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Ryn's POV-

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Ryn's POV-

I woke with a throbbing pain in my head. I pushed at the bodies beside me, stirring them awake. Panic flashed through my mind for a brief second before the soothing voices of the girls surrounded me. The room was dark, and my vision was still somewhat blurry. At that moment, all the events that had occurred within the past few days flew through my mind's eye. The Sickness, the drive, and Ezic.

"G–Get Ezic, I don't feel so well." The words that came from me sounded muffled and hushed by the constant pounding of my heart. I felt the bodies at my side disappear. This caused me to reach out in surprise. When I recoiled, I had a thick arm in my hand, much too girthy to be one of the girls. I raised my head and squinted my eye against the darkness plaguing my mind. In the shadows, I could catch a glance of a white mane and a head full of horns. A feeling of relief washed over me.

"Shhh, You're okay I'm here." Warm, calloused hands gripped my head gently as Ezic continued to speak incoherent words. Nevertheless, his voice began to soothe my panic-stricken mind. Eventually, I lay back down but only to have the pain wash over me again. This caused me to remain in an uncomfortable half-leaning position on the bed I was in. I was too weak to lean forward on my own and too ravaged by pain to lay back down. I felt miserable.

"Im in s-so much pain!" I gasped out between labored breaths as the pressure in my head only seemed to heighten. I reached out to the hands on my head and forced them hard against my skull in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain. Although my head still felt like it would explode, it did help relieve some of the pressure. I sat like that for many minutes until I felt coherent enough to crack open my eye and look up at the face in front of me.

"Thank you, Ezic...." I slurred my words lazily. Then, before I knew it, I felt the arms of unconsciousness start to reach out to me.

"Shhh, rest now. You will wake on your own in a few hours."

"You drugged me." I couldn't find it in me to object. This had occasionally happened the past few nights. I woke up in agony, only to be sedated and fall back into a nightmarish world filled with my father and torture. "P-please, not again." I say. I feel Ezic wrap around me and rest me back on the bed.

"Please, no more." I plead tiredly, straining against his embrace.

"No more, I promise." He said finally as I uncontrollably fell into the depths of unconsciousness. Hours passed before I woke again, and when I did, I had an uncomfortable sleep headache, but there was no pain, no pressure, and no shadows. When I opened my eye, it was the first time that I could see without any difficulty.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Georgia came into my line of sight and stretched. Clearly, she had just awoken herself.

"Did I wake you?" I ask. I was able to hear much clearer than before. She shook her head and gestured to the girls lying on cots near the bed.

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