15 - A shitty boss

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Paintbrush yawned as they sat up, they looked around and saw the completed puzzle on the floor, then scoffed. "Stupid puzzle." they muttered. They got up and walked around the room a few times, they had nothing else to do. They were slowly going insane. How much longer until they could leave?

The door slammed open, and Paintbrush screamed, falling to a fetal position in a panic. "Oh—! Jeez— I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Sy apologized, carefully closing the door. "I've got good news for you though!" Xey added. Paintbrush looked up, with hope in their eyes. Were they going home?

"My boss just gave me some news, after a few more days in here hes going to move you into a larger room with more people, if you can go for 1 week without hurting anyone in there you can go back to the hotel!" Sy smiled. Paintbrush could feel their heart drop as they shook their head. "Nononono I can't go back into that room again.." They muttered. Sy's smile faded, "Hey.. It's only for a week. I can try to see if they'll let me stay your nurse if that helps!" It offered. "Sy you don't understand! Everyone in those rooms hate me! I'd rather go insane in here than go into a different room." Paintbrush shook. Sy took a deep breath and sat down next to Paintbrush, gently rubbing their back. "It's only going to be for a week, I promise. After that, I'll take you home." Sy told them. "One week. If it's any longer I won't be able to do it." Paintbrush said. Sy nodded, "Thats alright. You can do this." Xey smiled. Paintbrush quickly hugged Sy for comfort, they didn't want to leave. No matter what Sy tried, Paintbrush knew. They would get stuck with a different nurse.


Sy closed the door behind them, Paintbrush fell asleep earlier than they normally did, so they had time to ask their boss about staying with Paintbrush.

It headed to the elevator to go to the top floor, that was the floor where their boss was.

"You can do this. He's not scary, he's just your boss. He won't hurt you." They reassured themself, holding their arm in one hand. Sy stared at the numbers and watched as they slowly rised. And then there was a ding.

Sy carefully stepped out of the elevator, "Uhm.. Mr. Cobs? I have a question, if I could have a moment of your time that would be—" "Make it quick, Sy." Cobs interrupted. Sy took a deep breath, "It's about my patient, I was wondering if maybe there was a chance that I could stay with them during the change? I've had really good results, and I can keep them from harming any of the other patients—" "Absolutely not. You know the rules Sy." Cobs turned around in his chair to face Sy, pushing his glasses up.

"No nurse can stay with their patient when they change rooms, when your patient changes their room you will get a new patient and they will get a new nurse. You already know this." He stated. "Yes— I know! But Paintbrush seems to really like me! I think that if I stay with them just a little longer during their switch I can keep them from harming anyone!" Sy said. "Please sir, I'll make sure Paintbrush doesn't hurt anyone." They begged.

"You said your patient was Paintbrush?" Cobs asked, looking Sy up and down questionably. "I did, like I said they haven't hurt me at a—" "That's enough. I'll think about it. Now leave." He commanded, raising a hand. "Nono you don't understand, I have to stay with them! They need me!" Sy said. "Get out of my office Sy." Cobs demanded. "Sir please I—" "I SAID GET OUT." He yelled, picking up an object off his desk and throwing it at Sy. They barely moved out of the way, one second without moving would have ended up with Sy dying.

"Yes sir." They said quietly, clutching their bag and quietly exiting the office.

The elevator door closed and Sy clutched their sides, stifling any sobs or cries that tried to escape. He would think about it. They just needed to hope for the best. A small pain hit them in the head, Sy placed their hand on the pain and realized that the object didn't completely miss, it hit them slightly.

They held their hand onto the crack and kept it there, that would reduce anything else happening there, atleast, until they got to the bandages.



i have caught on quite quickly that sy appears to be a favorite

just know this means bad things are going to happen/j

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