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I snapped my eyes open

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I snapped my eyes open. Colors danced in my vision, seen anew. The sound of my blood pumped viciously in my ears, overwhelming every other sound around me. A headache rocked my head as the scent of the sterile room met my nose. I could feel all of my senses rise with newfound awareness. Every color, sound, smell, and touch set my mind ablaze. Bodies shuffled around me quickly, startled at my sudden consciousness. Voices raised around me in fear as I jerked my body against the restraints confining me. I rose my head from its bowed position and set my sights on one of the scientists in front of me. Again, I jerked my body, testing the chains that retrained me to the chair.

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I yanked at one of the restains again, causing the scientists to scurry back in fear. I jerked again viciously, the cool metal cutting into my skin. I noticed that the more I strained, the more the chains gave. Then, with one final rush of power, I tore the chains off of me. It only took me but a split second to send myself flying toward one of the scientists, quickly cutting them down with a flick of my wrist. I watched as their head rolled to the side and fell to the floor, leaving their body to follow after it. Screams filled the space, causing me to roar in pain, clutching my ears.

I snapped my attention to the individual that had made the noise and cocked my head at them, baring my teeth in distaste. Their mouth opened to release another blood-curdling scream. Before they could utter a word, I lunged at them and sank claw deep into their chest, fisting the flesh in my hand. I saw movement at the edge of my vision and snapped my head toward the final scientist in time to see them reach for a weapon. But, before they could aim, I gripped the body I still had in my hand and threw it across the room, slamming into the other scientist. I didn't need to check to know that they had died at impact.

Without wasting another second, I threw myself at the door to my cell, effectively knocking it down. I met more people on the other side, startled by my sudden appearance. I made my way through hall after hall, quickly eliminating people. I raced through the building until I reached a door. I rammed my body into it, throwing it off its hinges. The smells of fresh air and dirt awoke something in me. Something I thought I had forgotten. A conscience. Memories of my past came to the forefront of my mind, knocking me out of my bloody haze.

The compound loomed over me, showering me in its shadow. I could hear soldiers heading toward my location, yet my body refused to acknowledge my commands. I wanted so badly to move, but I couldn't. It was like someone other than me controlled my every move. I was forced to watch as the soldiers surrounded me, forced to watch as I readied myself for their assault. I saw myself attack one after another, slaughtering everyone in my path and leaving nothing in my wake. A part of me that I didn't recognize reveled in the bloodshed and loved the smell of the blood-soaked earth. Tears rolled down my face, but my features remained deathly calm.

This was not me.

"Run!" I tried to scream, but only growls escaped my throat. I forced myself to look away as I lunged at an innocent soldier, slicing through them. I paused above their body, watching as they lay curled up on the ground, clutching at their neck in pain as they bled out. Person after person fell at my hand until nothing was left but myself, the dead, and the dying.

Morph: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now