7 - Trapped

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Paintbrush woke up with a gasp, their head spun in circles. What happened?

They looked around the room, it was scorched.. They didn't remember getting angry. All they remembered was being sent there after hurting someone.

Paintbrush placed a hand on their face, trying to trace the cracks once more, but the bandages stopped them. Fan gave them those scars. But they deserved it, they knew they did. It was all their fault, they hated themself for it. They got up and walked to the door, they didn't want to be in there. How could those damned nurses treat them like this? Their hair sparked with rage as they began to punch the door. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" They screamed. The punches echoed within the room, as they punched the wall their hands began to bleed.

They went on for hours, they had no clue how long they had been smashing their hands onto the door, but they stopped after a while. Loud commotion came from outside, it was around time for their daily checkup. Everytime they changed rooms, they got a new nurse. Paintbrush slowly backed up against the wall and stared at their hands, watching their blood trickle onto the floor.

There was a soft knock on the door, "Come in." Paintbrush called out. The nurse came in, carefully examining the room. "Good Morning Paintbrush! I'll be your new nurse for now, my name is Sy. I'll be doing your daily checkups." The nurse said. Paintbrush nodded slightly, "Oh jeez, are you alright? Your hands are ruined." They said, putting down their equipment and grabbing some bandages from their bag, then wrapped Paintbrush's hands in them. "You shouldn't be this close. Didn't you hear what I did to the last patients?" Paintbrush asked. "I did, but I'm not a patient, I'm your new nurse." Sy smiled, finishing up with the bandages.

Paintbrush stared in awe, then smiled, they weren't scared of them. "Now, I've got a few questions for you, you've answered them before, right?" They asked, grabbing its clipboard again. Paintbrush nodded quietly. "Alright, then this should be quick!" It said. "Okay, then you leave, right?" Paintbrush asked. "Leave? Nono, I've been instructed to stay in here with you for atleast a few hours. It should be nice to get to know you!" Sy smiled. "Oh.. Alright." They muttered. "Alright Paintbrush, how are you feeling today?" They asked. "Erm.. Not good, but not bad either? I don't want to be in here at all." Paintbrush said. "Hm.. Alright, have you had any—" Sy was cut off by the door slamming open, Paintbrush flinched, trying to see what was happening, but they were immediately overwhelmed by around 4 people grabbing them and putting them into a straitjacket.

They screamed and cried, trying to get away. "H-Hey?! Whats going on? I thought I was the only one who was supposed to be here right now!" Sy said. "It's just a second, we'll be out of here— STOP MOVING." One of the people yelled, Paintbrush's squirming and fighting ended, but their sobbing continued. "LET ME GO!" They yelled through their sobs. "We're almost done! Quit crying!" "Be careful with them! They're extremely unstable right now!" Sy yelled at the people.

The strange people let go and quickly left. "Paintbrush are you alright?" They asked. Paintbrush cried and shaked, they shook their head quickly. "why did they touch me..? they shouldn't..." Paintbrush hiccuped, trying to get out of their own bodied prison. "Its going to be okay, you won't be in it for long, I'll make sure of it." Sy smiled. Paintbrush nodded carefully, they hated this. They wanted to go home.


Fan pushed up his glasses as he tried to stay awake. He was flipping through papers, trying to understand every single word of it. How was he supposed to bring everyone back if he fell asleep all the time?

He had brought a drink down with him and set it down with his work, most likely not the best idea, but it was easier instead of getting up every few minutes. He needed to figure out how to bring back Knife's feeling in his legs. He needed to announce his findings to everyone. He needed to do everything.

Fan grabbed his drink, then took a sip from it.


That wasn't his drink.

Fan quickly realized what he drank wasn't his drink. It was the syrum that brought people back. He quickly covered his mouth, was this going to have side effects?

He quickly flipped through the papers, trying to find anything about consumption of the syrum, but he couldn't find anything. He took a deep breath, and thought to himself. If it was a life syrum, he should be fine.

Invincible, even.

Fan held his head, letting out small bubbles of laughter. If this was lethal, he could die at any moment. He wasn't scared, however. If anything, it was hilarious to him. He spent a while trying to create this, only for it to be the reason he died.

He listened to the seconds as they ticked by, would he die? Dying didn't seem so bad to him, at least he would get to see his partner again. He missed her.

He missed her so much.

Fan took off his glasses and placed them on the table, leaning his head onto it. He was tired. He was tired of being alone. He had Balloon, but he wanted more. He wanted Test Tube back. He wanted his perfect, simple life back. No contests. No murder. No revival. Just him, Test Tube, and all of his friends, living all their lives out without the fear of death standing right in front of them. He missed it all.

He could feel his thoughts slowly drift away from him as he slipped into a deep sleep. He would get them back. All of them.

Test Tube.


The Cherries.


Even Paintbrush.

Everyone. He would bring them all back.



look at that

a perfect number

Sy isn't actually my character, its a character that my friend made(ive talked a lot about my friend lately thats just how cool they are)

basically like a self insert of sorts

anyways ive got a picture of what sy looks like so here it is !!

they will definitely be a more reoccurring character, also the friend i keep talking about ( Gummi_sys sorry for the @ 🤞🤞) is super cool, they're making a comedy gold story you should totally check it out his writing is the best 🤞🤞

anyways onto the more book questions before you ask no fan is not dead dont worry, its a life potion, why would it kill him

anyways im tired its like 2 am again(time of writing) im going to sleep goodnight 🤞🤞

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