C H A P T E R | 47

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Chapter 47: Family day.

"Ready to go?" Kongpob asked. The two nodded their heads. "Then, let's go!" He said as he picked Mint ups and put her in the backseat.

While Kongpob was seated to the driver's seat and Arthit was at the passenger seat.

Today was the first Sunday they will spend as a family. Kongpob suggested that they have a family day together. Well, it was really approved for Mint since, she really wanted to do that with him.

So, they decided to go to the nearby park to have a little picnic and then go to the mall after.

Arthit's mother was not with them at the time as, she already went back to her home, last friday.

And as the three finally reached their destination, Mint started running to the large plot of grass. While the couple, just placed their mat and Kongpob placed every food they had pack from the picnic basket to the mat.

"Mint, be careful!" Arthit shouted, and Kongpob said, "Let her be. Let her have some fun."

Arthit then, slapped Kongpob on his shoulders and the latter just laughed. Arthit gave him a death glare, that made Kongpob chuckled and just like that, Kongpob kissed him, passionately.

Arthit immediately pulled out, and slapped Kongpob's shoulders again, pointing and glaring at him. "Kongpob!"

"What?" He then again, gave the elder a teasing smile, "We are a couple. It was normal for couple to kiss."

"Mint was just around. What if she'll see us?" He asked.

"See the kiss, papa?" Mint asked as she popped out from his back. Arthit frighten a little. "Mint!"

"That was an elders things. Kids like you shouldn't interfere." Arthit scolded Mint. But the little girl's didn't listen and ran to her daddy and sat Infront of him.

"Hey, don't run, just like that!"

The two laughed, and Arthit was quite pissed. "Papa was angry." Mint whispered.

Arthit just rolled his eyes and cursed Kongpob under his breath.

"Yes, he definitely is." Kongpob whispered back and the two laughed again.


After lunch, the three were going to the mall, as they planned out. The three agreed to watch a movie together and let Mint pick what they will be watching.

"You like that one?" Kongpob asked and Mint nodded in response. Kongpob bought a tickets and Arthit and Ming brought a popcorn and drinks for the movie.

Right as the three just seated, the movie was starting.

Mint was laughing so hard. The movie she chose was a comedy one and seems like the movie didn't disappointed her. Kongpob and Arthit was quite surprised. Mint already knew what she wanted to watch and even became great at picking things.

After that, they finished the movie, they roamed around the mall. Going from a one store to another.

As they were at the clothing store, Kongpob was sitting at the bench while waiting for Arthit who was paying at the cashier and, the little girl, was sitting at Kongpob's side, playing with her papa's phone.

Then, a girl, who was around 20's approached Kongpob.

"Hi, i have noticed you for a while now and i was thinking if, i could get your number?" The woman asked.

It was true, it was quite a while now since the line at the clothing store was quite long and, as the girl was picking what to buy, she noticed Kongpob and fell to his charm and couldn't help but to approach him first.

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