C H A P T E R | 44

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Chapter 44: Sucks?!

Arthit heard it all. Arthit heard the entire conversation, between the two.

He hid behind the curtains, and listened. His daughter had loose her hopes, looking for Kongpob. Arthit sighed. First, Mint wanted to meet him, then, made a wish to see him on her birthday, and now, she is loosing hope.

Mint had thought that, by the time she opened her eyes, there is her daddy, standing beside her. But that soon shattered as when she comes to know, her uncle was with them not him. Only if she knew that the person, next to her was the one she had been waiting for.

Arthit tried to collect himself, he closed his eyes for a second and, opened it soon. He tried to put a fake smile, and entered the ward.

"What are you two chatting about?" He asked. The two looked at him as if the were caught red handed. Arthit just simply shrugged it off as he knew what the two had chatted. He just normally arrange the table Infront of Mint then, transferred the congee to the bowl.

Kongpob on the other helped Mint to sit up. He then sat behind her and Arthit put the bowl down. "There you go!"

Mint then, started to feed herself, while Kongpob was at her back, caressing the back of her. Kongpob then, looked at Arthit who was sitting back to his place. But, Arthit didn't look back at him as he was busy, nursing their sick daughter.

He slightly tilted his head, as he observes Arthit, nursing Mint, feeding her. Kongpob smiled, subconsciously, looking at the two.

"Gods really gave me a wonderful blessing."

"Here, drink the medicine." Arthit said, feeding Mint her medicine and helped her to drink a glass of water. Arthit patted her head and, smiled.

After she drank the medicine, Mint didn't like the taste of the bitter medicine. Arthit chuckled, "Bitter." She said, in a low tone with a pout.

"You'll get used to it, when you grow up." Kongpob said, running his fingers around her hair. "Is growing up really requires to drink medicine?" Mint asked as she looked at Kongpob.

She is just a kid, and she still in the stage of growing her knowledge among things.

"Well, some people does." Kongpob said, and then looked at Arthit. "Isn't it, P'Arthit?"

Mint then, turned her head into her papa, who was nodding. "Growing up quite sucks."

The couple exchanged looks. How could Mint say such a word?

"Where have you learned that S word?" Arthit asked. "Do papa mean the word sucks?" Mint asked, innocently.

"Y-yes, that one?"

"Oh, uncle Bright thought me!" Mint said, proudly. "Well, do you know what that means?" Kongpob asked. "Well, not really. But uncle Bright told me it was for the things you don't like."

"Bright, i am really not gonna let you near Mint anymore."  Arthit thought. He is never gonna let Mint go to him, ever again. That good uncle of hers, who always taught her some things, beyond her age.

"Mint, don't say that word again. It was a bad word." Arthit said, "How come "sucks" mean a bad word papa?" Mint asked. Arthit sighed he don't know what to say anymore.

"That word was only used by elders. Kids like you shouldn't say that kind of words." Kong said, smiling at Mint.

"So i am not allowed to say it?" Mint asked again, and looked at the man at her back. Kongpob nodded his head saying, "What your uncle was telling you was some things that elders could only understand and kids like you should not say those words again." Kongpob explained and Mint nodded her head, understanding the reason.

Finally, Arthit felt relieved, thank god, Kongpob was there. If not he don't know what will this conversation was going to.

"So, don't say those words again, okay?" Kongpob asked and Mint hummed in response. "Promise?" Kongpob again asked showing his little finger, declaring that he wanted Mint to promise. "Promise." Said Mint and entwined their little fingers together, "It's a pinky promise!" Mint said in excitement.

Kongpob then, chuckled and messed her hair a little. "Don't break it."

"I will not, uncle!" Mint retorted back, making the two man, chuckle.


The morning came, and the doctor were talking to Arthit and Kongpob while Mint was sit still in bed.

"She is in a good condition now, Sir. You may now take her home now. There's no need for further check ups since she is in a good state now and, her high fever was already gone." The doctor said, "But, you need her to drink vitamins to boost her immune system and energy."

"We will do that doc. Thank you." Arthit thanked the doctor who smiled at him and excused himself to check other patients.

Arthit and Kongpob then, faced each other with an excitement, plastered into their faces.

"We can take Mint home!" Arthit said in excitement. Kongpob only could chuckle and nod his head.

After that, the two found themselves, getting ready for them to go. Since, there is two car that were brought here. Arthit decided to ride his car while Kong ride his.

No, they are not going into their separate ways, but they were going to the same destination.

As they reached their destination - Arthit's house. Arthit entered, holding Mint's hands.

But, that didn't last long as Mint suddenly freed her hand from Arthit and ran into her room, as if she didn't had any fever. Arthit could only chuckle and sat himself at the sofa.

Kongpob on the other hand, stopped over to a shop that sells lunch. Arthit and him, were so exhausted, and didn't got any sleep last night.

After that, Kongpob quickly came back to his car and drove into the house. There, as he entered, he was greeted by Arthit who was already fast asleep on the couch.

He chuckled, looking at the elder man, while taking his shoes off. He then, placed the plastic bag into the coffee table and quietly bend down Infront of Arthit and put the strand of his hair, blocking his white, milky face into the side.

He smiled, studying the elders features and, the next thing he knew, he captures the elder's lips that made the elder, woke up.

His eyes widened in shock and slightly pushed the younger, who chuckled. "Kongpob!"

"What?" Kongpob then, gave the elder a teasing look, he used to do, back then.

"Stop it. Mint might see us!" Arthit retorted, rolling his eyes. Kongpob only gave him the teasing smile.

"Sometimes, stolen kisses, were the best." Kongpob said, with the teasing smile.

C H A P T E R | 44
by: anonymouslylazy

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