C H A P T E R | 58

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Chapter 58: The most awaited day.

Arthit's mother weld up. She couldn't help but to tear up, seeing her son, getting married. "You are now getting married." His mother said, fixing his suit.

"Come on mom. Sure, i am getting married, but i am still your little boy." Arthit said to his mother, assuring her. "I hope your father really sees you, like this. He would definitely be happy."

"I know, mom. He would definitely be happy." Arthit replied and wiped the tears from his mother's cheeks. His mother couldn't say anything, as there were no more words that could describe how she was happy for her son to find such a man.

Sure, they may had a lot of misunderstandings but, still they've managed to overcome it. They did go to different paths in life yet, destiny still made it's way for them to meet each other again.

Soon after, the mother-son moment was shortly cut off, as the door of the room opened. "Can I come in?"

"You may come in, Aunty." Arthit said, smiling to the lady. "You look stunning." The lady commented, as she approached Arthit.

"Thank you, Aunty. You too look so young in your dress." Arthit replied, making the lady chuckled. "Dear, stop calling me Aunty. Call me Mae as from now on, you'll be going to be my son, too." She said.

Although, she had made a big mistake to him, Arthit still forgiven this woman, standing infront of him. No matter how she had talked about him, he couldn't get mad at her. She was just a human being, and all human beings always make mistakes, no matter whether, its rich or poor.

Hence, he also made a mistake. He had lied, and hid Mint from Kongpob. Maybe, if it weren't for Earth, this wedding, might not happen. Or, worse, Kongpob might already got married and who knows, maybe starting to build his own family? But either way, it was Arthit whom, Kongpob was marrying.


"You look so handsome, Kong!" Deer commented, praising his junior. "Thank you, P'Deer."

Knot then, held Kongpob's shoulders and said, "Kong, i entrust you Arthit, okay? Don't do anything that would hurt him, or else!" He threatened, pointing at him. Kongpob, just chuckled and replied, "I wouldn't make him cry, Phi. I swear."

"Well, you better be!" Knot again, warned and gave Kong a glare. "Aw, Ai'Knot. Don't scare Kongpob, like that. You don't want Arthit to be widowed, do you?" Bright asked.

"I am just making sure." Knot responded. "Even if you wouldn't tell him, Kongpob would still take care of Arthit anyway." Said, Prem, who was sitting at the couch, scrolling to his phone and then, turned his head to Kongpob, "Right, Kong?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I, Phi?"


The orchestra, started playing the melodic music covered the whole room, and the visitors, really relaxed to the music that was playing.

But, as the visitors were enjoying the music, Kongpob on the another hand, couldn't help but to feel anxious. Arthit was coming in, soon yet, he couldn't feel at ease.

And, the music stopped. Everyone looked at the big tall door that was closed. Slowly, the door opened, revealing Arthit himself. As he enters, Mint and Tian approached him, and started walking. They walked to the long aisle, while throwing the flowers from her basket from the side and to the other while Tian was holding a small cushion where the rings were, one was layed flat while the other was on top..

They are followed by Arthit, who's eyes were only fixed to Kongpob's. While, on the side, his mother couldn't help but to tear up, seeing her son, walking down the aisle.

Finally, Mint and Tian stopped their tracks. Mint went to the left side, with her Nana and Tian went to the right, where his daddy Todd was. While, Arthit continued to walk, until he reached Kongpob. Kongpob let out his hand, offering for Arthit to hold it. And, Arthit gladly held his hand, taking another step, Infront of the priest.

"Goodmorning, everyone." The priest started, "We are here, gathered together to witness Arthit and Kongpob being each other's half."

The priest then, looked at everyone and asked, "If there is anyone who wanted to object the wedding, you may speak or be silent, forever."

He again, looked around, and found no one objects, so he continued. He then, handed Kongpob the mic, initiating him to read his vow. Arthit and Kongpob then, faced each other.

He first then, cleared his throat and read the vow that he made, that was in his other hand.

"P'Arthit, let me tell you this, frankly. I, Kongpob really didn't even thought that i would meet you again. I never thought that, i would be here, standing Infront of you in this altar. But here i am, standing Infront of you, saying my vow. I am grateful, to meet you, again.

You thought me many things, such as, what was real meaning of love, forgiveness and patience. You made a lot of changes of my life. I may not be perfect, but i will try to do my very best, to be a good husband to you, and a good father to our children, and to the future ones. I promise, to love you, and to grow old with you, until the rest of our lives and our next life, after that."

Arthit chuckled, hearing Kongpob's vow. Kongpob then, handed him the mic as it was his turn.

"Kongpob, I myself was also not perfect. I had made a lot of mistakes, yet you are still here, standing Infront of me. I have lied, several times to you, i hid our daughter to you, yet you are still here. Words really can't describe, how happy I am, to be granted to stand here, Infront of you.

I may not be perfect human being, but i assure you that i will always remain faithful and a loving husband towards you. I will do my very best, to be a good husband and a good papa, to our children. I, Arthit Rojnapat, am vowing to you, that you will be the only man I will love, until the rest of my life."

Kongpob tear a little, hearing Arthit's vow. Arthit then, handed the mic back to the priest. The priest then, face Kongpob, "Kongpob Suthilack, do you take Arthit Rojnapat as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold. For richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do." Kongpob didn't hesitate and answered, immediately.

"Arthur Rojnapat, do you take Kongpob Suthilack as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold. For richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest again asked, facing Arthit. "I do."

The crowd cheered, and then, Tian, approached them with the ring in the little cushion he was holding.

Kongpob then, picked up the ring that was on top and held Arthit's hand, gently. "Let this ring symbolize my faithfulness towards you. To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health, until do us part."

Kongpob then, gently slid the ring into his finger. After him, Arthit too, picked the ring, and held Kongpob's hand. "Let this ring symbolize my faithfulness towards you. To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health, until do us part." And slid the ring into his finger.

"Then, as the Gods gave me a powers, i now pronounce you, Husband and Husband you may now kiss." The priest announced.

Arthit then, wrapped his arms around Kong and Kong wrapped his into his waist and, slowly leaning on each other, until their lips touched each other.

Finally, it was official. They are officially each other's half.

C H A P T E R | 58
by: anonymouslylazy

A/N: How was the wedding chapter? Did you liked it?

Heads up, it was now only a last two chapters and this book was now coming to an end.

That's all, thank you and hope to see you to the next update.

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