C H A P T E R | 49

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Chapter 49: A club disaster.

It was already pass 5 and the workers were packing their things and getting ready to go home. Kongpob was on his way to his car when, Arthit recived a text from Arthit.

From: My Sun

Kongpob,  P'Earth, Meeting and Prae wanted to hang out in the nearby club. Do you mind if you pick Mint up from her school?

To: My Sun

I don't mind. Take your time and have fun. Just tell me if you wanted me to pick you up, okay?

From: My Sun

I will. Love you.

Kongpob didn't think much of it as he trusted Arthit fully and there is definitely no way that he would stop Arthit to hang out with his friends.

Kong then, started off his car engine and then drove to Mint. After a few minutes, he arrived at her school and parked his car on a side.

As he entered the corridor and went looking to Mint's classroom lucky for him, every classroom had windows that made easy for him to find where his daughter's classroom was located.

He knocked at the door and Ms. Tan opened it. "Good afternoon. I am here to pick Mint up." Kongpob said in polite tone.

The teacher nodded and then told Kong to wait. "Mint, someone's here to pick you up." Ms. Tan informed.

Mint then, looked up and immediately ran to Kong from her seat, "Daddy!"

Kongpob crouched down to her height and patted her head,  "Let's go?" Mint nodded her head and Kongpob picked up her things while he was not letting Mint go.

As they were walking towards the car, Mint suddenly asked, "Daddy, where is papa?"
"He was out with his friends but he will be back,  before you know it."

Kongpob smiled, assuring Mint which was not hard as Mint understood what her daddy was trying to say.

"Want to grab Ice cream on the way?" Kongpob asked and Mint nodded, happily. Kongpob then,  carefully put Mint into the backseat of his car and buckled her up.

They went to a local ice cream store and bought cookies and cream flavored ice cream. They just sat down to one of the tables and ate the ice cream together.

"Anything specific you wanted to do?" Kongpob asked. He had no idea what to do with her since it was the first time they bonded like this.

"Uhm... Watch cartoons and play with toys." Mint said finnishing the last spoon of ice cream. "Any other things you wanted to do?" Kongpob asked.

Mint thought for a moment and then said,  "I wanna go to a park and play!"

Kongpob chuckled and said,  "Then, let's go."

He held Mint by her hand and made their way to the nearby park.

"Have fun." Kongpob said and patted Mint's head.

Mint nodded and ran to play with other kids,  while Kongpob sat down to a nearby bench, far from the other women, whispering some things about the father and daughter.

"That kid of his, was lucky. Look at him. Handsome, and wealthy. Her mom was really lucky to have a husband like him and she was lucky to have such a father." A girl with a fan and a towel and the other two agreed. Kongpob really looked decent. With a blue tuxedo that was topping to his white polo and a black neck tie.

"Mint!"Kongpob shouted and rushed towards Mint who tripped over. Luckily, she fell into a grass. Kongpob then helped Mint to stand.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt or something?" He asked feeling panicked. Mint shook her head saying, "I'm all good, daddy."

Kongpob then messed Mint's hair a little and said,  "Be careful, okay? You almost scared me, you know. "

Mint chuckled and replied,  "I will." And began running around with other kids.

Kongpob sighed. He went back to his seat again and watch her.

And when the nighttime came, Kongpob and Mint came to his house. Mint was amused by the house. Kongpob was the only one who lives there because it was twice as large as theirs.

And, since it was large there were so many activities to do and Mint loved it there. She had a lot of fun there.

Then, when Kongpob was cooking,  Mint was busy watching some cartoons at the large television that she never saw before.

"Dinner is ready!" Kongpob said and Mint came just in time. "Sit down." He said and put a cushion to one of the chairs since Mint's height was not that tall.

The two enjoyed eating together. Mint even praised Kongpob's cooking skills. Then, they played a little while, before going to bed. Kongpob bathed her up and changed her into a comfy pajamas, Kongpob had bought her.

And, since it was a long day for Mint, she fell asleep in the middle of the story telling. Kongpob noticed it, immediately and stopped. He chuckled, and said, "Good night, sweetie."

He kissed her forehead, gently and then turned off the lights.


Kongpob was sitting at his home office, and looked at his phone as there is a notification that popped up.

From: My Sun.

Kongpob, can you come and pick me up at the bar?

To: My sun

I will be there, wait for me,  P'Arthit


ongpob grabbed his coat and car keys. He started the engine and drove off as fast as he could.
Good thing it was 10 pm and there were no more cars on the road that's why Kongpob gotten to the said club in no time. He entered the club,  which was quite loud. People were dancing in the dance floor, while there were some people on their tables drinking, or flirting with random people they laid their eyes on.

He searched for Arthit from one table to the other. And, after a few minutes of searching he found Arthit. But, it was not just him and his friends were in there but, a random guy, trying to wrapped her arms around him but Arthit was pushing his Arms.

"Come on, just join me tonight. " The guy do clearly looked drunk. The guy then, turned Arthit to face him and was about to kiss him.

Before he could press his lips to Arthit's, who didn't know what to do and was shaking nervously. Kongpob leapt forward and grabbed the man's shirt to punch him hard, right on the face. Everyone was startled and looked to the scene. Even the three girls were also frightened by Kongpob's sudden attack.

The man, was thrown into the ground and held his bleeding nose. "Who are you? Why did you punch me,  you bastard?!" Kongpob grabbed the man's collar and asked, in a stern voice, "Who even gave you a permission to hit on my man, asshole!"

Then, Kongpob felt someone was holding his shoulders. He looked at the back, finding Arthit, holding him.

Finally, he let the man go and grabbed Arthit's hand. He then dragged Arthit along with him, outside.

When,  they reached outside, Kongpob let Arthit's hand go and asked in a calm, worried voice, "Are you okay, P'Arthit? Did he hurt you or something?"

"No,  I am okay. What about you,  did you got hurt?" Kongpob shocked his head and asked again, "Who was that guy?"

"A random guy. He had been staring at me the whole time then when he was in a drunk state, he approached me. " Arthit explained.

Kongpob didn't said anything and just pulled Arthit to his embrace.

"It's okay. I am here. You are all safe now."

C H A P T E R | 49

y: anonymouslylazy

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