C H A P T E R | 07

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Chapter 07: Ai-oon.

"Papa?" Mint called him.

Arthit was shock when he heard his daughter.

"M-mint..." He uttered. He quickly cut off the phone call and faced him, "How long have you been standing there?" He asked.

"Just now, you haven't read me a story yet." She said, rubbing her eyes. Good thing, Mint wasn't really fully awake.

Mint yawned, "Whom are you talking to, papa?" She asked. "Oh, it was just your Uncle Knot, asking how are you."

"Really?" She was curious.

"Yes, really. Now, let's go back to sleep. Okay?" He asked and Mint nodded her head.

He grabbed her hand and led the both of them back to her room.

He tucked her in and tell her a story.

And just like before, Mint falls into her dreamland halfway through the story.

When Arthit looked at Mint and noticed she was asleep, he couldn't help but to smile.


The next day, Arthit was ordered to go to the director's cabin to get the file. He knocked on the door, and Kongpob told him to come in.

As he opened the door, Kongpob was sitting at his chair, eyes were fixed in the computer.

"Sir, I need go get the file now." He said, Kongpob looked at him.

"Ai-oon." He called out, Arthit's eyes widened, hearing him calling his nickname.

"It was Arthit, sir." He simply replied. Kongpob was trying to look to his eyes while Arthit just avoiding his gaze.

"Here." He said and hand him the yellow folder.

"Thank you, sir." He said, taking his leave.

After getting out, he finally let out a sight of relief. "Oi, P'Arthit. Are you okay?" Jeed asked.

"I am." He simply replied with a small smile. Jeed just nodded and entered the cabin.

Arthit went back to his seat and leaned his back to his chair.


His mind went blank when Kongpob called him his nickname. He couldn't express what to feel when he called him that.

"Arthit, Arthit. Are you okay?" Earth asked, shaking his shoulders.

"P.....yes I am fine." He said, and gave her a small unconvincing smile. "Arthit, you looked so stressed. Is something bothering you?"

"I am indeed okay, Phi." He said and fixed himself.

"Arthit, i know you are not okay."

"I am indeed okay." Arthit was persistent to convince Earth that he was okay but, that wouldn't work.

"No, you are NOT." She emphasized. "YES, i am."

"Was it because of the new director?" She asked and Arthit shut hi mouth. He was taken a back from Earth's question.

"He's not related to any problem of mine." He said and held his temples. "Arthit, you know you can tell me anything."

"But, phi." He whined like a kid. "I am indeed fine." He said and give her reassuring smile.

Earth couldn't help but to sight. She stand up and said to him, "Whatever."

She finally let him in peace. Although, she stopped, Arthit still couldn't feel at ease.

Now, things have been adding up to his problems. The daughter and father were causing him to loose his mind into such a thing.


After having a small talk with jeed, Kongpob decided to get himself a cup of coffee, but right as he was just passing by Arthit's office, he saw Arthit, feeling down and seems to be stressing.

He went to his table and looked at him. "Ai-oon, are you okay?" He asked.

Arthit's mind was all occupied by the things that are happening to his life when a familiar, soft but a manly voice was heard.

He nearly jumped on his seat when, he looked at the person standing next to him.

"Kong- Khun Kongpob." He greeted politely, forcing himself to smile.

"It's fine. No one is around anyway."

"Well, what can I do for you, sir?" He asked and fixed himself.

"Why don't you join me for a cup of coffee?" He offered. "Huh?"

"I am inviting you to join me for a cup of coffee." He repeated.

"Well...... I am...... Busy! Right, busy!" He awkwardly laugh to brush of his excuse.

"But, you didn't even opened a file to your monitor.

'well, that was awkward..'

"Uh, haha.... I am actually going with.... P'Earth." He excused again.

He was about to stand up when, Kongpob held his shoulders and said, "It's the director's order!" He firmly said and glared at him.


Sitting at a cafe, near to the window. Arthit couldn't help but to sight. He have no choice but to obediently followed Kong's request.

"It's it nice. Having a coffee with a nice weather. Just like the old times." Kongpob suddenly said and Arthit only looked at him.

"But, i wanted to ask you, something." He said, and looked straight to Arthit's eyes.

"I want to know, why didn't you showed up?"

Arthit was silent. He don't know how to answer his question. "Answer me, Ai-oon."

"Personal matter." He simply answered.

"Oh, so now, it is more important to keep it that to let me know?" He asked sarcastically.

"A family matter, Kong."

"Then, why didn't you even told me through text or a call?"

"Why, are you even interested to it?" He asked Kongpob, finally facing him.

"I just wanted an explanation from you."

"Well then, you are late for my explanation and i have nothing to explain to you neither, i need to explain to you."

Arthit grabbed his bag and ready to leave the cafe.

He was about to hail a taxi cab but Kongpob stopped him. "I need an explanation from you." He said, holding into Arthit's hand.

"Just like i said, i don't have something to explain to you."

"But, i want to hear what happened to you, that day when I told you to come." He asked him again, gripping his hand, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I do not." He said, "Then, explain to me if you are not hiding something."

"My grandmother died. Happy?" He shouted.

Well, technically. His grandmother was dead before they even met each other but then, because of this kind of situation, he couldn't think of anything other than this.

"Well....i am sorry..." Kongpob apologized.

He jerked off his hand and told him, "We are just now, work mates. A boss and an employee. So, please if this wasn't even work related please stop doing this kind of things. Others might misunderstood us."

After that, he rushed out and hailed a cab to the company to get his car.

'Goodthing, i found an alibi. Or else...'

C H A P T E R | 07
By: anonymouslylazy

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