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I could see Ezic's hands clench and unclench the steering wheel as we sped home

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I could see Ezic's hands clench and unclench the steering wheel as we sped home. I couldn't stop myself from fidgeting nervously in my seat. My imagination got the best of me, and I felt my core clench in anticipation. The tension between us was thick, and by the time we returned home, my nerves were raw, and I was nearly panting.

I watched Ezic jump out from the craft and stalked around to my side. He didn't need to open the door or unfasten me because I was ready for him when he reached my side. With the harnesses thrown to the side and the door unlatched, Ezic only needed to lift me from the craft and place me on the ground. However, he hadn't put me down as I had expected him to. Instead, he strode into the flat with me in his arms. Thankfully the girls must have retired to their rooms for the night, and Ezic's men were nowhere in sight, so we weren't welcomed with an audience.

I lightly laughed when Ezic juggled me in his arms as he tried to scan his hand on his bedroom door. Ezic cursed impatiently before quickly placing me on my feet and placing his palm against the scanner. The door unlocked, and Ezic threw it open while pushing me back into the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Ezic wrapped his arms around my waist and I reached up and caressed the side of his face with my fingers. He dropped his head to capture my lips with his before slowly leaving a trail of kisses from the corner of my mouth, to my neck. I let my fingers travel along his face until my hand met the base of one of his horns. I gripped it gently and tickled my fingers across its surface.

Ezic released a breathy moan. His breath tickled my skin, causing me to shiver. A slick tongue sprung from his lips, tracing the crook of my neck. He nipped at the sensitive flesh, which caused me to jump. A moan that I had been suppressing escaped my lips.

Ezic pulled me flush against him. His hands traveled down from my waist to my ass, pulling me up against him. His kisses quickly became more hungry. Finally, he raised one of his hands to pull my head gently to the side, allowing him explicit access to my neck. I felt heat pool at my core and forced my thighs together to keep my legs from trembling.

While one of Ezic's hands forced my head to the side, the other began exploring me. His hand moved up from my ass and slid under my shirt. His fingers creased against my scars, and I tensed. He traced the scars lightly with his fingertips, and I felt a wave of uncertainty flow through me.

"Ezic?" I questioned hoarsely. Ezic's fingers stopped exploring, and he lifted his head from my neck.

"You're beautiful. Scars and all." Ezic whispered in my ear, and I felt heat spread through me at his statement. Ezic pulled back from me, and I released the death grip I had on him.

Ezic stared at me heatedly before gripping one of my hands and sliding it under his shirt. He guided my hand over his battle-worn body, exploring the scars that painted his suede-like skin. The sentiment behind his action nearly caused me to burst into tears.

Morph: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now