C H A P T E R | 29

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Chapter 29: Arthit's hometown.

Arthit stopped at a flower shop, near his hometown and entered in, with Mint in his hand. Mint was too persistent to go with him and, he have no choice but to go with her.

"What flower should we get, papa?" She asked. "Maybe, lilies?"

"Then, lilies it is!" She said and then ran inside to the shop. She was then followed by Arthit and, the shop keeper greeted them. They both greeted back to her and she said, "What kind of flowers would you like, Sir?" She asked. "Just a bouquet of Lilies, please. "Okay, would you like to put a card on it?"

"No, it's not necessary." He said and the shop keeper nodded and gone to the likes who was place carefully in the corner.

She then, wrapped the flowers in a nice red paper and a ribbon wrapping to it. "There you go, sir." She said and handed him the bouquet. "Thank you." He grabbed the bouquet and gave her the money. The father-daughter duo then, was once again back in the car, enjoying every view they saw.

After a while, Arthit then, stopped at a medium-sized stylish house, with two floors with a small front yard and, of course the car could only park up, outside as there were no space nor, garage.

They were greeted by a white haired woman, dressed neatly in a white pants, paring with white shirt and on top was a purple knitted blazer.

"Mom." Arthit smiled, looking at his mom. "Arthit, you're already here!" His mom exclaimed and slowly opened the gates for him and Mint to come in.

Mint then rushed to her and gave her a big hug. "Nana!"

"Oh, Mint. How are you, sweety? Nana missed you so much, you know?" The elder patted her granddaughter's head and looked at her son. "Let's go in, shall we?" Arthit then, nodded his head and, helped his mother to go in.

"Mom," Arthit called out his mother and handed him the bouquet they bought awhile ago. "Aww.. thank you so much, son." His mother smiled, looking at the bouquet of lilies in her hand.

"Do not thank me, mom. It was Mint's idea. You should thank her, instead of me." His mother then, crouched down to his daughter's height and said, "Then. Thank you, sweetheart." And hugged her. "You are always welcome, nana."

As Arthit's mother broke the hug, she then looked at Arthit, "Your dad will be happy if you visit his grave."

Arthit smiled and nodded. Oh, how he missed his father so much.

"Tomorrow was Yeye's death anniversary, am I right, Nana?" Mint asked and her grandmother nodded.

"He will be happy to see you two there." Arthit's mother said and stood up, making her way to the kitchen.

Arthit then looked at the picture fame that was placed to a coffee table next to the sofa. It was a picture of him, his parents and Mint, days after she was born. "You know, darling. I've seen your father in my dream, last night. He was smiling at me."

"He sure are as his favourite grandchild will be there." He said and pick Mint up.

"Right, have you two eaten yet?" His mother asked and the two shook there heads, telling the elder that they haven't yet. The elder then chuckled and said, "That's what I though." And went to the pot, placed in the top of the stove and, grabbed a bowl and started pouring the soup.

After a while, his mom then placed the three bowls, one centimeter apart and the spoon next to the bowls. "Thank you mom." Arthit said and tried the soup. Arthit praised his mother. "I haven't tried your cooking for a while, mom. And, all I could say is, it was still delicious as before."

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