C H A P T E R | 53

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Chapter 53: Mint's Graduation.

The most awaited day, had finally arrived. Three days, after the proposal and announcement were made, another even had come again. Today is the day that Mint is graduating Kindergarten.

Although, Arthit was a little nervous, he still tried to keep calm. Especially it was him who will climb up to the stage with her, while Kongpob will just watch them from his seat.

"Now, let's call in to the graduate's of class 2022." The principal said, announcing that it is time for the kids to receive their awards and pins. All Mint's classmates had been called, one by one, and eventually close to her name.

"Now, let's call on, to Mitturinn Rojnapat to receive the following pins; arts pins, sports pin and most diligent student award." The principal said, and the teacher, Ms. Tan gave Arthit the medals and the certificate of completion of Mint.

"Congratulations, Mr. Rojnapat." Ms. Tan said, shaking hands with Arthit. "Thank you, Ms. Tan."

He then, continued to put the medal to Mint's. They just took a quick picture together from the school photographer, while Kongpob just took a shot of them, onto his phone as a remembrance and immediately put it as his wallpaper.

After that, Arthit and Mint got off the stage. "Daddy!" Mint exclaimed, and immediately ran to Kongpob. "Congratulations, sweetheart." He said, sa he lifted up Mint and carried her into his arms.


"Thank you for coming, Mr. Rojnapat." Ms. Tan said, as the ceremony just finished. The teacher was talking with Arthit while the father and daughter was talking with Mint's classmates.

"Mint was a very good student. She is smart and very friendly." Ms. Tan, praised Mint. "Well, i am glad to hear those."

"Well, you better be, Mr. Rojnapat. Everyone adored her."

Ms. Tan then, looked at Mint and looked back at Arthit. "Well, do you mind if I ask something?" The teacher asked. "Go ahead, Ms. Tan."

"Well, i have been seeing that man, lately picking up Mint. Is he one of her uncles?"

Teachers can be nosy sometimes, but Arthit prepared himself for that kind of question. "Well, he was actually my fiancé and, he is Mint's daddy." Although he quite embarrassed to say that, Infront of the teacher, he still feels like he was happy, sharing someone something that every normal or straight couple does.

"Oh, well i must say, they do looked a like." The teacher said, looking back to the two. "And, i must say, that you two are lucky to have him."

"Well i...." Arthit couldn't say any word to reply to the teacher as he reddened in shyness.

"Ba-bye Sofia!" Mint said, waiving her hands to her classmate who was also waiving her hand before she completely disappeared from the school gates.

"Let's go. Your papa is waiting for us." Kongpob said,and Mint nodded. They then, spotted Arthit talking to the teacher.

The went to them and Kongpob and wrapped his arms around his waist, possessively. And, since it was a sudden action, Arthit looked at his side.

"Let's go?" Kongpob asked. Arthit looked at Kongpob. Indeed, he was jealous of him talking to another woman. The teacher also, notice how Kongpob hold Arthit and chuckled. "Alright, Mr. Rojnapat. I'll get going now. It was nice talking to you."

The teacher then, walked out from the scene to leave the family alone.

"You don't have to do that." Arthit said, as he buckled up his seatbelt. "Do what?"

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