16 - Cafeteria troubles

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Sy walked into Paintbrush's room, to see if they were awake. They had put a bandage on xeir head, so their injury didn't hurt anymore.

Paintbrush was busy pacing back and forth, talking to themself. Then they noticed Sy.

"Sy?! What happened to your head?!" Paintbrush panicked. Sy waved their hands, "I'm fine, don't worry Paintbrush!" Sy smiled. "I just.. Someone was having a bad day." They muttered. "Clearly." Paintbrush scoffed. "Are you hungry? I can go get you something from the cafeteria to eat. You can come with me too, you'll be going out to the cafeteria to eat soon enough so its good to prepare." Sy offered. Paintbrush paused.

"Can you sit with me?" They asked carefully. Sy nodded, "I'll stay with you the whole time." Xey said. "Alright.. But if any of them look at me the wrong way I'm never doing it again." Paintbrush stated. Sy laughed a bit and took Paintbrush's hand, "Come on." They said, then opened the door to lead Paintbrush out.

Paintbrush was hesitant at first, but quietly followed Sy to the cafeteria.

They could feel everyone's eyes on them, they hadn't left that room in what felt like months. Sy glanced over at Paintbrush and gently tugged on their hand, "It's gonna be alright." Xey whispered. Paintbrush nodded shakily, "Here. You sit here and I'll get your food." Sy said, pointing to a cafeteria chair. Paintbrush took a deep breath and carefully let go of Sy's hand, then sat down on the chair.

Sy made sure they were okay, then left to go get their food. Paintbrush sat in silence, keeping their focus on the floor instead of anything else. The cafeteria was loud, they hated it so much. Paintbrush carefully covered their ears, not wanting to listen to it anymore.

They felt a gentle hand on their back, which made them uncover their ears slightly, "You alright? I'm back now Paintbrush. You don't have to worry." Sy smiled. "I wanna go back, its too loud." They mumbled. Sy frowned a small bit, but nodded, "Alright, come on. Let's go back to your room." It said, holding the food in one hand and offering the other one for Paintbrush to hold. Paintbrush quickly took their hand and they headed back to Paintbrush's room together.

Paintbrush held their breath, they hated this. Soon enough they were back to their room. Sy opened the door and Paintbrush hurried inside and held their stomach, tracing the cracks on it. "I hated that, if I have to do that for a week I'd rather starve." They whispered. "It will be okay Paintbrush, I'll stay with you every second of the day when you move!" Sy said, handing Paintbrush the plate of food.

"Thank you." They said quietly, letting out soft hiccups, they sat down to eat. Sy sat down next to them to comfort them, they hated seeing Paintbrush like this, it hurt xem a lot. But everything would be okay soon. They just needed to wait.



this one is a lot shorter than the others, but its definitely still good enough

i love them <333

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