19 - Good news

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Sy looked inside of Paintbrush's room, which was quiet. Paintbrush was still asleep, so Sy had some time. They headed to the elevator, eager to ask their question. Lightbulb most likely wanted to make frequent visits after she got the news.

The elevator dinged and Sy stepped out, "Good evening, Mr. Cobs!" Sy greeted. Cobs hummed, "Good evening." He muttered. "I've got a question, it isn't anything about my last question though, I promise." Sy said. Cobs sighed, then put down the papers he was holding. "Mhm. What is it?" He asked. Sy smiled slightly, "Well, I've recently visited the hotel that Paintbrush is most likely going to be staying at after they are emitted, and a few of the residents wanted to know if they were allowed to visit! I also wanted to know.. How much longer do I have with them?" Sy asked, their voice cracking slightly.

Cobs looked Sy up and down, they were serious. "They can visit. But they only have until Paintbrush switches rooms. I'm not dealing with trying to figure out who doesn't belong in that room when the time comes. And for times.. I'd say Paintbrush has about a few more weeks before they will be moved." Cobs said. "Oh and about your question earlier.. You can stay with them-" "Really?!" Sy asked, xeir eyes lighting up in joy. "Yes. Let me finish. You can stay with them BUT, you will have the help of another nurse. You'll meet her a week before Paintbrush is moved, just to get to know her." Cobs said. Sy nodded, "Thank you sir!" They said. Cobs nodded, and Sy left.

While in the elevator, Sy pulled out their phone and called OJ.

"Hello??" OJ asked from the other side.

"I'd like to talk to Lightbulb, is she available?"


Paintbrush yawned and sat up, rubbing their forehead. They looked around and frowned, Sy always left after they fell asleep. They hated it. Did Sy not trust them enough?

The door carefully opened, Sy stepped inside, except.. Something was different. Sy never had their phone out, but they were staring at it intensely. "Paintbrush, I've got some news for you. Quite a bit, actually." Sy started. Paintbrush felt their heart drop. Was Sy leaving them? They didn't want that. They held their head and stayed quiet, they didn't want Sy to leave. "...Is everything oka-" "Don't leave me..." Paintbrush whispered. Sy was taken aback, then sighed with a smile, "I'm not going to leave you Paintbrush. I would never." Sy said, then headed down to Paintbrush and gently handed the phone to them. "This is one of the news, I'd guess that you'd want to see this one first." Sy smiled.

Paintbrush stared at the phone, it was on a call. And the person it was named for, was OJ.

"Are.. Are you sure he wants to talk to me?" Paintbrush asked. "Not he, she wants to talk to you." Sy said. Paintbrush carefully placed the phone up to their ear, "Hello..?" They asked. "PAINTY!!" The voice on the other side screamed, Paintbrush quickly moved the phone away from their ear. Their face changing from a scared expression to a happy one. They put it back, "Lightbulb?!" They asked, their voice quivering. "You're.... You're okay?! But.. But how... I.. I watched you-" "Nevermind all that, I'm here now!" Lightbulb said. It was clear that her, aswell as Paintbrush, were both trying not to break out into tears.

Sy smiled to themself, this would definitely happen a lot whenever Lightbulb actually visits.

Hours passed, and soon, Lightbulb had to go. Paintbrush sadly returned the phone, "Don't look so down, Paintbrush, I've got a few more pieces of news for you." Sy said, gently elbowing them. "First things first, I'll be allowed to stay with you throughout the rest of your time here." Sy started. Paintbrush's eyes lit up with joy as they carefully bounced their legs. "And.. You'll be getting a few visitors before you move rooms." They said. "Really?! I'll get to see Lightbulb again?!" Paintbrush asked, happy tears threatened to pour out of their eyes. Sy nodded, then was quickly thrown onto the ground by Paintbrush wrapping their arms around xem.

"I don't know how you did it but thank you!" Paintbrush said through happy tears. Sy smiled to themself and tightly hugged them back. "You're welcome." They said.



leaving this on a happier note

if i didnt you guys wouldn't see the light of day again !!

fun fact originally in this chapter sy was supposed to earn a giant hole in the back of their head

you guys are lucky

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