2 - An Idea

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Fan sat down on his partner's bed, staring at his leg. It was wrapped in bandages. It had been a few weeks since Paintbrush went to jail, but his leg was still completely ripped apart from the knife. He could barely walk, but he had to get through the pain. For his friends. His old friends were all gone, he missed them.

Test Tube, was suffocated in her sleep with no way to fight back. What a terrible way to go.

Lightbulb, killed from brain damage. She passed in her sleep, peaceful, but terrifying.

and Paintbrush. The name made him sick. They were the culprit, and they're where they deserve to be. Well.. Where they should be before death.

Once they die, he hoped that there was a giant spot in hell for them, filled with the most terrifying torture devices that no object should see.

It was a terrible thought to have, but Paintbrush deserved it.

Fan laid down on his partner's bed, staring at the ceiling. He missed them, he missed all of them. He never talked to Trophy, or Knife, or even the Cherries, but none of them deserved their fate.

Then, an idea flashed through his head.

Bring them back. You have Test Tube's lab, you can do this Fan. You're smart enough. It should be easy! Just find the right ingredients, and bring them back!

He quickly hopped up from the bed, grabbing his head right after due to dizziness, then ran out the room, ignoring the stinging pain of his leg. He accidentally brushed past Balloon on his way out. "Wah!— Fan?! Your leg! You can't be—" "Sorry Balloon! No time to talk! I've got to get to OJ!" Fan said, then quickly dissapeared around the corner.

Balloon laughed to himself, "Atleast he's feeling better." he said quietly, then continued on his own way.


"Are you sure you aren't going to need anything Paper? I can get you a drink, something to eat.." He trailed off. "I'm fine OJ. It's just a tear at this point. I don't have to stay in bed all day." Paper told him. "It's for your own safety. If you get hurt again you might not be able to heal this well again!" OJ said. Paper laughed, "That's really sweet OJ, but I'll be fine." He smiled. OJ sighed, then nodded.

Fan kicked open the door, "OJ! I need to tell you something!" Fan said, breathing heavily. "Fan? Paper do you mind if I go with him?" OJ asked. "I'm not forcing you to stay here, that was your choice." Paper shrugged. "Alright." OJ said, then followed took Fan out of the room and to his office.


"So..? What is it Fan?" OJ asked. Fan took a deep breath, "So basically I was planning on bringing everyone back, I'm not sure how yet but I'll figure it out! I'll let you know if I figure something out too!" Fan said. OJ thought for a moment. This could be a good idea, but it could also be dangerous. "Hm.. Sure. I like this idea, it would definitely make life in the hotel a lot more lively and a lot less... Death..." he muttered. "Really?!" Fan exclaimed, his eyes shooting up with happiness. OJ nodded with a small smile.

"Thanks OJ! You won't regret it!" Fan said, quickly getting up and heading out of the room, tripping on his way out but managing to get himself back up. OJ laughed to himself at the sight, "Lets hope this works." He said quietly, getting up and grabbing a few things before leaving back to Paper's room.


Fan ran back to Test Tube's room, almost missing the room but managing to make it without any complications. He grabbed the handle and opened the door, pushing right inside it and heading inside, closing the door behind him.

"Code... What was the code.." he asked himself, staring at the curtain. He looked through the drawers and found a piece of folded up paper. "There!" He grinned and headed to the curtain, punching in the long code on the paper. The silence of the room was disrupted by a whirring, then an entrance opened. Test Tube's lab. He let out a small sigh, remembering the first time he saw that. He stared at his leg, it was the same one. He took a deep breath and pushed past the memory, then headed into the lab, hearing the entrance close behind him.

He felt the cold and dusty air of an untouched lab, it hadn't been used in almost half a year.  Nobody had gone in there ever since... She died. It pained him to even be there, old blood stains from his foot were still on the ground.

Fan looked around, then spotted a pile of papers, "That looks important." He said to himself, then dug through the pile of papers to see if there was anything about recovery.

And there it was.

A neatly stapled stack of paper with the words, 'RECOVERY' sprawled out on the front. Fan could feel a large grin form on his face. The grin soon changed into a worried expression when he heard someone in Test Tube's room.

"Fan? Are you in here?" The voice called out.

'Shit.' Fan thought, he grabbed the papers, holding them tightly to his chest. "I'm here! cover your eyes." "Oh!— Alright!"

Fan waited for a moment before opening the door from Test Tube's lab and heading back into the room, closing it behind him. And there he was, Balloon, in the middle of the room, covering his face and holding his eyes shut tightly. "Okay, you can open them now." Fan said, placing the papers down on Test Tube's bedside table. Balloon carefully opened his eyes, "Where did you go?" He asked. "Uh... Somewhere. I can't exactly tell you about it." Fan coughed.

"Well.. If you say so.." Balloon muttered, "Anyways, I brought you dinner! You hadn't come out for it so I decided to bring it to you!" Balloon said, picking back up the tray of food he had set down. "Oh.. Thanks Balloon, thats.. Really nice of you." Fan smiled, "No problem! I'm glad you're feeling better, is your leg doing okay?" Balloon asked, handing the tray to Fan. "Yeah, it is. I honestly forgot about it." Fan shrugged, taking the tray and setting it on the same desk ask the papers.

Balloon tilted his head, trying to get a better look at the papers, "What are those?" Balloon asked, pointing to the papers. Fan paused.

'Should I tell him?'

'No! Fan its too risky!'

'But hes a good friend! We can trust him!'

'If word gets out to OJ, its your fault then.'

"Its.. They're papers that tell me how to recover people." Fan told him, grabbing the papers and handing them to Balloon.

Balloon studied the papers quietly, "Did you write these?" he asked. "No of course not! They were... An indirect gift from Test Tube." Fan smiled sadly, he sat down on Test Tube's bed and grabbed the tray, eating some of the food. How long had it been since he had eaten a full meal? That didn't matter. "This is really good!" Fan said, covering his mouth. "I'm glad you think so. Say.. Do you think I could help you with these?" Balloon asked, sitting next to Fan. He thought for a moment, adjusting his glassed slightly and nodding afterwards. "The more help the merrier." Fan smiled. Balloon returned the smile and handed the papers back. "How are you even going to do this? Test Tube was the one who knew how to do everything." Balloon said. Fan picked up his phone, "That's what the internet is for! Besides, I'm smarter than I let on." Fan told him.

Balloon smiled and laughed a bit. Fan paused again, "I've got to show you something." Fan told him. "You can't tell anyone about what we are doing or what I'm about to show you." Fan added. Balloon started to panic a small bit, but nodded. Fan got up, putting the plate down and heading to the curtain, "OJ can't know about this. It was... A wish from Test Tube." Fan said. "Alright, I won't tell anyone. My lips are sealed!" Balloon promised. Fan punched in the code again, and the room was filled with a loud whirring sound. The door opened and Balloon let out a gasp. "That was there the whole time?!" He asked. "From what I know, probably." Fan shrugged, then headed inside the lab, gesturing for Balloon to follow.



finished with this chapter

balloon and fan >>>>>> your favorite duo/j

this chapter was made on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022

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