C H A P T E R | 24

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Chapter 24: The Truth.

Arthit and Mint reached their home, and Arthit lead Mint to the front door.

He unlocked the door, using his key and opened it. Mint quickly ran up to her room, after putting off her shoes.

Arthit on the another hand, was left again, downstairs and was arranging their shoes to where they belong. After that, Arthit stood up and made his way to the fridge to get something to drink. As he opened the fridge, he noticed something that caught his sight. It was an Iced coffee that he bought not too long. Without having a second thought, he quickly grabbed it and drank it.

He had been drinking the Ice coffee since he could remember. This always reminds him of the person he loved the most.


He closed his eyes and breathe. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the sunlight, peeking out from the tall window frame.  He sighed. Then, he put the ice coffee into the counter and went upstairs to look for Mint.

He smiled when he saw his daughter holding something. He thought it was something like a card or and envelope but as he moved next to Mint, he was surprised. "Where did you find those?" He asked curiously.

"Papa, where is mama?" She asked. "Why are you asking me that?" Arthit frowned "Didn't i told you that your mama was away?" and looked to the things that his daughter was holding. Arthit paled as he saw what was Mint was holding.

It was his and Mint's first picture together. Arthit was wearing the hospital gown, while he was holding Mint into his arms. It was dated back to the day when mint was born.

July 22nd. And Mint was an hour old.

"Papa. Why was mama not there?" Mint asked looking at Arthit who was pale on the spot.

"Well....she.." Arthit was now caught off from all the lies he told her. "Mama don't exist. Does she?" Mint asked. Her eyes were already filled with sadness and tears.

Arthit then looked to her hazel eyes and said, "She isn't." He said, in a low tone. "Then...did you adopted me?" Mint asked. Arthit shooked his head. "No, no. You are not."

"Then, how did I exist?" She asked pointing herself. "Well...i.."

"It's now or never, Arthit." He thought to himself.

Arthit took a minute to collect himself up and told Mint the truth. The whole truth about how he gotten pregnant by her but excluded the fact that, Kongpob was her other father.

Arthit thought, Mint would stop asking questions regarding about her other parent but boy, he was wrong.

She started asking questions about her other father.

She was like; "Was he handsome? Was he tall? Do I look like him? What does he like to do the most? Was he strict?"

And Arthit sighed and just answered every question Mint have in mind but he was careful not to say his name.

As Arthit was answering all her questions, Mint was getting excited and excited to get to know about her other father. She was eager to know him even if it was just a little. She was already starting to imagine how her father looked like.

Oh, the Mint who was about to cry earlier, was now replaced by a smile and excitement. As if, Mint didn't nearly cried earlier.

"Then, papa. Have I met him?" She asked innocently. Arthit was then, taken a back of her question. Now that Mint knew that Arthit was the one who gave birth to her felt like the heavyweight on his chest were all putted at ease but then, it was again replaced by another. "You.... haven't yet..." Arthit said to her, making her pout. "Then...if I grew up, then will I be able to him?"

"Maybe, sweetheart. I don't know." He said and hugged her tight. "I will see him, right?" She asked again.

Arthit smiled. This is the moment he have been waiting for. To tell Mint everything. And if, possible, he might tell her the whole truth.


The next day, it was still the same. The cold war was still going on but sometimes, Kongpob couldn't help but to glance at the elder male everytime he got a chance.

Right now, it was 3:45 pm and it signals all the workers to go back to their works, after a little break. They all are seated to their seats, finishing every task they have got. Well, lucky for Arthit, he have to go again to the director's office to pass these folders.

He was already standing in front of the door and he tried to peek through but the windows were covered.

He first sighed and knocked three times. "Come in." He heard Kongpob told him so, he twist the knob and entered.

Entering the office, the first thing that caught his attention was Kongpob who was seating at his chair, looking at every documents that was stacked up on his table while, his glasses where already at the bridge of his nose while his hair was quite messed up and there were visible eyebags that could be seen to his face. It looks like he have been so busy and didn't have time to rest. Arthit just stood there, quietly, looking at Kongpob.

Kongpob then put the folder to his desk and looked at the direction where Arthit was.

"What do you need?" Kongpob asked as his usual cold tone. Arthit sighed and gave Kongpob the folder he was holding. "You asked for this." He said. "If there's nothing else, i will take my leave now. Sir." Arthit said and Kongpob grabbed the folder to review it himself.

While Arthit walked out to the office, closing the door.

Kongpob on the other hand was impressed at his skills. All the format were all arranged in order just like what he wanted to. He then, started flipping the pages of the paper attached to the folder. Once again, Kongpob was impressed, he never saw any errors or anything to his report.

He then, started to review the other folders that was stacked up to his desk. He have been reviewing all of this since morning and just only took a small coffee break. This sure are a very long tiring day for Kongpob.

C H A P T E R | 24
by: anonymouslylazy.

A/N: Okay I was having a hard time deciding how would Mint find out about the truth but the here it is. The was that Mint found the truth wasn't actually planned. But then, it just randomly popped up to my mind.

Anyway, i am so sorry for this late update. I was at the province for the past few days and the connection was very bad but thankfully, i uploaded one chapter 2 days ago. But, don't worry because we are once again, back to the regular updates every night.

That's all. Love Ya'll

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