10 - A Golden Star

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Fan headed to the elevator in silence, he didn't need to hide his findings anymore, but its a little concerning if you're spotted around the hotel carrying a corpse of someones passed relative, friend, or lover. The elevator opened and he clicked the button for the top floor. It would work. It had to work. It didn't have any known side effects, so it was most likely perfectly fine. Fan wasn't paying attention and the elevator abruptly stopped, causing him to fall over. He let out a small groan and pulled himself up, leaving the elevator and heading to the bodies.

He opened the door and stared at the bodies laid out infront of him, one was gone, which was good. He was doing a good thing.

The body that hurt him the most, however, was Test Tube's. He wanted to bring her back, he really did. But a part of him also didn't want to bring her back. What if she was angry with him? What if she hated him for not being there to save her. He took a deep breath and picked up Trophy's body. The rest of his left arm was completely gone. It dissapeared without a trace and never came back.

Fan headed back to the elevator, carrying Trophy with him. Despite Trophy being dead, he was surprisingly heavy. But that wouldn't stop him from bringing him back. He made a promise to Cheesy. He made a promise to everyone, that he would bring them all back.


"Did it work...?" Fan asked, carefully stepping away from the neatly sat body. He held the syringe in his hand, he was almost out of the syrum, he would have to make more.

Trophy opened his eyes quickly, "JESUS CHRIST— GET OFF ME YOU— Fan?? Where's Paintbrush they were just— OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK MY ARM—" Trophy couldn't finish any of his sentences. "Trophy, calm down! You're alright." Fan said, putting the syringe down and trying to calm Trophy. "FAN. MY ARM IS GONE. I'M NOT 'ALRIGHT.'" Trophy screamed. "Trophy I—" "Where the hell is that dumb brush, I'll fucking kill them if I have to!" "TROPHY SHUT UP."

Trophy quickly shut his mouth, glancing over at his arm. "I'm sorry— I— Okay, look. You died, and now your back. You've been dead for atleast a year or so. Paintbrush isn't here anymore, they were sent to a mental hospital." Fan explained. "They cut off my arm." Trophy muttered. "Yeah and they cut off all of Knife's limbs aswell, you still have 3 of yours. I'm planning on bringing everyone back but I can't do that if you keep SCREAMING AT ME." Fan said. Then he took a deep breath. "Have you slept at all? Where's Test Tube?" Trophy asked. Fan paused, "She isn't with us at this moment." Fan stated. "Can you walk?" He asked. "Yeah, probably." Trophy shrugged, then got up.

"Good. We have someone to visit now."


"Trophy!" Cheesy exclaimed, throwing himself onto the taller object. "You're okay I— I'm so sorry!" Cheesy cried. Trophy hugged the other object shakily, it felt nice. "It's not your fault Cheesy, you didn't do anything." Trophy said.

"Thats the point! I didn't do anything! I should have done something the moment you didn't come back!" Cheesy said, gripping tighter onto Trophy. Trophy gently held the smaller object, comforting him.

Fan had to leave early. He did his work. He could fix the rest later.


Paintbrush quickly shoveled the food into their mouth. They couldn't remember the last time they were comfortable enough to eat. "You're really hungry, huh? Well eat up! I can bring you snacks throughout the day too if you want." Sy smiled. Paintbrush nodded, they couldn't exactly speak as their mouth was full, but they were really happy.

After a few minutes, Paintbrush finished their food, letting out a happy sigh of relief. "Thank you." Paintbrush said quietly. Sy nodded and took their plate. "I'll be right back, I need to put this away." It said. Paintbrush nodded and began to mess with their hair, slightly tugging at it. Pulling at their hair was an alternative to messing with their scars.

They waited for what felt like forever, the nurses were nice, and Paintbrush got attatched too easily.

The door opened carefully, Paintbrush looked up, hoping to see Sy. Their face fell when they saw someone else. "Who.. Who are you..?" Paintbrush asked, their voice shivering. "You don't need to know that, I'll be in and out." The person said. They pulled out a smaller syringe, smaller than Sy, and flicked it a few times. "You won't feel a thing." They said, harshly grabbing Paintbrush's arm and giving them the injection. "owowoWOW OW!" Paintbrush cried, trying to pull away from the strange person. They let go of Paintbrush and they fell to the floor, sobbing from pain. "What did you give me?!" They asked, holding their arm carefully.

"Just a Midozolam injection, it will help you calm down. Its perfectly safe, so don't worry. Nurse Sy will be with you shortly." They said, then left. Paintbrush laughed to themself, their breathing slowed. Sy rushed into the room, "Paintbrush! I'm so sorry I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen and— Are you okay?" They asked, looking Paintbrush up and down. They were laying on the floor, laughing to themself. "Perfectly fine!" They laughed, holding their head and tracing their scars. "Jeez. What did they even give you?" Sy asked, helping Paintbrush sit up. "Something called.. Midozolam..?? Its supposed to calm me. But NOBODY can calm me! I'm unstoppable!" They yelled. Sy laughed quietly, "You should take a nap. I don't even think they're allowed to give you that." They muttered. Paintbrush nodded, leaning on the wall and shutting their eyes.

Within seconds they were asleep, which was a little concerning, but also not too concerning. Sy began to pack up their things, they needed to have a 'talk' with the person who did this. They believed that Paintbrush didn't deserve this, they might have been a terrible person, but people change.

For the better,

and for the worse.




anyways i love writing about sy and paintbrush their friendship is so sweet.

anyways paintbrush is pretty much high as of now

my search for the injection? you might ask

"that injection that the doctors give you to make you calm"

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