22 - Day 2

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"Pssst! Paintbrush! Wake up!" Cake Pop whispered, Paintbrush was shaken awake. "Ugh... What is it..?" They asked, holding their head. Cake Pop glanced over at a sleeping nurse. It was Journal. "Shes asleep! Wanna go draw on her face?" Cake Pop asked with a grin. Paintbrush looked her up and down, she was serious. They hummed. "Yeah sure. I've got nothing better to do anyways." They said, standing up and following Cake Pop. She was giggling the whole way. Ice Cream and Lampshade were already there. "Hey! You're awake!" Lampshade exclaimed quietly. Paintbrush nodded, "What are we using?" They asked. "Marker, its washable and non-toxic!" Lampshade said happily. Paintbrush nodded. Ice Cream seemed less shakey than he used to be, he seemed.. Happy. He took the marker from the table and took off the cap, snickering to himself as he drew small doodles on Journal. He handed the marker to Paintbrush, "Do... You wanna try..?" He asked quietly. Paintbrush smiled to themself and nodded eagerly, taking the marker and drawing little animals onto her. "Ooh! Ooh! Draw me! Draw me!" Cake Pop said, Lampshade had to shush her as she was so loud. Paintbrush nodded and drew a little doodle of Cake Pop, then handed the marker back to Ice Cream. They drew and talked for around 20 minutes, then Journal began to wake up. They all scurried away from her. Sy still hadn't come in yet, Paintbrush was starting to get a bit worried. Did Sy lie to them? Would Sy never come back? Then the door opened.

"Good morning everyo—" Sy covered their mouth in an attempt not to laugh at Journal. "What. Is something wrong?" She asked. "N-Nope!" Sy giggled at the sight, they quickly made their way to Paintbrush, "Did you— Haha... Did you do this?" Sy asked, letting out a few laughs. "The other patients helped." Paintbrush admitted. Sy held their head and stomach, then burst out into laughter. It was hilarious to xem. Paintbrush laughed a bit too.

The laughter abruptly stopped when Journal called for all of the patients. Something bad was about to happen. Paintbrush carefully stood up, holding their stomach and walking to the little line the other 3 had made.

"Alright. Who did this?" Journal asked, pointing to her face. Cake Pop laughed quietly, which earned a glare from Journal. "Journal, go easy on them. They're just trying to have a little fun." Sy said, "Fun?! My face is ruined!" Journal said. "Uh.. Actually! The marker is washable and non-toxic!" Lampshade said. Journal coldly glared at them, which earned a shy gulp from Lampshade.

"You four. Need to quit your fucking shenanigans. They AREN'T funny." Journal stated, then stormed out of the room. Sy sighed, "I'm sorry about her you four, try not to.. Try not to get on her bad side." Sy told them. They all nodded, and headed back to their own areas. Paintbrush quietly drew on their paper. It was an easy thing to do.

"Alright you four, I'll be right back. I need to go and get your breakfast, and find Journal." they muttered the last part. "Don't try anything while I'm gone." Sy told them, then left. The room was silent for a moment, then Cake Pop hopped up. "Alright everyone! We've got around 30 minutes before they come back. Meaning..." She paused. "Storytime!" She exclaimed. "Oh no... Not this again..." Ice Cream muttered. "What do you mean by that?" Paintbrush asked.

"Basically we tell eachother stories on how we got here! I can go first!" Cake Pop said. "Wait wait wait. C.Pop you already know none of us are going to agree to that. Especially Icey. He hates talking about that stuff." Lampshade said. Cake Pop groaned and stomped in place for a minute. "Fine. I won't try anything." She muttered.

A loud sigh of relief came from Ice Cream, who quickly went back to doing his own thing.

Nobody knew much about him from what Paintbrush heard. Not even the nurses. Ice Cream was a good friend, but he wouldn't say anything about his past at all. Was it all gone?

They had heard about people being so physically and mentally hurt by past traumatic experiences that it was just gone from their memory, but from what everyone else said. It just sounded like Ice Cream was afraid of it. Afraid that if he ever spoke the truth, it would happen again. Paintbrush felt bad. They knew that they could harm Ice Cream on accident if they ever got mad. They couldn't get mad. They didn't want to harm anyone.

Not again.


Fan stared at the syrum, it was time. He needed to bring the Cherries back once more. But without their stem attatched, how would they live? That was the whole reason of their existence, their stem kept them together. They couldn't have one without the other. It.. It wouldn't make sense.

He grabbed the needle and thread, the same one he used on Knife. Then he headed up to the elevator with both the syrum and sewing utensils in hand. Nobody was in his way this time. He wouldn't let them stop him. He needed to do this. He couldn't let another second tick by with one person sad, all because he was too scared to bring someone back.

Hours passed, and the delightful sound of groaning could be heard.

"Agh... My head..." Said one of the Cherries, rubbing the back of their head. Fan looked to the other one. They hadn't moved an inch. He had used the syrum in both of the Cherries, why was only one of them moving? Was it his fault? Would the Cherries be split in half?

"Fan..?" Asked the left Cherry. Fan looked towards them, "Yes?" He asked. "Fan I can't hear him. I can't hear my other half.." The left Cherry cried, he held his head and shook it slightly, he didn't want to believe he lost the other half to himself.

Fan messed up. Big time.



wowie fan messed up

anyways i wont be showing the whole day, just parts of the day that i think are significant

soon enough, theyll get out of that hellhole.

and before they do, icey will have some news.

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