30 - Catching Butterflies

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Fan finally managed to get The Cherry to wake up. "Ugh.. Our head...s..." The Cherry looked around, frowning ever so slightly at the lack of twin he had.

"Im.. I'm really sorry. I couldn't save your other part." Fan apologized. "But there is good news! You'll be able to see YinYang again! They really miss you." Fan told him. The Cherry nodded slightly, getting up from where he was and wobbling a bit. He was so used to having his twin alongside him, he barely even knew how to walk. Fan carefully helped The Cherry walk, it would take a few minutes, but he would do it.


"Yang, we have to eat—" "Not right now." "We can't just stay in here forever!" "No, YOU can't stay in here forever. I'm going to stay in here forever."

The brothers argued, one trying to leave the room, the other not wanting to leave at all.

"Yang it isn't fair! I'm upset too but you can't just let us starve! WE are hungry! Not everything revolves around you and your feelings!" Yin yelled, suddenly feeling Yang's struggling disappear in a matter of seconds. "Yang I—" "Shut up."

"Wait Yang- No I'm sorry—" "I SAID SHUT UP!" Yang yelled, Yin could feel a large pain in his chest, he didn't want to hurt his brother, but he knew that it was the only way to get him to comply.

"I miss them, Yin. They helped us! They we're our friend." Yang said quietly. Yin wrapped an arm around them to try and comfort Yang, "I know you miss them, but we still have to take care of eachother, if we don't eat, we'll die. The Cherries wouldn't want us to die." Yin explained, Yang didn't respond, the silence was unnerving. Yin could feel a weight being lifted off of him, it wasn't pleasant. "Yang..?" Yin whispered, he covered the eye that he normally controlled, if he closed that eye or covered it, he couldn't see.

But he could see.

Yin felt his stomach drop, he couldn't have just lost his brother.

"Yang.. Yang come back, don't.. Please.. Don't leave me too.." Yin whispered, holding his stomach. He felt sick.

He begged and begged, for what felt like hours. But no matter what he tried, Yang was gone.

A knock was heard at the door, "Come in." Yin called out, wiping his eyes and putting on a smile.

Fan walked in, "Hi YinYang—" "Just Yin. Yang isn't... He's not here right now." Yin said quietly. Fan paused, "Oh. Alright, Yin, I've got some news for you! Whenever Yang comes back could you let him know aswell?" Fan asked. "Yeah.. I'll let him know." Yin mumbled. Fan nodded, "Alright, well.. It may be a little shocking, but you've got a visitor!" Fan said, he turned to the door and gestured for the person outside to come in.

Yin felt his expression changed as he covered his mouth, "The.. The Cherries...?" "THE CHERRIES ARE BACK?!" "OH SO YOU COME OUT NOW BUT NOT WHEN I FREAK OUT?!" The siblings began to argue again, Yang was back.

The Cherry smiled and laughed a bit, quickly heading to hug them. YinYang immediately hugged The Cherry back. They didn't care about how The Cherry looked, they were just happy that they were back.

"Ooh! Ooh! Yin go get the thing!" Yang commanded, quickly pulling away from The Cherry and running to grab something. "Yang! Calm down!" Yin cried, being dragged away by Yang. "I think.. I think they'll be okay with this." Fan told The Cherry. He nodded in agreement. Then, Fan left them alone with YinYang, they would be okay.

"Cherry! Lets go catch butterflies!" Yang exclaimed, tightly holding the bug net in hand, The Cherry smiled, and nodded, "Yeah!" He said happily. YinYang took his hand and left the hotel for the first time in a long while.



next chapter.

thats the last one.

the next one will be the last :)

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