C H A P T E R | 23

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Chapter 23: Cold War.

"Papa, why is that mister hugging you?" Mint asked, pointing out to the two men.

The two broke the hug and Arthit rushed toj his daughter and crouched.

"Let's get inside?" Arthit asked Mint. Mint then looked at Kongpob, who wanted to go near her and embrace her.

"But papa-" Mint was about to say something but then, Arthit already pushed her in, leaving Kongpob outside of the house, without sparing a glance.

"Papa, what is wrong?" Mint asked as she knew something was up, from the two men.

"We-" Arthit sighted, "I mean, he and I were just friends. It's normal to hug each other. Right?" He asked as he squats to her height. "But papa, friends don't hug like that."

Mint looked at him and smiled, "So that means, you are more than that." She paused, "Then you guys are bestfriends!"

Arthit looked at his daughter, he thought he was cought. Great thing, Mint was still not opened her mind to this stuffs.

He patted her head and stood up to carry Mint inside the house.


A few days after the unexpected visitation, Arthit of course still avoid Kongpob. And eventually, the war between them were not like the other week. The war between them was now a cold war. They wouldn't talk to each other, unless necessarily. And technically, they only passed by to each other without any greetings or anything. It was just the two have their own bubble and the bubble, only excluded each other.

Arthit was not really hurt about this, and think that it was maybe the good thing to happen to them, eversince the reunion. While, Kong was deeply hurt, not talking and ignoring Arthit, who became part of his life. But, part of him, think that Arthit deserved this kind of treatment.

Arthit right now, was just sitting to his chair trying to finish the documents.

It was already, 9:37 pm and Arthit was the only employee left to the company. He already called Knot, hours ago and asked him to take care of Mint.Knot just warned him to not overworked himself again, and agreed.

Arthit then sighted, as he looked at the time on his phone. He was still not finished doing his work and stretch his limbs and went back to work.

Kongpob on the another hand, passed by, and saw him. He stood there, looking at Arthit doing his work.

He was about to go near him when, Arthit's phone rang.

"What's up Knot?" Arthit asked. He thought it was just he himself, and just put the call in speaker.

"Your daughter missed you already."

"Is she asleep?" Arthit again asked, looking at the monitor.

"No, not yet. She was awake." Knot said and gave the phone to mint. "Papa!"

"Mint, why are you still not sleeping? It was already passed your bed time."

"But papa is not here so, i couldn't fall asleep." Mint said, and Arthit sighted. "You should be asleep, Sweetheart. How could you grown taller, huh?"

"But papa, can't you come home now!" Mint whined.  "I still have a lot of things to finnish, sweetheart. Go to bed first then, i'll pick you up."

"Noo! I don't want to sleep!"

Arthit again sighted, "Do you want ice cream? I could stop by a store, on the way."

"I don't want ice cream. I want to cuddle you, papa." Mint said, pouting.

Mint was clingy to his papa, sometimes and Arthit was used to it and always find an excuse, but, today seems the excuse of the adult didn't affected the younger.

"Come home papa. Please." Mint pleaded.

Hearing his daughter, pleasing Arthit couldn't bear it any longer and decided to cut the day off.

"Fine, fine. Papa is going home now." He said and chuckled. "Yeyyyy!! Papa is coming! Papa is coming!"

He hanged up the phone and started packing his things. After that, he wore his bag and turned off the PC.

But as just he was about to go, he met Kongpob's hazel eyes. But, just as expected, Arthit just ignored him and walked away. Eventually, Kongpob didn't stop him from leaving nor, say a word. He just stood there, unmoving, looking at Arthit walking further away.

A tear escaped from his left eye. He don't know what to say, or to think. He had a lot things that he missed as a father.

Mint's first walk, first talk, first bath, first cry. Everything. As a father without any knowledge about his own child, and didn't even know that the kid's existence, he felt like everything was his fault. Everything happened because of his ambition.

He left his daughter and his lover, just to chase his dream.

Oh, how Kongpob wished to turn back the time. And make everything right.


As promised, Arthit stopped by the convenience store, and grabbed some ice cream, although Mint didn't agree, he still bought her a tab of ice cream.

Reaching Knot's house. Mint greeted him with a smile and run to cling to her papa. Arthit chuckled and picked her up. "You are late, papa!" Mint suddenly spoke.

"Then, can you forgive papa?" He asked and showed the plastic bag containing the icecream tab inside. "Hmp!" She pouted and grabbed the bag.

Arthit then, turned his attention to Knot who was standing in the corner, watching the two. "We are going now." Arthit informed Knot and Knot smiled, nodding his head.

The two then, bid a goodbye to the couple and came home.

On the way, Mint kept looking at the ice cream tab in her hand. While Arthit remained calm and fixed his eyes to the road.

Mint sang a song and it made Arthit smiled. Her voice were soft and smooth. Arthit's worried were all putted a side as he was listening to her. It was indeed such a beautiful voice.

"Papa, did you know? My teacher said I sang really good!" She excitedly said to Arthit.

"She did?" He asked, arching his left brow. "Yes papa. She said, i sang really good. She even told me, to sang at the upcoming school event!" She said and smiled widely.

"You are indeed good, Sweetheart." He praised her and smiled. But for real, he wanted to add, "Just good as your father."

C H A P T E R | 23
by: anonymouslylazy

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