C H A P T E R | 43

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Chapter 43: Loose Hope

After a few hours, Mint's fever was all gone, and she could breathe normally. But, she was still under monitoring and was still unconscious.

"You hadn't eaten anything, didn't you?" Kongpob asked. He handed him a styrofoam container that contains food and a drink that was placed at the table next to the bed. "Thank you."

They were sitting in both Mint's side, monitoring her.

"Are you still worried?" Kongpob asked. Although, Mint was all good now. Arthit was still uneasy. "Don't get worried too much. Mint was now at ease. You should be, too."

"My mind just went blank seeing her in that kind of state." Arthit stated, and looked at the styrofoam he was holding. Kongpob couldn't help it and went to sit next to him. He pulled the older into a warm hug and, the older didn't protested.

Kongpob caressed his back, comforting the elder. "She is okay, now, Arthit. There's nothing to worry now." He had repeated the line which he had said, for over a countless times already.

Arthit only could cry things up. Seeing his daughter, laying in the hospital bed, looking really pale. He felt like he was really helpless and could do, nothing than just looking at her.

After sometime, Kongpob managed Arthit from crying and convinced the elder to eat. Well, Arthit of course couldn't refuse to the pleading of the younger one and just forced himself, even though he didn't want to.

But, Kongpob knew that he was just forcing himself to eat but, Kong never said anything. Because, if he didn't forced the elder, Arthit might not eat, for the whole night.

And, since he, himself also didn't had dinner yet, he joined the elder one for dinner. But, the dinner was more like a dead quiet than it could ever been.

The only thing you could hear, was the people talking, walking around and nothing more. None of them, wanted to utter any word or, even wanted to start a conversation.


It was a pass midnight, 3:09 am and the couple was still up. They couldn't fell asleep, looking at Mint with a helpless look. The two was sad, looking at their daughter's face, with pity in their hearts.

Arthit was holding Mint's left hand, caressing it. While Kongpob, was leaning his back and arms were crossed into his chest.

"Papa..." They heard a small sweet voice, coming out from the girl, laying in the hospital bed.

"Mint, papa is here." Arthit immediately jumped down from his seat, and went near her. "What happened? Where am I?" Mint asked, looking around. "We are at a hospital, Mint. You had a fever." Arthit explained. He caressed her Forehead and asked, "Is there anything you want?"

Mint, slowly shook her head, and looked at the other side. She saw, Kongpob, sitting at the side, looking at her with a concerned look. "Uncle, you are here."

"Mn. I was worried about you." Kongpob replied and, just like Arthit he went near to Mint. "You hadn't had dinner yet. Are you hungry?" Kongpob asked. Mint then nodded in an instant. She was already hungry, to the point that the bear inside her tummy, growled. The two chuckled and Kongpob excused himself to buy something for her, although he was hoping that, some shops are open during this hour.

Arthit then, grabbed the chair he was sitting earlier and sat to it. His face went closer to his daughter. "How are you feeling now? Are you feeling okay?"

Mint nodded her head, slowly and smiled. Arthit smiled, and looking at the smiling child Infront of him. Finally, his worries were all settled aside. He grabbed Mint's hand, and placed the back of her hand in his cheeks while, he was again caressing her palm.


"Thank you." Kongpob said to the lady, that handed him the plastic bag contains food. Thankfully, there is a store nearby, that was opened. It was just a congee but, Kongpob was happy to buy, even if it was just a simple congee. Atleast, Mint will be full. That's all that matters to him.

Kongpob then, walked back to the hospital and, went to the ward, where Mint and Arthit were.

"Im back!" He informed the two. Arthit then, looked to the direction with a wide smile. He walked towards him and grabbed the plastic bag. "I will prepare it." He said.

Kongpob then, handed him the plastic bag and, went to his seat. Arthit then, went to the front desk to ask for a bowl and utensils for Mint to use.

"Uncle..." Mint called out for the attention of the elder male, which she had succeeded. "What is it, sweetheart?" He asked coming closer to her. "Thank you."

"Huh?" Kongpob puzzled, "Thank you for staying with me and papa." She smile. Kongpob also smiled back, but, that smile never lasted long, when the next sentence of Mint, rang through his ears, "I wish you were my daddy, not my daddy."

Kongpob was hesitant, but words, came spilling out from his mouth, "Why do you think so?"

"Because, you are always there whenever we need you. You always plays with me, and always accompanies us." She paused, "Can I just have you as my daddy?" Mint eyes were becoming teary. "Why, don't you want to see your daddy? He loves to see you, you know." Kongpob said, caressing her hand.

Mint shook her head and said, "I don't know. I just feels like, i am loosing hope." She said in a low tone of voice.

"Mint, listen. Your daddy, wants to see you, hug you, and wanted to be with you and your papa." Kongpob said and, caressed her cheeks.

"Don't loose hope, Mint. He was just waiting for the right time to came out to you, Mint." Kongpob smiled bitterly.

"But, what if he won't?" She asked, "I know, he will. He will be there, just when you know it. So, don't loose hope, okay?" Kongpob asked, Mint nodded, slowly, trying to digest the elders words.

But, thoughts were still running through her mind.

What if her daddy don't want her? What if, he hated her that's why her left?

But, she knows, this questions, could be answer by the certain person she wanted to see. Her father, whom she had craved for.

C H A P T E R | 43
by: anonymouslylazy

A/N: How'd you like the story? It was a quite cliché, i know. It just suddenly popped up to my mind.

Anyways, that's all thank you!

See you next time!

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