The first book in the Morph series.
Ryn's story.
- "Don't you know I can't die!?" -
After being confined for years, Ryn has an opportunity to escape her prison. She's not looking only to free herself but also the rest of the test subjects. As secret...
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It's been two days since Ezic left for The Planetary Council, and my nerves had run thin. When we had first arrived, Ezic went over his plans concerning The Planetary Council. Ezic planned to send a fleet of ships to pursue Ra, Nohorr, and Zolar. He also wanted to request an audience with the council to schedule a meeting to request an investigation.
With Ezic gone, the division was left under Glee's watchful eye. Ezic instructed Glee days before to prepare to hear word back from him concerning the answers from The Planetary Council. Once Ezic gave Glee the word, Glee would ready a battalion to follow intel that Ezic had received concerning the location of Zolar, Ra, and Nohorr. Stahl, who was commander of the defense fleet in Ra's absence, would be leading the troops. Narv would accompany Stahl as he was the division's best Navigator.
I knew the new stress of leading The Krispar Division and getting to the bottom of the experimentation weighed heavily on Ezic. The nights leading up to his travel were restless. I often found him in his office planning and negotiating with outside parties to help assist him if possible riots were to erupt. Zolar had left the division in shambles, and by the time Ezic had received this intel, it was too late. Ezic had inherited a division that was falling apart. How Zolar had run things for the past decade was nothing less than mediocre. The people were helpless. They didn't know who to blame, so the blame fell on the new Commander in Chief, Q'halezic.
It was in the middle of the night when The Planetary Council reached a unanimous vote. They granted his request to have an investigation as well as allowed Ezic's troops to go after the accused.
"In return, they want me to hand over Nohorr so that they may deal with him as they wish." Ezic said. A small device on Ezics desk projected a hologram into the room, allowing us to speak with him as if he were here. The hologram cut out momentarily due to interference before returning. "I will arrive back on base in a day's time, be ready for me. As of right now, ready the troops and follow the instructions I've sent to you." Ezic motioned towards the small tablet Glee held in his arms. A small 'ding' rang out around us as the device received the instructions. Glee grunted in understanding before exiting Ezics office with Narv and Stahl quickly in tow, leaving Ezic and me alone.
"How are you holding up?" I ask softly while pulling out a seat next to the hologram and sitting down. Ezic's eyes followed me as I did so.
"As best that as can be expected. How are things on your end?" I shrug and slump in the seat I had pulled up next to his desk.
"The girls have been very...worried," I said, continuing after a small sigh. "They're scared."
"I need you to reassure them as well as the others." Ezic sighed before he started pacing back and forth. "You need to tell them what I've told you. They need to be prepared when the council comes up with the hearing date. Everyone is to testify, even you." I hesitated.
"There are things I haven't told you—!" I start. Ezic held his hand up to stop me from continuing.
"Anything you say to me now, I will be obligated to tell them." He pauses before continuing his pacing, never meeting my eye. Eventually, he stops and turns to me. "Will it affect the outcome of the trial?" He asks. I sat there momentarily, trying to decide if the information I was about to tell him would interfere with the trial. I nodded my head in response. Even though I was a victim like everyone else, there was information that could dirty the investigation. It was best to come out with it now rather than during the investigation.