C H A P T E R | 03

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Chapter 03: I don't know.

"Do I have a mama?" She asked again and Arthit somehow lost his smile and his eyes were filled with tears.

"Well..." Arthit hesitate, he looked at her eyes and only said, "Well, she...." Arthit couldn't think of any excuse, "How about, let's talk about this, another time?"

"Fine..." She pouted her lips.

Arthit think he could tell Mint right now. Although Mint is a type of kid who could understand everything, he himself don't know when will he or will he ever it to her.

"Let time decide everything." That was his motto. But sometimes, there were times that she wanted to tell to her, that he was the one who gave birth to her. He was her mama all along. But when he wanted to tell her, all the words were left and he can't even tell her.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked her, "Well, my classmates have mama who packs their lunch and take them to school." She said with a small voice.

"Oh, right. Mint, what do you want to have for dinner?" He asked to change the topic. "I want a minced pork with omelette rice!"

He looked at his daughter who was grinning to the backseat. "Is there anything else that that?"

"Nah..i prefer that one!" She then again sang her song. He again remembered how Kongpob always eat minced pork with omelette rice everytime. It's true, sometimes Arthit could feel that he was still seeing Kongpob through her. More like, he never felt Kongpob was away from them.

Kongpob reached his house. His house which felt empty for him.

He switched on the light and put his coat and briefcase to the sofa.

He then went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water and drank it in one gulp.

Although, he himself tried to move on, he still can't. He went upstairs to his bedroom and sat to his bed. He looked at his night stand and grabbed the picture which was placed.

He smiled bitterly and his tears were starting to pour one after another.

He hugged the picture frame and cried out loud. Through the 6 years, he still was in-love with his ex-lover. He still think of him everytime and even talked to his pictures that he kept. Even though how many times he wanted to forget about him, the more he missed him.

He tried many ways to forget him, he tried to go out on dates but nothing matched for him. He tried overworking himself just to forget about him. He even tried to go back smoking but yet, he could still remember Arthit's advice. Deep inside, he have been felt lost, without his Arthit in his side felt empty for him. He felt like he was lifeless

There are so many ways to forget him, but his heart choose to treasure him.

Arthit and Mint had reached home. Arthit put his sling bag and Mint's backpack to the counter and Mint run upstairs.

He couldn't help but to chuckle to his daughter's action. He then proceed to his room to change his clothes and went down to play with his beloved daughter.

"Mint, stop running!" Arthit shouted, he was now damn tired. They were in their backyard now and Mint, who had alot of energy left was still running.

"Papa, catch me!" She shouted and jumped from the terrace, luckily Arthit catched her. "Mint, you are scaring me. Don't do that again." He scolded.

He crouch to his daughter's height, "Don't do that again, okay?" He again said in a soft tone. "Sorry papa." She said in her soft, sweet tone.

Arthit sighted and held her hands. "Let's go and make dinner." He said and Mint smiled, nodding her head and followed her papa inside.

Arthit and Mint are now in the kitchen and Mint sat to her seat while Arthit on the another hand wore his apron and took out the ingredients and things he needed to make minced pork with omelette rice.

Mint watched her papa cooking and she enjoys it. They always do this everytime she was bored.

Arthit gracefully moved to the kitchen, and even though Mint always sees him like this, she always getting amazed by it.

He then served her the minced pork with omelette rice along with the strawberry cake he bought a while ago.


"I'm done!" Mint happily informed her papa and put her spoon down. Arthit on the another hand, wiped Mint mouth and smiled at her. "You can go now,"

He stood up and took the dishes in the Kitchen, he was washing them while Mint run to the living room to play.

She sat to the ground and grabbed her kitchen toys that her uncle Knot got for her and it have been her favourite things to play.

Arthit on the another hand had finished washing the dishes and cleaned the table.

After that, he went upstairs and went to Mint's bedroom to check on her.

He starred at his daughter and smiled when he saw her having fun, playing in her own.

"Papa!" Mint exclaimed as she saw her papa standing in the doorframe, leaning his head. He went to her and sat down. "Do you wanna play with me papa?" She asked.

"Of course," He said and Mint beamed in joy and happily played with her papa.

Arthit then stood up when his phone rang. "Excuse me, Mint. Papa have to take this." He excused himself and answered the call outside.

"Hello, Knot?"

"Hey, Arthit. How are you?" Knot asked.

"I'm...fine?" He answered with hesitation.

"Hm.... You seemed bothered by something. What is it?" Knot asked.

"Well..." He looked at the back and saw Mint still playing, he went downstairs to finish his sentence, "Well, Knot. I don't know if I should be happy or not."

"Why?" Knot asked. "I saw Kongpob, today." He answered and Knot frowned. "What? How?"

"I saw him, coming out of the cafe near the company." He said, "That explains why you seemed bothered."

"Do you know, i was happy to see him again but then, i felt scared. " Arthit explained to him.

"Why do you feel scared?" Knot questioned, "Because, what if he finds out that we have a child together. What if, he will take Mint from me."

"There's nothing to be scared of Arthit. He actually deserves to know the truth. But the question is, if you are ready to tell Mint the whole truth of her existence." Knot said and Arthit sighted.

"I don't know Knot." He said, lowering his tone. "Earlier, she have asked me if where was her mama was an i couldn't find a chance to tell her the truth. What do I do now?"

"Well then, you better find out about it. But, if you are ready, i will help you." He advised. "It's up to you though if you let Kong know the truth or not but, nothing will last forever Arthit. Mint is Kongpob's daughter, whether they will see each other in person or not, they still share a connection that no one can break, even you."

"I don't know what to do, Knot." He sat to the couch, "I really don't know."

"That's the reason why you have to find it." Knot said, and Arthit thanked him, "Well, i gotta go. My baby is already calling me." Knot said.

"Right, right. Tew might have been so frustrated right now as he couldn't bare seeing his hubby, talking to another man." He joked and ended the call.

Arthit sighted again and thought for a second, "Mint have been asking me about her mama. Should I tell it to her, now?" He talked to himself. He looked up and felt a relief.

"Is it time to tell her the truth?" He asked as he leaned his body to the couch.

C H A P T E R | 03
by: anonymouslylazy

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