28 - Welcome Home

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OJ led Paintbrush out to the car, they were carefully holding onto pieces of paper. "Alright, Lightbulb's in the back, you can sit with her back there." OJ said, then opened the door for them. "Painty!" Lightbulb exclaimed, unbuckling herself and quickly hopping out of the car and giving Paintbrush a large hug. "Or not." OJ laughed quietly. Paintbrush smiled and tightly hugged Lightbulb back. OJ shot a glance at Paper, letting him know that they might be there for a while.

Lightbulb and Paintbrush kept chatting, but instead of standing outside of the car like OJ originally thought was going to happen, Lightbulb led Paintbrush inside of the car and they settled down, their chatting volume definitely lowering.

OJ started the car again after getting in after Paintbrush and Lightbulb, then began to drive back to the hotel.

The ride wasn't quiet anymore, the hotel wouldn't be quiet either.


Fan followed Test Tube into the livingroom, she wasn't allowing him to do anything without her, he knew it was because of 'the incident', but it was starting to freak him out.

Soap was busy cleaning every little crevice and crack she could find, making sure that everything was perfectly squeaky clean. She tried to get rid of her obsession a long time ago, and she succeeded! But being eliminated and stepping foot into the hotel brought it back immediately. She cleaned every little speck of dirt she could find, sometimes she scrubbed the floors so hard that it broke the skin on her hands, it hurt and stung, but it also felt so nice. It felt so nice to see her work sparkle and shine in the light.

Knife, Pickle, and Trophy were playing a game together, Trophy had a bit of help from Cheesy since he was still missing an arm. Trophy had managed to make better friends with Knife, after blackmailing him and all, and now they were pretty good friends.

"What the hell?! Trophy how are you even winning you only have one arm!" Knife complained, keeping his focus on the tv. "Magic." Trophy said, a small grin growing on his face as he laughed. Pickle quickly took the lead as Knife and Trophy fought, and he won the game. "Aha!" He cheered, Knife groaned, putting the controller next to him and grasping his face with his hands and leaning back into the couch. Trophy quickly threw the controller onto the couch in a fit of rage, he hated losing. He was a 1st place trophy, not a last place trophy.

Fan was walking around, trying to figure out what to do, when his phone buzzed.

hey! r u guyz done with the setting up yet? we're almost at the hotel !

Fan smiled to himself, then began to type a response.

Yeah! We'll start preparing for their suprise. I'll tell T.Tube that you guys are almost here. Cya soon!

He shut off his phone and headed to Test Tube, he didn't exactly need to move far as she was standing directly behind him.

"Oh—! Fan! Did you need something?" she asked. He nodded, "OJ is coming back soon with Paintbrush, we should start getting ready for their suprise!" Fan said, clasping his hands together happily. Test Tube paused, "Alright, we probably should get this stuff ready." She agreed with him, then began to help him finish the suprise.


"Is the blindfold really necessary?" Paintbrush asked, holding onto Lightbulb carefully for support. "Absolutely!" Lightbulb said, holding an arm around Paintbrush's waist to keep them from falling. "I don't think its that necessary, Lightbulb. We're just taking them back to the hotel." OJ said, a small chuckle excaping his mouth. "It's very important that they get a good, warm re-welcome!" Lightbulb said, pulling Paintbrush closer to the hotel.

"Ahh—! Waitwaitwait Paintbrush stop walki—" A loud thump was heard as Paintbrush ran into the door of the hotel. They let out a groan as they held their head. "I tried to warn you!" Lightbulb said, shrugging and opening the door for Paintbrush, she peeked inside, shushing anyone who was inside of the livingroom.

She guided Paintbrush inside of the house, and carefully took them to their room.

"Where are we going, Lightbulb?" Paintbrush asked. "To your new room!" She said, then she opened the door. Test Tube and Fan were already inside. "Okay, take a few steps in, and then take off the blindfold!" She told them, then ran inside the room, whispering something to Fan and Test Tube.

Paintbrush, took a deep breath, taking a few steps inside of the room, then carefully untying the blindfold. They slightly opened their eyes, adjusting to the new brightness, then let out a small gasp of awe. "Do.. You like your new room?" Lightbulb asked, Paintbrush couldn't say anything, they carefully traced their cracks as their eyes glowed and sparkled. They loved it. It felt amazing.

Paintbrush quietly nodded as they looked around the room, not paying any mind to the other people in the room with them, every now and again their arms would bounce up and down as they watched the room.

"I think they like it!" Test Tube whispered to Fan and Lightbulb. Lightbulb nodded in agreement, Fan watched Paintbrush walk around the room, they looked like a child, getting excited over the smallest things.

Then, they made their way to the bed. Paintbrush quickly flopped onto it, letting it engulf them in its softness.

A few minutes passed and Paintbrush didn't move, "Paintbrush..?" Lightbulb asked, carefully walking over to them and checking on them, soft snores came from them as they peacefully slept.

Lightbulb laughed quietly, "They're asleep." She told Fan and Test Tube, they nodded and carefully opened the door, letting themselves out of the room and leaving Paintbrush to sleep.

Lightbulb stared at Paintbrush for a moment, then left the room, closing the door behind her.


Fan waited for Test Tube to fall asleep, then went to the Cherries. He needed to save both of them, but he knew it would be impossible. He closed up the stitching on the left Cherry, and separated him from his twin. He knew that it would harm him, but it would work. The only responsive one was The Left Cherry, so it was his only option.

He took a deep breath, taking the Cherry out of the room, and waking him up.



i love paintbrush

i need to figure out how to make payjay real without making it awkward and forced 🤬🤬

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