31 - Apology Flowers

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Paintbrush finished writing the letters, they needed to apologize. They took the letters, then left their room, but instead of giving them to someone, they headed outside the hotel.

There was a really nice flower patch, that contained beautiful flowers. From the most fragrant roses, to the most common daisy.

They were all so pretty.

Paintbrush picked a couple of flowers, gently placing them with the letters.

Paintbrush needed to apologize, but they couldn't. They couldn't apologize face to face with any of them, they were terrified.

"Paiinty! Where are y— Oh! there you are!" Lightbulb exclaimed, Paintbrush quickly grabbed the letters and shoved them into their bristles to hide them.

"What are you doing out here??" Lightbulb asked, sitting down next to them. "Just.. Smelling the flowers.. And admiring the scenery." Paintbrush mumbled. Lightbulb hummed, "Yeah, it is pretty out here!" She smiled.

"Have you noticed OJ and Paper? They've been a lot closer lately." Lightbulb said, "They ARE best friends though. They've been friends since season one." Paintbrush laughed. Lightbulb laughed a bit too, "Maybe they're... 'Super close'?" Lightbulb winked. "Lightbulb!" Paintbrush jokingly elbowed her shoulder.

"But that actually might be the case, no two best friends are as close as they are. Not even us." Paintbrush shrugged. Lightbulb scratched her chin slightly, "I wonder if they'll ever announce it." Lightbulb said. "OJ's never the type for personal announcements, he'll probably let everyone figure it out on their own." Paintbrush said, gently tracing their cracks. Lightbulb glaced over at them and frowned, moving their hands from their scars, "They aren't gonna heal correctly if you keep messing with them." Lightbulb told them. Paintbrush groaned a bit, "I know." They mumbled, "But they feel really nice!" They said. "They won't feel nice anymore if you accidentally crack them again, come on, lets go back inside and play with Knife and the others!" Lightbulb said, pulling Paintbrush up. Paintbrush paused, then tried to pull away. "I don't... I don't think I should." Paintbrush whispered.

"Nonsense! You two will have to talk to eachother one day." Lightbulb shrugged, dragging them inside. "Hey Knife, Pickle! Can we play with you two?" Lightbulb asked, Knife and Pickle looked over. Knife was about to say something, when Pickle covered his mouth, "Sure!" Pickle smiled, Lightbulb smiled back and sat down on the couch, dragging Paintbrush with her.

Paintbrush sat on the floor, away from Knife, not saying a word.

Knife grabbed two extra controllers, gave one to Lightbulb, then one to Paintbrush.

After a while, they all got more comfortable, sharing laughs, telling jokes, they were becoming better friends.

Knife was still weary about all of this, but he was becoming a little more loose.

He enjoyed this, it felt like the old times.

The times before Paintbrush stabbed him in the back.


Balloon paced back and forth infront of the door, he kept talking to himself, stalling.

"Alright Balloon, you can do this, just knock on the door, and ask if you want to hang out! It's just that simple!" he told himself, then moved his hand to the door, before quickly moving away. "Nope! I can't do this!" He cried, holding his head.

Then, the door he was standing infront of opened.

"NICKEL! JUST THE PERSON I WANTED TO SEE!" Balloon blurted out, his face was flushed from embarrassment. "Balloon, good to see you too!" Nickel said sarcastically with a fake smile, "What do you want." he frowned. "I— I uh— D–DoYouWannaHangOutSometimeLaterToday?!" Balloon quickly stammered.

Nickel looked him up and down, "Are you joking?" He asked. Balloon shook his head.

Nickel took a deep breath, "Sure. I'm free at 8 or whatever." He muttered, then pushed past Balloon and headed to the livingroom.

Balloon earned a large grin on his face as he quietly bounced up and down, then headed to his room. He was making a new friend, he never thought it would happen, especially with Nickel. But it did.

And he was going to make it the best day ever.


Paintbrush carefully slipped the final letter underneath Fan and Test Tube's door, then quickly headed back to their room. They couldn't apologize to people for what they did face to face, nobody even wanted to be NEAR Paintbrush! so sending letter was the next best thing. It was easier aswell.

They sat down on their bed, scooting backwards and laying down.

"Lets hope this works.." They mumbled to themself, tracing their cracks and gently pressing on them every few strokes. They slowly slipped into a deep sleep after a few minutes.


"Hey Knife, a note directed to you is infront of the door. Do you have a secret admirer or something?" Pickle joked, "What?— No, let me see." Knife said, Pickle handed him the letter and Knife opened it carefully, expecting something to jump out of it or something, but instead. It was a somewhat lengthy note. "Hmm... It says its from Paintbrush." Pickle pointed out. "Yeah, what do you think its about?" Knife asked. Pickle shrugged, "Read it and find out." Pickle told him. Knife nodded and cleared his throat.

'Dear Knife, as you know you have been a victim of my torments, which is not fair at all to you. I apologize deeply, you do not have to accept my apology but I am very sorry.

I cannot excuse my actions, I deserve whatever feelings you have for me, whether that be fear, anger, hatred, or anything else. I wish I could've stopped myself sooner, so that none of this happened, but I didn't. And now I have to pay for my actions.

I, again, apologize deeply, I'm very sorry for all of the pain I've caused you and other people. You did not deserve it.

I'm sorry.


Knife stopped reading, his breathing unsteady. "Wow. That was.." Pickle trailed off, glancing at Knife. His eyes kept reading over the paper, trying to find something he missed, trying to see that this wasn't real. But it was. Paintbrush was sorry.

"Are you alright?" Pickle asked carefully, Knife nodded, "I need to talk to them." He said.

He was about to put down the letter when something fell out, a flower. It was beautiful.

Knife picked it up, his hands trembling. Pickle carefully placed a hand on his shoulder, "Lets go talk to Paintbrush." He said, Knife nodded as he was picked up and put into his wheelchair, his heart unsteady.

He could do this, it would all work out in the end.


Day's passed, most people forgave Paintbrush, while others didn't. But Paintbrush was fine with that, they didn't mind the hatred that people had for them.

They deserved it either way.

They were happy that they could atleast show their face in the hotel once more again.




its finally over

and this is the start of my break, ill be writing a lot over the break, and it should end before may 1st

but until then ill still be updating my art book and (somewhat) the ask blog

i hope you enjoyed the final ending to this series, and who knows

i might change my mind about it being the end ;)

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