4 - A cancelled dance

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Fan muttered something to himself as he slowly woke up, "ugh.... How long was I asleep..?" He asked himself, rubbing his head as he sat up. Fan looked at his arms, which were covered with a blanket. "Hm.." he muttered, then checked the time on his phone. "2 pm?!" He yelled.

Fan quickly got up, dropping the blanket and everything else that wasn't his phone, then immediately gaining a sharp pain in his hand. The stab marks from the needle, though they were tiny, they hurt like hell. He sucked in the pain and left the lab, ignoring the holes on his hands. He needed to eat, he could fix his hands afterwards.

Fan headed out of the room and into the livingroom, sleepily rubbing his eyes. There were only a few people out at this time, and even fewer people after all the deaths.

The only people in the livingroom right now were OJ, Paper, Salt, Pepper, Soap, Microphone, and YinYang.

There would normally be a few more people out here, like Pickle, Knife, or even Lightbulb.

But after Knife's death, Pickle refused to leave his room unless it was for food. It was heartbreaking.

"Good morning Fan! You're up late." OJ laughed, "You missed breakfast but lunch is still warm if you're hungry." He added. "Thanks OJ!" Fan smiled, then grabbed a plate and some food, then headed back to Test Tube's room to continue his work. It probably wasn't good to eat and work with chemicals at the same time, but he didn't mind.

Fan headed down into the lab and placed his food down on a table, then continued with his work on the serum. If it didn't work, then he couldn't bring Test Tube back. He needed to perfect it.


Hours passed, it was around 7:30 pm. Fan was finally finished his work.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, admiring his work. Then he grabbed a syringe, sucked up some of the liquid, then headed to Knife's body.

"Hopefully this works." He said to himself, taking a deep breath, then he injected the liquid into Knife's body.







"Agh... My head.."

"Knife! You're awake! It worked!"

"Fan..? What am I.. Where.."

"That doesn't matter now, what matters is that you're okay!"

A long pause filled the room.



"I can't feel my legs."


"Oh jeez— That wasn't supposed to happen! Can you move your arms?" Fan asked quickly. Knife nodded, raising both of his arms slightly. "Thats strange..." Fan muttered to himself. "Hang on, I'll be right back! Do you need anything?" Fan asked. "Eh.. Not really, I'm fine." Knife shrugged, staring at his legs. Fan nodded, then left the lab.


"Hm... If this goes here then this must go... Here! Aha!" Balloon exclaimed in triumph. "You beat me again?! How are you so quick at these?" Suitcase asked, putting her puzzle pieces down. Balloon shrugged, "I do the outside first, its easier." He said. "Hm.. I should do that." Suitcase muttered to herself.

Suddenly, the door flung open. "Balloon! Emergency!" Fan said. "Fan?! What is it??" Balloon asked. "Errm... I can't explain it, I'll show you when we get there." Fan said. "Suitcase do you mind if I go with him?" Balloon asked. "Not at all! I need to practice my puzzle skills." She smiled. Balloon returned the smile and then followed Fan out of the room.

"What is it Fan?" Balloon asked. Fan took a deep, shaky breath. "Hes alive." Fan said. "Wha— Wha— WHAT?!—" Balloon asked. "I brought Knife back from the dead, everything seems okay but.. Hes.. His legs.. He can't feel his legs." Fan said, holding his head slightly. "What do you mean? He doesn't have any limbs, of course he won't be able to feel his legs!" Balloon said.

"Well... About that.."


"YOU SEWED THEM BACK ON?!" Balloon screamed, taking a few, quick, deep breaths. "I couldn't just leave him limbless!" Fan said. "Fan thats really risky! He can't use his legs at all now!" Balloon said. Fan stared at his hands and messed with them.

Balloon took a deep breath, "Where is he?" Balloon asked. "Inside the Lab, I left him down there." Fan said. Then paused. "AH— SHIT. I LEFT HIM DOWN THERE." Fan panicked, quickly opening the Lab's entrance and running into it, Balloon followed close behind.


Knife was laying down on the counter, he couldn't exactly move anywhere so laying there like a loser was his only option.

He could hear footsteps approach, two sets, so two people. He sat up and rubbed his head. "He's in here." Said the first voice. "Oh my goodness! He really IS alive!" Another, higher, voice said. Knife turned around to look at them, it was Balloon and Fan.

"Fan does he know anything?" Balloon asked Fan carefully. "I'm not sure, I haven't asked him any questions." Fan responded. "Fan, Balloon, can one of you tell me where I am? The last thing I remember was... Paintbrush... They.. THEY FUCKING KILLED ME." Knife yelled, slamming his fist into the counter out of anger. "We know. They.. Aren't here anymore." Fan said sadly. "They're dead? Good. Thats what they deserve." Knife scoffed. "Nono, they aren't dead. They were sent away to a mental hospital almost a month ago. You've been dead for.. Almost a year.." Balloon explained. Fan had left to grab something. "Close enough, as long as they aren't anywhere near me, or anyone else." Knife stated.

"Who else did they kill?" He asked. "Test Tube and The Cherries.. Lightbulb is no longer with us aswell, but as far as we know, Paintbrush was not the murderer." Balloon told Knife. "Test Tube?? But then.. How am I.." Knife stared at his hands in shock.

"The one who brought you back—" "Would have to be me!" Fan announced, coming back into the room with a wheelchair. "Really? Thanks Fan." Knife said. "Here, this should help you move around." Fan told Knife, bringing the wheelchair near him and helping him onto it.

"What happened since I was gone? Has anything.... Pickle... How's Pickle?! Is he alright?" Knife asked. "He... Hasn't spoken to anyone or left his room ever since your death." Fan said quietly. Knife could feel his heart tremble, "Can I see him?" He asked. "I'm not sure. Nobody except for me and Balloon know you're back." Fan said. "I could get OJ to follow me back to Test Tube's room! It should be easy!" Balloon offered. "Are you sure?" Fan asked. Balloon nodded, then quickly headed off without any confirmation. "We should head upstairs too then, lets go!" Fan smiled, heading behind Knife and pushing the wheelchair back up to Test Tube's room.



this chapter was written on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022.

knife in a wheelchair! who would have thought ?!

anyways knife no longer has feeling in his legs, his basically paralyzed from the waist down. he can use his arms though, which is good.

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