eyes, instead of trying to hide them, he let them go. He cried, he was scared, he needed Test Tube back, he wanted her back.

His cries soon turned into sobs, he held his stomach as it stabbed him. It hurt him, he hadn't cried like this in a while. The last time he cried like this was with Test Tube.

He got up, grabbing the syrum and leaving the lab. Soft sobs followed him. He had two choices. Bring her back and face the consequences it might bring, or hide away even longer. And he knew what he had to do.


Test Tube sat next to her friend, "I'm sorry I didn't get to check on you one last time. I should have been more careful!" She said. "Don't beat yourself up over it Testy! I barely even remember any of it anyways, I regained my memories, remember?" Lightbulb smiled. Test Tube returned the smile quietly. "Its gotten a lot quieter up here. With Trophy and Knife gone, there isn't that much arguing anymore." Test Tube said. "What about the Cherries? All they do is talk to eachother." Lightbulb said, gesturing to the two figures in the corner, separated and staring at eachother. "Its not the same, they don't say anything, they can't. They shared a brain, once they're removed from eachother, their connection gets removed too." Test Tube said. Lightbulb paused.

"Who do you think is taking us away?" Lightbulb asked. "Fan. If I know anything, its got to be him. He's smart. He'll save us." Test Tube smiled, a light pink dust brushing her cheeks. Lightbulb smiled and gently nudged Test Tube with a laugh, "I bet he'll bring you back next, you've waited long enough." Lightbulb told her. "Hopefully. I miss him." Test Tube said quietly. Lightbulb wrapped an arm around Test Tube and hugged her gently.

"I know you do."


Fan stood over the lifeless body infront of him. It wasn't glowing anymore, but it would soon. He didn't care about moving the body, he needed her back. He took a deep breath, wiping his eyes, then slowly injected the syrum into Test Tube's body. He stepped back from the body, carefully inspecting it. He waited, seconds felt like eternity. Then, it happened.

Test Tube gasped, quickly grabbing at her face in a panic. Then calmed down. "Fan?? I'm... You.. I'm alive!" She said, hugging her own body. Fan couldn't say anything, his body trembled. "Fan..? Are you okay?" Test Tube asked. That broke him. Fan couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears rolled down his face as he fell to his knees, letting our loud sobs. "Y-You're ba-ck..!" He cried out happily. Test Tube quickly went to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Fan it's okay.. You saved me.. I knew you would." She said softly. Fan could barely speak, coughs and hiccups kept him from doing so. Test Tube gently rubbed his back. Her glow slowly came back. "We... We were...- Right Test Tube.... I-It was Paintbrush... They killed you..." Fan cried out, tightly wrapping his arms around his partner. Test Tube pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears. "Its wokay. I'm here now. You don't have to worry." She said, kissing his forehead gently. Fan let out more sobs, this time of happiness. "I love you so much.." Fan whispered, laughing through his tears. Test Tube smiled and held him close.

"I love you too."


Knife and Pickle yelled at eachother as they played a game together. It wasn't harmful yelling, more of.. Friendly yelling. They had to have been playing for hours at this point, they enjoyed it. It brought them closer together and made them forget of everything bad that had happened.

Knife raised his arms in triumph, "Hah! I'm still better at this game than you!" He laughed. "Oh shut it! You probably had loads of time to think." Pickle rolled his eyes. Knife let out loud laughs, holding his head and stomach. Pickle smiled at the sight, it made his happy to see Knife laugh again. Knife's laughing died down and he glanced over at Pickle, who quickly looked away. "Whatcha staring at?" Knife asked with a smile, sliding himself over to Pickle with his arms. "No-Nothing!" Pickle stammered. Knife hummed, it was funny to see Pickle like this. He didn't know why at all.

"What about you? What are you staring at?" Pickle asked. "You." Knife muttered, grabbing his controller carefully. Pickle felt his face heat up as a small smile grew on his face, "You were?" He asked. Knife nodded slightly, he could feel the same knot in his stomach that he had when he was around Pickle, but larger. It pained him, in a good way. He loved it. "Knife.. I've got a question." Pickle started. "I might have an answer." Knife laughed. Pickle laughed quietly, "Have you.. Ever thought about, us?" Pickle asked. Knife could feel his hands tremble, was Pickle really going to ask the question that Knife longed for? "In.. What way?" Knife asked, slightly turning to look at Pickle. Slightly hesitating, Pickle gently placed a hand on Knife's cheek. They could both feel their heartbeats increase as they leaned into one another. "Like this.." Pickle said quietly, then kissed Knife.

Knife quickly leaned into the kiss, it felt nice. He felt.. Happy.

They both pulled away after a moment, staring into eachother's eyes. They matched eachother's breathing. Knife smiled and laughed quietly, "I have.." He said.

Pickle let out a small, breathy laugh and carefully wrapped his arms around Knife. Without a second thought, Knife kissed Pickle again, moving away after a quick second.

"I'm glad you have." Pickle whispered.

"Me too."





anyways knickle is canon in this fanfic now

there is no stopping me any longer HAHAHAHHAHAHA

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