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It's been a while since we left my original cell, and I was getting nervous

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It's been a while since we left my original cell, and I was getting nervous. Everything was the same boring white theme from what I'd seen. Wherever I seem to be built like a maze. Each corner we turned revealed similar-looking corridors and passageways. I had no idea how anyone could navigate through it. The further we walked, the more my heart seemed to drop. I could feel the small amount of my hope of escape wither away.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Keep quiet!" The soldier in the front snarled back at me. I felt the corner of my lip quirk up in irritation. Nevertheless, I kept quiet and decided to stare intently at the back of his head. I was immediately pleased to see him squirm under my gaze. He shot me a distasteful glare before quickly whipping his head forward again.

"Don't mind him. He's old and bitter." I glanced behind me at the soldier who had been kind enough to treat me like a person.

"What's your name," I asked low enough to prevent the soldier in front of me from reprimanding me.

"That grumpy old geezer in front of you is Ron, and I'm Jaxson. What's yours?" I paused for a moment and thought hard.

"My name is Aarynae." It sounded odd to say my name out loud. So much had changed that I felt the name didn't fit me anymore. It belonged to the naive human girl from years ago. As far as I was concerned, that girl had died. "But you can call me Ryn." I was starting to feel depressed. I needed a distraction.

"What's going to happen to me now...." I trailed off when we turned another corner. The white walls drastically changed into silver and bronze metal and opened into a massive corridor. Etched into the metal walls were elaborate designs and symbols that weren't familiar to me. What struck me the most was that the ceiling was made entirely of glass, allowing a clear view of the sky. It must have been night because I could see the stars. I frowned.

Something didn't sit well with me. There was something eerie about the stars. I was able to see the stars too clearly. When I was younger, I remember barely seeing any during the night. Seeing the moon, let alone the stars, had been challenging because of the polluted atmosphere.

We continued further down the corridor until The surroundings shifted. This time though, everything was entirely made of glass, the floor, the walls, the ceiling. All I could see were stars. I stopped abruptly, nearly causing the soldier I was walking in front of to run into me. I stood in the vastness of space. I brought my bound arms up to the wall nearest to me and felt despair consume me. There was no sign of land, just a sea of stars.

We weren't on Earth any longer.

"Are we..." I gulped, "We aren't on earth, are we?" I could feel both pairs of eyes observing me as I dropped my arms.

"No." Jax said skeptically, "We haven't been for quite some time." I nodded in response and started walking again. I was numb. I could feel my mind beginning to give out on me.

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