C H A P T E R | 34

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Chapter 34: Coming back to Bangkok.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" His mother told him as she was hugging her. "I will mom."

"Take care of Mint too." She again said and hugged Mint. "Nana, we are going to visit you again, please don't cry." She said to her grandmother and wiped the tears that was flowing down to her cheeks.

"Of course, but I will miss you two, so much." She again hugged Mint but this time, it was a long one.

Arthit and Mint understood that the elder woman through her actions. The elder woman would be once again lonely. Although Arthit wanted to transfer here, so he could live with his mother to accompany her, he couldn't.

Arthit's mother finally broke the hug and wiped the remaining tear in her eyes. "You may go now." She said, sniffing.

The two nodded and, smiled. The father-daughter duo got in the car and Arthit was already starting the engine.


Kongpob was sitting near the windows of the cafe in the corner. He was waiting for someone to arrive and while he was waiting, he was checking emails that was sent by the workers to him.

"Have you waited too long?" A tall, white and slender women who was wearing a long skirt partnered up with a white trousers.

Kong's lip, lifted up. He looked at her and told her to take a seat.

"I will not beat around bushes anymore. Tell me, what is wrong with you, Kong?" The woman started, "Why did you ran out to the boutique and backing up to the wedding that was already prepared?"

"P'Gift. I had made up my mind already and i think it would be better if i stop my own wedding." Kongpob answered the question, "I never felt anything for Khaofang, other than taking her as my own sister. I know she loves me, but don't you think it is not fair to her if she love me and i only see her as my sister and nothing more."

"Kong, let me get this one thing, clear. What really happened?" His sister seriously asked. "What?"

"You already agreed to this a long time ago, it's been more like a year, yet you only backed up, now. What really happened to you?"

"I just realized that, i still love my ex, even until this day. And, i don't really see myself being a husband of someone else other than him." Kongpob's tone suddenly softened as he told his sister his reason and, his sister actually noticed that the reason Kongpob was saying is indeed from the heart.

"You still think of him everyday, isn't it?" She asked again. Kongpob just looked at her and she understood the meaning of it.

Kongpob's sister had known Arthit and Kong's relationship before the two got into separate ways. She and Arthit eventually gotten along with each other and she treated Arthit as her brother.

"I see. You still love him." His sister sighed. "It was hard to forget the one you love, right?" His sister sighed and, Kongpob didn't answered. The silence surrounded the two siblings and the only thing they could hear was the aircon to the cafe, the music, the workers, and the people around.

That's right. Although Kongpob didn't answered, she know that the answer was obviously a yes. She know all along that Kongpob never forgotten about him, every bit of Kongpob does always reminding him of Arthit. Just like now, he ordered the most favorite drink of Arthit, Pink Milk.


Arthit opened the windows of his car and turned off the aircon. It was a nice weather so and, Mint at the back was sleeping soundly. 

Arthit then, turned the volume of the radio, down so Mint wouldn't wake up. He was still bothered about it. About Mint's dream.

That night, when Mint told him about her dream, he couldn't sleep and he was just tossing around.

Arthit sighed again. He again looked at Mint's peaceful face while she was asleep.

It was already passed 5 o'clock of the afternoon and Arthit first stop to have a break into a café that he saw on the way. Good thing, Mint already woke up before they arrived at the café. They jumped out of the car and walked in, hand-in-hand.

They were greeted by the warm and sweet aroma of the the coffees that were made and served. They then saw the lady up to the counter and smiled brightly. "Good afternoon, sir. What can I get for you today?"

"Can I have a two pink milk please and, two strawberry cakes." He said and the cashier nodded her head and Arthit gave her the money. "All right, Two pink milk and two strawberry cakes, coming right up!"

The two then, chose to sit near the window in corner and watched the sun setting. "Papa, look the sun looks so beautiful!" She said, pointing at the sun.

Arthit looked at his side where was the sun was setting and his lips curved up into a smile. "The sunset is always beautiful." He then looked back at Mint who was busy staring at the beautiful sun, outside. He then took out his cellphone and, took a stolen shot of Mint.

Finally after a few minutes, their order finally came. The two happily ate their order while looking at the sunset.

After that, they were once again, gone into the car and drove off. Like earlier, Arthit opened the window and enjoyed the breeze of the wind. Mint on the back was just sitting like an obedient child and just looked around the surroundings they encounter.

Finally after two hours of driving, Arthit and Mint arrived at their house. Arthit parked the car Infront of the gates and, got off the car. He first opened the gates and of course, the door before he unload his car from all the stuffs they have in the trunk.

Mint on the another hand, already ran to her room, upstairs and laid comfortably in her bed.

Arthit then, entered the house and, put all the things in the sofa.

Before, they only brought a big handbag containing their clothes. And now, they came back with a bunch of things from his hometown. From his home where he came from.

C H A P T E R | 34
by: anonymouslylazy

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