C H A P T E R | 11

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Chapter 11: Mint's question.

"It is none of your concern, Sir." He said, and put a fake smile.

"We are a boss and employee now. It was appropriate to talk about our private life, right?"

"I repeat, are you hiding something from me?" He asked again. "Sir-"

"Answer the damn question!" Kongpob shouted.

"I am not hiding anything, Sir." He paused, "But, may i ask if you could step out from my way, sir. My daughter is waiting for me."

Kongpob did what he was told and step out from the way. But for some reason, he wanted to stop Arthit and interrogate him.

He wanted to ask him, why he left him or, any explanation about Arthit's daughter.

On the another hand, Arthit sighted as he finally drove off.

He wanted to have some alone time, so, he decided to call Knot and ask him if he could pick Mint up from the school as he was busy doing something.

Knot then happily agreed to Arthit.


Knot was now, on his way to Mint's room. And was excited to see her again.

"Mint, your uncle was here!" Ms. Tan said and Mint's mood lit up.

"Uncle Knot!" She said and grabbed her backpack and her lunch.

She run to him and Knot crouched to catch her. "How was the class?"

"It was fun, Uncle." She said. "Let's go?" He asked and Mint nodded.

They bid a goodbye to Ms. Tan and to her classmates.

"Uncle, where is papa?" She asked as Knot was buckling her belt.

"He was busy so he asked me to pick you up. Why, don't you want me to pick you up?" He asked and Mint replied, "No, but i am surprised that you picked me."

Knot chuckled and pated her head.


After a few minutes of driving, Arthit reached his destination. It was a park.

He walked towards the bench and sat there.

He remembered, this is the park he and Kongpob always went, years ago. Although, he himself didn't know why he came here, he still feels the warm fresh air.

He missed those time, wherein he and Kongpob used to go here.

Sometimes, he always thought, what if Kongpob stayed, or, if he knew his Pregnancy, sooner.

But, deep inside him, felt like his decision was right. Right because, after all, Kongpob eventually reached his dreams. But part of him felt regret.

A regret that, his daughter grew up, without meeting her father. And, most importantly, lying to the both of them.

Back then, he remembered, calling Kongpob's name when he was crying every night.


Kongpob on the another hand, reached his house. He opened the door with his keys and entered.

As usual, he took of his shoes and put his breaf case to the sofa.

He throw himself to the couch and sat there, helplessly.

He rubbed his temples and sighted. He wanted to know if he was telling him the truth that he was not hiding something from him.

Kongpob felt it strange. First, Arthit broked up with him, then didn't showed to the airport, and there were no news from him.

For the past years, he wanted to know where Arthit was, nor how was he.

He even remembered, he let Aim to go to Arthit's apartment and check on him but then, the news shocked him.

Arthit was no longer there and there's a new tenant.

But then, he was so happy to see Arthit but then, felt his whole world collapsed when he learnt that Arthit had a daughter.

All these happenings broked Kongpob piece by piece. He is not okay to this.

He even asked himself, "Is it really easy for him to move on while i was here still hoping for us."

All these years, Kongpob was still indeed hoping for the two of them to get back together.

But all his dreams were shuttered. Everything was breaking piece by piece.


"Alright, Dinner is served!" Tew said, and placed the dish to the table.

"Thank you, Uncle!" Mint thanked him. "You are always welcome dear." He said and pinched Mint's cheeks.

"Oh, right. Uncle Knot, Uncle Tew. I want to ask something."

"What is it dear?" Knot asked. "Do you know who was my mama?" She asked tilting her head.

Knot and Tew were dumfounded to Mint's question.

"We...." Knot looked at Tew. Tew shook his head and mouthing "No." To Knot.

"Mint, the dish is getting cold. Let's eat." Tew said, putting a fake smile on his face.

"But you haven't answered my question yet." She complained. "Well, she...."

But just in time, Arthit knocked. Tew opened the door and welcomed Arthit.

"Papa!" Mint ran to him. "How is my beautiful daughter?" He asked. "I am good papa." Mint smiled.

"Hey, Arthit join us." Tew said, placing another set of plate and utensils into the vacant position.

"Sure." He said and smiled to the couple.

He sat down and joined them to dinner.

The house was filled by giggling and laughter that night.

After they were all done, Arthit cleaned everything up and Tew was the one washing the plates.

While as Knot and Mint were playing.

On the kitchen, it was only Tew and Arthit.

"Something bothering you?" Tew asked. "Well, i..."

"Come on, Phi. We've known each other more than a decade now."

"Well, Kongpob....he...." Arthit was hesitant,  "He?"

"He met Mint." Arthit said, straight forward. Tew's eyes widened. "For real?"

"Yesterday at the mall. Then, earlier he kept asking about Mint."

Tew sighted. "So, he indeed saw Mint?"

"Yeah, he even asked how old she is. I said four then, when he asked my co-worker she said five." Arthit paused, "Then, at the parking lot, he blocked my way and you know what, he was too logical."

"How so?" Tew questioned.

"He even asked if I cheated on him." He said.

"Well, even if I were him. I would ask the same. I mean, she is the same age as the separation. So, if Kongpob didn't knew that you are asexual, then he would think that you cheated." Tew commented.

"I felt guilty." Arthit said and Tew's brows arched. "I felt guilty for lying to the both of them." He finally spoked out.

And the guilt was killing him inside.

C H A P T E R | 11
By: anonymouslylazy

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