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It was mind-blowing

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It was mind-blowing.

Ahead of us was a cluster of planets and Moons, most of which surrounded a single planet in an almost perfect belt. The planet that was in the center was massive. It was a striking dark purple and blue. Around the Purple and Blue planet were two belts built from silver. The belts moved on their own just outside the planet's atmosphere.

Connecting all the planets and moons was a seamless wire of–what I assumed were satellites. Outside the planetary belt were two bright orange suns. When the sunlight reflected just right, you could see a thin film that enveloped the belt and the Purple and Blue planet, encompassing it in a field of shimmering light.

"That light film you see is a forcefield. It is our first defense mechanism. Likely, my people have already been alerted of our presence. The steps that we take now need to be careful ones." The Zorr navigator, called Narv, said, popping up beside me and knocking me out of this jaw-dropping moment.

"I'm assuming we are going to go according to what we planned?" I asked. Narv nodded before moving me toward the navigation station, where Captain Maxwell, Jax, Ron, and Ra stood whispering amongst themselves.

"Your face has been a rare sight these past few weeks." I nod at Ra, and he gives me a knowing glance.

"You know me, just making the final preparations in case this gets shot to hell." They all chuckled.

"The slower they intercept us, the higher the likelihood of our success. It's nice to know we have an option to abandon ship if that is needed." With the helpful cooperation of Maxwell, we discovered that there were two scavenging vessels boarded on the ship. I spent the past few weeks helping Narv and Maxwell run diagnostics and prepping the ships for evacuation if it was necessary. The past few weeks were filled with anxiety and excitement, all for this very moment. The entire room was buzzing with anticipation.

"When should we expect visitors?" I ask, leaning against the back of the navigation system and staring out onto the beautiful scene.

"It will be a good sign if they send scouting vessels to inspect the threat. From there, they report back to the commanding unit." The scouting vessels were small two-manned crafts. They are sent in swarms when confronting a possible enemy. Their main job was to distract, collect data and determine if the occupants may be harmful. That wouldn't be too hard to determine since we had no weapons on the ship's exterior. Our only means of protection were the few handguns that remained after the escape.

"If they conclude that the ship isn't a threat, the mother ship will make contact and detain the vessel. At that moment, they will board. They will seize all weapons and search the entire ship while they take us to the planet for evaluation." Ra said to the large group. He had extensive experience in the Zorron military. At the point of his capture, he was one of the top commanders on Zorron.

"This moment is critical. It's best not to harbor any suspicion among ourselves." He spoke to everyone now. "They will be forceful but do not react to their instigations, it is a test. They will utilize every piece of information they come across." I felt shivers fall upon my skin and forced myself to shake it off. The coming hours were critical. The first contact was everything.

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