C H A P T E R | 04

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A/N: Kinda edited this chapter because I read the story and realize that, i haven't corrected this part.

Chapter 04: Jealousy

It's been 1 week when Knot called and Arthit couldn't find a way to tell her about the truth.

Sitting in his office, he stared at his PC, his mind was occupied of this matter.

"Arthit." Earth called out. He looked up, "Something bothering you?" She asked. "Nothing," He lied and Earth nod her head. They were all busy with paper works when, the door opened. They all looked at the door just to see the Company's manager.

"Khun Daniel." They called out and wai'd to the Manager. He smiled, "So, you all know right, the new director will arrive today?" He started and everyone nod their heads. "Then, i would like to introduce him to you guys."

Everyone in the room was curious to see who was the new Director of the Company. "Come in, Mr. Suthiluck." He said, smiling. The man then, came in.

Arthit's face grew pale, looking upon this man, Infront of him. "No." He whispered.

Earth, Prae and Maprang exchanged looks, while the two, Duen and Jeed were happily welcomed him.

"Are you okay?" Earth asked, whispering to Arthit's ear. "I'm okay, Phi." He whispered back. He looked over at Arthit who was leaning his head, to talk to Earth.


After meeting Kongpob, it was only Earth, Prae, Maprang and him in the office as Jeed grabbed something from the pantry and Duen went to bathroom.

Arthit glanced at the picture frame to his table and it was his and his daughter's picture that he loves.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Asked Earth. "I am fine, P'Earth." He said and Earth looked at him, worriedly. "Arthit. I know you are afraid of him if he found out." She paused, "But if you keep avoiding him, he might find it suspicious. Especially, earlier, you didn't even spare him a glance. He might think something is up." She held his hands.

"P'Earth is right. Especially, he became our director. We could meet him everytime. It would be hard for you to avoid him." Prae said, patting his shoulders. "They both have a point Phi." Maprang said, worried about her senior.

He just stared at his PC and was in the deep thoughts. Duen and Jeed who just came in were dumfounded, "Uhh, did we missed something?" Duen asked but the no one answer his question.

Earth just stared at him went went to her seat while the two sat down, taking a glance on Arthit.

Kongpob was left to the meeting room, talking about business again, and Kongpob stayed there until the work hour is over to talk things and how much will be the cost of this project.

After a few hours, the work time was over. As usual, Arthit wore his sling bag and turned off his PC. "P'Arthit. Let's go out together." Jeed suggested and Arthit immediately agreed.

He grabbed his keys and followed Jeed. They wait Infront of the elevator while Arthit was busy, texting his parents.

Then, he looked back when he notice another person was at his back and yet, it was him. Again.

"Khun Kongpob, Sawadee." Jeed wai'd at him at he smiled to her.

Well, Jeed would be lying if she'll say that she didn't find Kongpob attractive but, he was not her type.

Arthit didn't said any word to him and just continue to text his parents. After a minute, the elevator's door opened and Arthit went inside with Jeed and Kongpob.

Arthit and Kongpob's mouth were all silent. Jeed pressed the button. They were in a triangular form, Arthit and Kongpob were in the side of the elevator, while jeed was Infront of them, facing the door. The elevator was surrounded by silent that even a little sound was not heard.


The elevator's door opened and Arthit rushed quickly to the parking lot without looking back. He rushed to get in and once he was at the driver's seat, he felt a sign of relief.

"Damn, how often do I need to meet him?!" He asked himself. He looked at his left side and indeed saw Kongpob, opening his car's door. His car was right next to his ex lover.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath. This is indeed a bad luck for today, encountering him, trice this day, and add the fact that he would be their new appointed Director.

While Kongpob on the other hand had been putting a stone faced all day long. But he is used to it. Ever since Arthit and him separate their ways, he became lifeless, and everything changed. He was not the Kongpob that everyone knew but, he is the Kongpob the that was rude, cold and workaholic.

Every time he smile, to would never knew If it was true or not. He is good, faking his smiles, especially business related things.

He sat on the driver's seat and buckled his seatbelt. As he was ready to go, he noticed the car next to him. Well, he couldn't see the inside since the windows were rolled up and you need to go near the car to see it.

He couldn't explain why, but he feels like his heart was pounding loud. The last time it was like this is when he met Arthit, hours ago. He stared at the same car and watched it going.

Part of him wanted to follow the car but the other felt he did not want to invade the life of the person.

He then decided to went home, but still the unknown person inside the car kept troubling his mind.

But then, he remembered how Arthit never spared ang glance at him, he done either talking to Earth and Jeed or, listening to Prae just to avoid him.

"I know we are done but, i can't help being jealous everytime you talked to P'Earth." He though.

C H A P T E R | 04
by: anonymouslylazy

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